Could it be that he was

really wrong in the first place

? His own brother also felt

that he had done wrong! Now even his best friend Madara Uchiha thought

that he was wrong! Could it be that he had really done something wrong?

All this he did was in the hope that peace would come to the ninja world! Didn't he give them the tailed beasts in the hope that there would be no more wars in the future? But why didn't the war stop?

At this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar had fallen into a realm of self-doubt

Although he said that he had done nothing wrong, he had a trace of doubt about his own approach in his heart...

[Thousand Hands: These damn bastards! Under the guise of forming an alliance, they are trying to seize the blood inheritance limit of our animal husbandry! What a mess! These damn bastards !!

] [Bo Feng Shuimen: I have fought with four generations of Lei Ying, and I know a little about him, he is indeed an ambitious guy! It is indeed not strange to be able to do this kind of thing!

] [Ito Makoto: Second generation, why are you so excited? Besides, didn't they succeed?]

[Senjuma: Why am I so excited? Why do you say I'm so excited? Fuck, these damn people who are for the country! Running to Konoha so wild! Do you think the old man can not be excited? Do you think the old man can not be angry?]

[Ito Makoto: Uh......... I mean, don't be so angry just yet, after all, if you're so angry now, you'll probably

be angry for a while!] [Thousand Hands: What do you mean? What do you mean I'm going to be angry for a while? Is there anything even more disgusting happening?]

At this moment, between the Thousand Hands, I just felt that my temples were bursting out, and I was angry! This group of people from the Land of Thunder was already annoying enough to seek to seize Konoha's Blood Inheritance Limit under the guise of forming an alliance! Is there anything more infuriating

? At this time, Senju only reacted, wasn't what he just said about Hinata's death? Now Hinata Hinata is still in Konoha, that is to say, the original action of the Land of Thunder was a failure!

So how did Hinata Hinata die?

Are you here to protect your niece? No, didn't you say that you were trying to protect your brother? What the hell is going on?!

You hurry up and explain it carefully

to the old man! Fuck, I'm angry with the old man! Could it be that you were beaten to death by those cloud ninjas? Then you are too wasteful! The own brother of the dignified patriarch of the Hyuga clan can still be beaten to death by that group of cloud ninja???]

[Hinata Hinata Hinata: No... No......... I wasn't beaten to death by that group of cloud ninjas, that cloud ninja was killed by my

eldest brother!] [Thousand Hands: Yun Ren was killed by your eldest brother? That's okay! Did

the Thunder Country give any explanation? The most important thing is that this is a combination of stolen goods! The wood industry should also ask the Thunder Country Yunyin Village to give compensation, right?]

[Hinata Hinata Hisashi: ............... Second generation

, what you said didn't be...] [Ito Makoto: People have been stolen and obtained, give an explanation, compensation?] [Senju: What's wrong? Makoto boy, is there anything wrong with what I said? I have already been stolen and obtained, shouldn't I give compensation?

] [Ito Makoto: Yes, it should be compensated! To tell you the truth, these are all of these!].

If the monkey can't even do this, then what kind of Hokage is he going to be? Why don't you go home and sell sweet potatoes instead! This Cloud Ninja Village of the Land of Thunder has all ridden on Konoha and shit! It's time to extinguish their arrogance

!] [Uchiha Fugaku: Hehe, everyone says that the second generation of Hokage is both wise and brave! His IQ is even more superb! But now it seems that how can he be like a fool?] [

Senju Fugakuma: What the fuck are you talking about? Is there anything wrong with what the old man said

?] [Uchiha Fugaku: What's the problem? Don't you know if you continue to listen, what's the problem?] Let's let

Hinata Hinata continue.........] [Senju: Hinata, you continue!] [Hinata Hinata

Hinata: Although the matter of Yun Ninja Village has been revealed, and my eldest brother has personally killed Yun Shinobi who came to kidnap Hinata! But they flatly denied this incident! It was even said that it was our Hyuga clan who killed the team they came to conclude the alliance for no reason

!] [Senju Tsukama: What the hell? Fuck it! This Cloud Ninja Village of the Land of Thunder is really shameless!Don't they even want a little face?

] [Madara Uchiha: In the shameless area, I would like to call it the strongest

!] [Senju Tsuruma: It is indeed very shameless!] [

Uchiha Izuna: You go on, what happened later?]

[Hinata Hinata Hizashi: Later, the Cloud Ninja Village asked Konoha to give them an explanation, and even kept putting pressure on the border of our Fire Country! [

Senju Kazuma: ????I'll go to your mother's !! co-author just said that the stress compensation came from?

[Thousand Hands: Hehehe!! Wow! What a wow! Come on, come on, keep talking! I want to see what compensation they want

from the Cloud Ninja Village!] [Hinata Hinatasa: They Yun Ninja asked us Konoha to hand over the murderer!That is, my eldest brother who killed their ninja and the patriarch of our Hyuga clan

!] [Thousand Hands Masama: The grass !! is too deceitful! It is too much deception!

] [Bo Feng Shuimen: How dare they do this?]

How could Konoha agree to hand over his companions

? Impossible! Impossible!] [Senju Tsuruma: Wait! How did you just say you died? You said you died for your eldest brother

! Don't tell me that Konoha agreed to the conditions of the Cloud Ninja Village!!

] [Hinata Hinata Hinatas: Alas, there was really no way at that time, after all...]

[Senju Tsukama: You shut up the old man! As long as the old man hears that Konoha has agreed to Yun Shinobi's conditions, you just need to answer yes or no?!]

At this moment, the second generation of Hokage felt that his lungs were about to explode

! He had never felt so angry

! This Yun Shinobi pulled on Konoha's head, and after, he also peed!

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