[Lava Bug, Fire Attribute, Lava Pokémon

Level: 15

Trait: Body of Flames

Skills: Yawn, Turbid Mist, Sparks, Falling Rocks, Hardening, Burning.

Introduction: Lava insects live in very hot places, and the flow of lava in its body is not blood, but scorching lava, in order to maintain the flow of lava in the body, lava insects must walk around without sleep, otherwise the body will cool and harden, solidify and crack. The

Lava Worm has a red body, yellow eyes, a pair of flame-like tentacles on the top of its head, and droplet-shaped objects hanging from both sides of its mouth.

The characteristics of this lava worm are also very interesting, the characteristics of the body of flames, which will cause the elves who come into contact with them to fall into a state of burn during the battle.

If you use a contact skill attack, you will have a certain probability of falling into a burn state, this probability is about 30%, and every contact pair will have a certain probability of falling into a burn state.

If you use a skill with multiple attacks, each hit will trigger this trait separately, such as the Needle Bee's random attack skill and combo slash skill.

Outside of the battle, the Body of Fire trait also has a role, that is, the Body of Fire trait can speed up the hatching of elven eggs, and this effect can be stacked with the effect of the elf incubator.


Xu Wenqiang and Li Jiaxin actually appeared in the fifth round, Xu Wenqiang was in the No. 1 ring, and Li Jiaxin was in the No. 3 ring.

At the beginning of the battle, Li Jiaxin took a cute pose, and then released the Kami Turtle, that's right, Li Jiaxin's Jenny Turtle has reached level 16 and successfully evolved into the Kami Turtle.

[Drop!Kami Turtle, Water Attribute, Turtle Pokémon

Level: 16

Trait: Riptide

Skill: Water Wave, Bite, Impact, Water Gun, Tail Wagging Tail, Rounding, Bubble

Introduction: ......].

Compared to Jenny Turtle, Kami Turtle is much larger and has a height of 100cm, and its body color is much darker than that of Jenny Turtle, although the top of its head is still smooth, but a pair of fluffy ears similar to wings grow on both sides of the head.

Compared to the cute appearance of the Jenny turtle, the Kami turtle has a much more fierce appearance, with tiny fangs on the mouth and three sharp claws on the forelimbs.

However, the character of the Kami turtle does not change as much as the fire dinosaur and Bibi bird, only its appearance changes.

Although Jenny Turtle did not learn new skills after evolving into Kami Turtle, his overall strength has indeed increased a lot, and the double defense race value has reached 80 points, a proper Iron King Type 8 player.

Kami Turtle can be regarded as one of the strongest players in this competition, and without any accidents, he easily won the battle and won the promotion place.

But Xu Wenqiang in the No. 1 ring was not so easy, he and the big needle bee went through a hard battle to win the battle, after all, his big needle bee was only level 11, but the opponent's elf was already level 13.

But the elves on the opposite side can't fly, and the big needle bee relies on its excellent speed and the tactics of touching you and running, and after a hard battle, it won the battle and also qualified for promotion.

In the middle, Wang Lin also asked Youngsters to go up and participate in a battle, which Wang Lin had planned a long time ago, and he didn't go to command Youngsters to play freely.

It turned out that according to Wang Lin's plan, young Kiras should be able to survive one or two rounds, and then after losing, young Kiras will find that he is lacking in strength, and then he can do special training for young Kiras.

But the mistake was beyond Wang Lin's expectations, and Youngsters didn't win a single round.

Although the level of young Kiras is only level 9, with its quasi-god elf ability, if nothing else, it should be able to defeat some level 12 to 13 elves.

Not surprisingly, the unexpected happened, and the young Kiras Elf encountered Waterloo in his first elven battle, and his opponent was a level 15 Lotus Hat Boy.

That's right, it's a dual-attribute elf with water attribute and grass attribute, Lotus Hat Kid, and the level is as high as level 15. A dual-attribute elf is actually nothing, and young Kiras himself is a dual-attribute elf.

However, the problem lies in the dual attributes of young Kiras, the dual attributes of young Kiras are ground and rock, which leads to the fact that young Kiras will be restrained by 4 times the grass attribute and water type elves, that is, if the elves of these two attributes hit young Kiras, they will cause 4 times the damage.

Just right, 4 times the water attribute and grass attribute of the young Kiras, the lotus hat child has it.

At the beginning of the battle, as soon as the Lotus Hat boy fired a water gun, the physical strength of the young Kiras was almost bottoming out, and it was able to survive all thanks to the strong physique of its quasi-god elf.

In the end, he gave Youngsters a grass-attributed absorption skill, and Youngsters was defeated with a glorious record of not touching his opponent.

Wang Lin had to shake his head helplessly, and then took the young Kiras back into the Poké Ball, this was the second time that the young Kiras entered the Poké Ball, the first time was when he was just out of the juvenile stage, and was subdued by Wang Lin using the Poke Ball.

I didn't expect to be received into the Poké Ball in such a state for the second time.

Young Kiras was released after being treated, and as soon as Young Kiras came out, he hugged Wang Lin's trouser legs and cried, but Wang Lin couldn't help it, who called it so lucky.

It seems that there is only one type of elf with water attribute and grass attribute, and there are only a few lotus leaf boys sold by the elf house, so he was lucky enough to meet one by young Kiras.

When the young Kiras finished crying, Wang Lin pretended to be serious and said to the young Kiras with a straight face:

"Young Kiras, do you know why you couldn't beat the Lotus Leaf Boy? "

Wang Lin is already planning to fool young Kiras, and after a while, young Kiras will be level 10, and he can make a training plan for young Kiras.

"Kira ~ Kira ~ Kira ~ Kira ~~"

Young Kiras wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and asked with a puzzled expression, it felt that it was because the level of the Lotus Leaf Child was higher than his own, and his attributes also restrained himself.

"No, no, no, of course it's not because of this, it's because you haven't started training yet, you look at the big needle bee, isn't it just training in the ring every day, so it can win the battle, if you train so hard, then you will definitely become very strong.

However, Wang Lin still didn't say a word to Young Kiras, no matter how much Young Kiras trained, it was unlikely that he would defeat the Lotus Leaf Child of the same level at this stage, even though Young Kiras was a quasi-god elf.


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