In particular, the water attribute and the fighting attribute are 4 times weaker in the first two phases and 4 times weaker in the Bankiras period.

This is very disadvantageous for young Kiras, but these can be specially trained, although these special training can not change the restrained attributes of young Kiras, but it will definitely have an effect, so that young Kiras will not be powerless when fighting against the opposite attributes.

Wang Lin is going to list all the items that young Kiras needs to train on a table.

Young Kiras, who was just playing, shuddered.

"What's the matter, why do I suddenly feel a little cold, could it be that I have a cold, shouldn't it, I'm a quasi-god, how can I catch a cold, it must be my delusion."

However, the body of young Kiras was honestly approaching the big brother Kirbymon.


The next day, when Wang Lin checked the number of applicants again, it was almost close to 100 trainers, although these people only signed up, and they did not necessarily come to participate in the competition.

Xu Wenqiang's big needle bee was training in the ring all day today, and Xu Wenqiang just watched it a few times in the middle, whether the big needle bee was lazy.

And his own young Kiras will only hug him when he walks over, sell cute and cheating food and drink in front of the guests, and Wang Lin is angry, and then he will exchange a few equipment for training young Kiras in the system mall.

Today, Xu Wenqiang received a muscular man, this strong man's arms are thick, his chest muscles are developed, and those strong chest muscles can make most women feel ashamed.

This strong man drew a wrist under the guidance of Xu Wenqiang.

Wrist Force is 80cm tall, is a humanoid elf, gray all over, with three tile-shaped objects on the top of the head, with red pupils, black pupils, hands are the same as human hands, with 5 fingers, feet without toes, and a tail behind him.

Wrist strength looks a little thin, and traces of ribs can be seen from the chest, but this is just a look, in fact, the muscles of wrist strength are still relatively developed.

When he saw the picture of wrist strength, this muscular man turned his head and left, the wrist strength on the picture looked too thin, and he could know by looking at this person's own body shape that he would definitely not like this kind of skinny elf.

Seeing that the wrist strength is so thin and weak, I lose the desire to buy.

Xu Wenqiang is also a smart person, he probably guessed why the muscular strong man left, so after talking about it, the strong man agreed to stay and listen to his introduction.

"This elf is called wrist power, you don't look at it looks thin, in fact, its muscles are very developed, and it just looks thin now, and it won't be like this when it evolves."

Xu Wenqiang explained to the strong man, and took out a picture of the evolved heroic power of wrist strength to show the strong man.

The strong man's name is Wang Sen, Wang Sen was very thin when he was a child, although his height was not worse than his peers, but because he was too thin, the whole person looked like a malnourished sugar cane.

Because he was too thin, Wang Sen was often bullied by other friends, and they all said that Wang Sen was a thin monkey, and this situation continued until Wang Sen graduated from junior high school, and it did not improve until Wang Sen entered high school.

After the exam, Wang Sen came into contact with fitness, and after a summer of fitness, Wang Sen became stronger, although he was not strong, but he was not much worse than ordinary people.

From now on, no one will say that Wang Sen is a thin monkey, and his classmates will no longer bully him, and then Wang Sen will like fitness.

"This little guy can really look like this in the future."

Wang Sen pointed to the two pictures and asked incredulously.

"If it's fake, although they are very different now, but wrist strength can indeed evolve into Haoli, you wait a minute, I'll show you my elf."

Xu Wenqiang went to the battle ring and called his big needle bee over, and took out his mobile phone to show Wang Sen a photo of himself and the unicorn worm.

"Look, this is my big needle bee, it used to look like this."

"And the wrist strength is just a picture to look thin, and when you see the elf, you will know that it is not thin."

For people who are not afraid of bugs, is the big needle bee thief handsome.

"Is that really the case? I don't read much, don't lie to me. In

fact, there are still many similarities between wrist strength and Haoli, and Wang Sen was moved when he saw Haoli's picture.

"Of course, this big brother, I see that your muscles are so powerful, you must like fitness very much, and your wrist strength is also very fond of exercising muscles, which is very suitable for you."

When Wang Sen heard someone praise his muscles, he unconsciously raised his arms and showed off his muscles.

"Okay, then I'll trust you, I hope it can really be like you say."

Wang Sen was persuaded by Xu Wenqiang to buy wrist strength.

"Okay, pay here."

After the last elf price adjustment, the price of wrist power only needs Blue Star Coin in the early 100,000s, which is relatively affordable.

Wrist power can evolve once after evolving into mighty power.,Evolved into strange power.,The race value of strange power has reached 505 points.,It's also a very powerful elf.,It's just that the way of evolution is a bit troublesome.。

After Wang Sen paid the Blue Star Coins, Xu Wenqiang took out the wrist-strength Poke Ball.

He released his wrist strength, and then scanned it with the Spirit Illustrated Book:


Wrist Strength, Fighting Attributes, Strange Power Pokémon Level: 5

Characteristics: No Defense

Skills: Kick Down, Stare Eyes, Gather Qi

Introduction: Wrist Strength, Strange Power Pokémon, I like to exercise my muscles the most, and I will challenge a variety of fighting skills to make myself stronger.

The wrist force is very powerful, with muscles that do not feel sore no matter how you exercise, and it is proficient in various fighting skills, and it is said that it is strong enough to lift huge stones.

"You see, this is wrist strength, it's actually quite strong."

Xu Wenqiang pinched the muscles of his wrist and was taken aback.

Even he didn't expect that his wrist strength was so strong, and the muscles in his arm were very developed, but it looked so thin.

After the wrist strength was released, it raised its hands, showed its muscles, and then observed Wang Sen, it knew that this person would be its trainer in the future.

Seeing that Wang Sen was also so strong, his wrist strength nodded with satisfaction, not bad, strong enough, I like it.

Wrist strength will have three skills, one of which is a kick down, and two of which are general skills, Stare and Gather.

The Qi Gathering Skill and the Sharpening Skill are almost the same as being able to hit the vital effect.

[Gathering Qi: Normal, Change

Power: 0

Introduction: Take a deep breath and concentrate, so that your attacks will be easier to hit the vital point. 】


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