Chiba bids farewell to Uzumaki Kushina.

To be honest, Qianyu has been alone for so long, and she still wants to have a friend with whom she can chat.

But as Chiba said to Uzumaki Kushina, now that she is in contact with him, Uzumaki Kushina herself will be isolated.

In Konoha, people who isolate Qianha are normal people, but people who don't isolate Qianha are abnormal people.

So Qianyu refused to be friends with Uzumaki Kushina for the sake of Uzumaki Kushina.

After returning to the small shabby house that seemed to have been repaired many times, Qian Yu felt very nervous.

However, Qianyu remained calm and asked: "System, when you take over the Host's body later to simulate the thunder attribute Chakra form change and Nature Transformation, as well as all Thunder Breath sword forms, will there be a lot of movement?"

[It is recommended that Host find an open place. The place where Host lives now has a 99.99% probability of being destroyed. ]

Qianyu's eyelids twitched. Fortunately, he asked more questions, otherwise he wouldn't even have a place to live after tonight.

Chiba left the house and came to a river at the edge of Konoha.

This is where Qianyu usually trains, and almost no one comes here.

There are many marks on the surrounding tree trunks, all of which were left when Qian Yu practiced.

Qianyu took a deep breath and said: "System, let's get started and collect the reward!"

[Reward collection, the system will take over the Host body after three seconds, 3.2.1...The Host body has been taken over]

Qianyu feels very strange now, her senses are very sharp, and she can clearly feel even the flow of her own blood.

[The simulation starts, first simulate the change of thunder attribute Chakra form]

The system controlled Qianyu to raise his right hand.

First, a ball of Chakra condensed in Qianyu's right hand.

Although Qianyu couldn't control his body, every move he made seemed to be controlled by himself.

Just like the Chakra in his hand, it was obviously released by the system controlling Qianyu's body, but it seemed like it was released by Qianyu himself.

Very contradictory and wonderful.

Next, the Chakra in Qianyu's hand began to change.

These Chakras are not thunder-attributed Chakras, but Chakras without attributes.

These Chakras began to gather together, and the high-density Chakra concentration caused Qianyu's meridian system to be extremely painful.

But now it can't be interrupted at all, Qianyu's body continues to simulate.

As the Chakra gathered, Qianyu began to maintain these Chakras in this state.

After maintaining it, start to increase the intensity.

Qianyu, whose body was taken over by the system, condensed the thunder attribute Chakra and injected it into these non-attribute Chakra.

In an instant, Qianyu's entire right hand flashed with lightning.

The pain made Qianyu's face distorted, but Qianyu was extremely excited.

Because thunder and lightning appear and are maintained, the form change of the thunder attribute Chakra has been mastered.

After mastering the thunder attribute Chakra form change, it is the turn of Nature Transformation.

[The thunder attribute Chakra form change has been simulated successfully, and the thunder attribute Chakra Nature Transformation will be simulated next]

Chakra Nature Transformation is about bringing out the advantages of attributes.

The lightning on Qianyu's arm is just superficial and does not have any lethality.

After mastering the thunder attribute Chakra Nature Transformation, the thunder attribute chakra has powerful electric shock and paralysis capabilities, and can also strengthen the body, making the ninja have stronger explosive power and penetrating power.

What needs to be simulated now is to make Qianyu's Chakra possess this characteristic.

The next process was torture for Qianyu.

The system doesn't care whether you feel uncomfortable or not. As long as you can't die, you will die.

Qianyu felt as if thousands of ants were crawling along the meridians in his body. His whole body was numb and his skin was tingling.

Especially now that Qian Yu's senses are amplified, this uncomfortable feeling is particularly strong.

But Qianyu's body was taken over by the system and he couldn't scream even if he wanted to.

Now Qianyu really feels like every second is like a year.

I don’t know how long it took, but the system’s voice, which sounded like the sounds of nature, reached Qian Yu’s ears.

[The thunder attribute Chakra Nature Transformation is simulated successfully. Next, the Thunder Breath full sword type is simulated. It is detected that the Host does not have a sword. It is recommended that the Host buys a sword. The simulation effect is better. Please ask the Host whether to buy it]

Qianyu immediately said: "Choose to buy!"

The system's store redemption panel appeared in Qianyu's field of vision.

Now Qianyu only has 100 witness points, so there are not many choices.

Qianyu directly chose to buy the most common standard sword, which only cost 10 witness points.

After the purchase was completed, a tachi with a length of about one meter appeared in Qianyu's hand.

[Start simulating Thunder Breath full sword form]

Qianyu arched his body slightly, and the blue Lightning Style Chakra was wrapped around the sword. At the same time, the thunder attribute chakra was also wrapped around his right foot, stimulating the muscles of Qianyu's legs.

At the same time, Qianyu's breathing pattern also changed. The weather was not too cold now, but Qianyu breathed out a cloud of white mist.

"Breath of Thunder·Shape of One·Thunderbolt Flash!"

Qianyu's right foot was wrapped with the thunder attribute Chakra, and it exploded in one breath. Thunder and lightning roared like tearing the air, and a thunder light flashed.

Almost instantly, Qianyu appeared in front of a tree that was as wide as two Qianyu five meters away, and carried out an extremely fast attack with his sword at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

The tree was cut directly into two halves.

Before Qian Yu could take a breath, he started his second sword move.

"Thunder Breath·Two Type·Rice Soul!"

The moment Qianyu exhaled, he struck out with five lightning-shaped strikes, cutting the trees in front of him that had not fallen to the ground into dozens of pieces.

Qianyu then displayed the next sword form without stopping.

Although the system is taking over Qianyu's body, all the feelings are on Qianyu's body.

Qianyu felt that every inch of his muscles was in pain as if they were being torn apart.

The surrounding trees also suffered.

The surrounding area was already burning with flames due to the high temperature of thunder and lightning, and a large number of trees fell to the ground.

Qianyu is now one of the top two. He did not expect that the movement generated by the system would be so loud. If this kind of movement is not discovered by Konoha's sensing ninja, Qianyu will not believe it at all.

Qianyu's Chakra was insufficient when he finished performing the Thunder Breath Form, but the system forced Qianyu to use 30 witness points to replenish the consumed Chakra and continue to perform the sword form.

Starting from the Wu Style, each time the Sword Style is used, Chakra needs to be replenished.

Now comes the last sword shape.

[30 witness points have been spent to replenish Host Chakra. ]

"Breath of Thunder·Shape of Seven·Fire Thunder God!"

Qianyu slashed forward at a super high speed that was completely undetectable to the naked eye, cutting off trees and rocks in a straight line.

In addition, the trajectory of the slash will produce a dark blue thunder dragon, which can be said to be extremely cool.

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