Hokage: Start To Beat The Uchiha Family

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight

When Mu Feng hadn't finished speaking, his eyes widened, his face became a little dignified as he looked ahead.

A mighty force came, and only the sound of brushing was heard.

They are all rushing here at an extremely fast speed.

Mu Feng was completely confused!

so many people!

Damn it!

This should be all the elite of Thunder Country.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of rapid footsteps made the entire ground tremble.


Mu Feng retreated directly and continuously, completely distanced from them.

"I wanted to kill them all, but I didn't expect this group of people to come again. It would be better to stay away."

"It's really unlucky, this time you are thankful that your captain is here, otherwise..."

Mu Feng didn't know the current situation, so he still felt far away from them, so that he could better observe their situation.

He stopped attacking, and kept moving back. After pushing it 200 meters away, he stood on a big tree in the distance, looking at them from a distance.

At this moment, Mu Feng instantly felt that he was the real prey, but they were hunters.


Hurry up and hide!

Hide it!

This group of people is not afraid of death and wants to use wheels to fight.

Ha ha, I want to be beautiful!

Let you find us.

The breath became hidden, and at the same time Mu Feng was quickly recovering her Chakra

Although he is in a state of complete victory, he has only one hour, and he must maintain good physical strength.

He didn't know if he could stay here forever. Seeing such a scene, he had to lead all these people over.

Only then can there be a chance to win.


The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Originally, there were dozens of meters left to kill their captain, but he did not expect to retreat to more than a hundred meters away this time.

He kept his eyes fixed on those people, he didn't know if he could end the war this time, but he already felt a sense of anxiety in his heart.

At this moment, they appeared in front of them wearing the ninja costumes of Thunder Country one by one.

Domineering, everyone gave way, only to see a man who looked thin and his face was full of vicissitudes.

That is cloth, Jinchūriki, the predecessor of Eight Tails. Slowly walked over.

There were no emotional fluctuations on his face, and the calm black eyes were full of depth, like a black hole.

That was their captain, the strongest person in the entire army.

He is among the top few people in the power of Thunder Country.

Back then, there were not only eight people assisting, but also ninjutsu with various attributes.

And he was a man who had experienced World War II, so Raikage was particularly relieved of him.

Let him attack Konoha this time, and it is even more inevitable.

Apart from Raikage, the rest is that he is a real Kage-level other ninja.

And this time, Raikage is defending in the kingdom of thunder, and he is acting as an offense.

He once fought with White Fang. Although he lost, his strength is also very powerful.

When he came, everyone started cheering, because this time they didn't have to retreat anymore.





A person saw that it was their captain coming, bowed, his eyes full of respect.

When the guard saw that it was their own troops, there was a look of joy on their faces.

It turned out to be our support!


It seems that the captain is reliable, and he came really fast.

Some people knelt down, cried, and said excitedly: "Here, it's finally here!"

There were tears of joy in his eyes, and if I didn't come again, I would really not see them.

They wiped their tears, and their faces also showed excitement.

"We are saved!"

"It's really saved."

"Captain, it's really time for you to come."

"We almost couldn't go back."


Everyone, one sentence for you, one sentence for me.

And at this time.

Bu saw the corpses on the ground, one by one, coming here everywhere, the atmosphere of the forest was full of blood red.

If you really come in at the beginning, there will always be a hellish feeling.

Bu's eyes became very gloomy, and there were corpses all around the royal family.

If you look carefully, these corpses are all from the kingdom of Thunder, and they are all fatal with a single blow.

Either the neck was chopped off, or the heart was directly pierced.

People deeply feel the terrible here.

The atmosphere became more solemn in an instant.

These people who didn't follow him didn't even think that their eyes were full of anger, and even their expressions became savage.

Clenched fists, veins violent.

Who on earth killed all of them so many people, and the people who beat them back again and again.

This made them feel that Konoha's ninja was not as weak as they thought.

But they did not send the strongest ninja, but now they have sent the strongest ninja.

This time, it was the real confrontation between Thunder Country and Konoha.

However, Mu Feng was not that stupid.

Fighting with so many people again, playing around.

If you don't die, you have to be disabled.

Mu Feng touched his chin, and thought to himself: "I want to get them to Lujiu, and entertain them all for a while."

This will be more interesting.

Mu Feng directly blessed Chakra to his arms and legs, first to speed up his own speed, and then to power.


Of course it was used to escape.

If these people in the Kingdom of Thunder go crazy, they can't run away.

There were thousands of people, and Mu Feng felt that the aura of their boss was terrifying.

The cold eyes were full of murderous intent.

A blast of cold wind greeted, and leaves fell to the ground, and the audience was silent, with a bit of silence.

And at this moment.

Bu's face was full of angry expressions at this time, a piece of corpses, surrounded by a bloody smell, slammed his mind.

Regret for not coming earlier.

Looking ahead, facing the person next to him, he said fiercely: "Everyone will give it to me, find the Konoha Shinobi."

"It's not him who died today, it's me who died."


In an instant, thousands of figures rose directly into the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!

When Mu Feng saw this scene with wide eyes, it was instantly clear what they were here for.

Damn it!

Not so many people.

Not one by one, so many all at once.


Mu Feng directly sent them a few fireballs to resist their speed.

"Run, you have to run quickly."

Shun, Mu Feng kept flashing, and ran behind him.

After seeing Mu Feng's figure, everyone couldn't help but furiously said: "You still want to run, you must stay here today."

At this time.

Mu Feng stopped suddenly and smiled at him, "Look at your skills."

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