Because the speed advantage of the needle bee is mainly reflected in its fast flight, but this means that the needle bee can also run fast, if it reaches the ground, the needle bee will lose its air superiority, and the speed it is proud of cannot be played.

After the Needle Bee dodged, the Croaking Bubble Frog also fell to the ground, although its attack was once again dodged by the Needle Bee, but this time it was not in vain, it successfully interrupted the Needle Bee's Qi Gathering Skill.

It was also at this time that the audience noticed that the elf in ring 3 had moved.

Although it looks like Croaking Bubble Frog and Big Needle Bee have been fighting for two rounds, in fact, the time used in the middle is very short.

Before that, the two elves were not moving again, so most of the audience ran to watch the elves in the other rings fight, and not many people noticed the battle between the big needle bee and the croaking bubble frog.

[Audience A: What happened, those two elves moved like this.] [

Audience B: I didn't see it, my attention was on the other rings just now.

[Audience C: Yes, I too, I only saw the two elves flashing around, and I didn't see them clearly at all. Fortunately

, I just saw the situation in the No. 3 ring, the speed of the two elves is very fast, and the big bee can fly, and the little frog is even more amazing, and it jumps high.

[Yes, yes, yes, I also saw it, although I didn't see it very clearly, but it was much more interesting than the others. 】


Xu Wenqiang calmed down his emotions, fortunately, the big needle bee dodged the attack of the croaking bubble frog, but now that he knows that the croaking bubble frog can jump so high, then there is no way to use the tactics between him.

Xu Wenqiang originally planned to use the advantage in the air to first let the big needle bee use the qi gathering skill, and then cooperate with the sniper trait, he can deal high damage and quickly end the battle.

He observed the appearance of the croaking bubble frog, and he was not a very defensive elf, but Liang Wangyin and the croaking bubble frog did not give him this opportunity at all.

"In that case, let's attack directly, big needle bee, and use the poison needle skill. Xu

Wenqiang commanded the big needle bee to use the poison needle skill to fight back.

The long needle on the tail of the big needle bee condensed the poisonous attribute energy, and then launched a slender poisonous needle, flying towards the croaking bubble frog.

"Croaking Bubble Frog, use the Foam Skill.

Liang Wangyin did not give in, and also commanded the croaking bubble frog to use the foam skill to attack.

The croaking bubble frog condensed a large string of foam and flew towards the needle bee.

The poison needle and the foam collided in the air, and the foam was punctured by the poison needle after touching the poison needle, but the foam of the croaking bubble frog did not have more than one bubble, but a series, and finally the foam skill and the poison needle skill were canceled out in the air.

Next, the two of them commanded the elf to jump sideways in the ring repeatedly, after all, the big needle bee held the air supremacy, and the croaking bubble frog was hit twice by the poison needle, and finally triggered the additional effect of the poison needle, and fell into a poisoned state.

The croaking bubble frog in the poisoned state, the blue skin reveals a little purple.

However, the big needle bee is not having a good time, it was also hit by the foam skill of the croaking bubble frog, and the power of the foam skill is much higher than the poison needle skill.

Moreover, Xu Wenqiang also discovered that after being hit by the foam skill, the flapping of the wings of the big needle bee seemed to be a little stuck, which caused the speed of the big needle bee to be not as fast as before.

This is because after being hit by the bubbles of the croaking bubble frog, the speed of the giant needle bee is slowed down, making the flapping of the wings of the giant needle bee less smooth.

Originally, the speed of the needle bee in the air was much faster than that of the croaking bubble frog, but now it does not seem to be faster than the quacking bubble frog, and at most it remains in the same state as the quacking bubble frog.

At this point, both elves stopped, panting and resting for a while.

Most of the current audience is watching the captain of the No. 3 ring, the croaking bubble frog and the big needle bee fighting, which is not higher than those elves who can only put skills simply.

Liang Wangyin saw the purple skin of the croaking bubble frog and knew that the quacking bubble frog was in a poisoned state, and it seemed that it couldn't be delayed, and if it dragged down, the quack bubble frog in the poisoned state would be very passive.

But at this time, Xu Wenqiang took the first action.

"It's now, big needle bee, use the Qi Gathering skill. "

The distance between the two elves is not too close now, so take this opportunity to quickly let the big needle bee use the Qi Gathering Skill.

Liang Wangyin secretly said that it was not good, although she didn't know what the effect of the qi gathering skill was, but she knew that Xu Wenqiang wanted to use this skill several times, and this skill would definitely be of great help to the big needle bee.

"Croaking Bubble Frog, a flash of lightning, interrupting the use of the skill of the big needle bee. The

croaking bubble frog also immediately used a flash of lightning and rushed towards the big needle bee, but it was too late.

The croaking bubble frog flashed in front of the big needle bee, and this time Xu Wenqiang did not let the big needle bee give up using his skills to dodge the croaking bubble frog's attack.

When the croaking bubble frog hits the big needle bee, the big needle bee has already completed the use of the qi gathering skill, and then it is knocked out by the croaking bubble frog.


The stamina of the big needle bee that was hit dropped by a small section, but the croaking bubble frog also let out a painful cry after hitting the big needle bee.

It's because the croaking bubble frog in the poisoned state is also damaged, and its physical strength has dropped a little.

Then Xu Wenqiang commanded the big needle bee to rise into the air again, and he was slowly about to master the rhythm of this battle.

After flying into the air, the giant needle bee has been flying around the croaking bubble frog, looking for an opportunity, once the opportunity arises, the large needle bee will not hesitate to rush down and launch a fatal blow to the quacking bubble frog.

The two elves faced off again, but this time the croaking bubble frog in the poisoned state was obviously a little anxious, and was quickly seized by the big needle bee.

When the needle bee flew to the side of the croaking bubble frog once, it suddenly swooped down on the croaking bubble frog, and the two spears opened the way in front of the body, like a knight holding the spear and lunging.

"No, croaking frog, get out of the way. When

Liang Wangyin found out, it was too late, and it was impossible for the croaking bubble frog to dodge the attack of the big needle bee at this time.

The big needle bee rushed to the front of the croaking bubble frog and used the random attack skill, and successfully attacked the quacking bubble frog 3 times, although each attack of the random attack skill was only 15 power, but in the three attacks, two of them hit the vital effect.

The croaking bubble frog was caught off guard by the big needle bee, and in a panic, he used his slapping skill to fight back against the big needle bee.

After the big needle bee attacked, he was also slapped out by the croaking bubble frog.


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