Everyone has their own preferences, like Scorpion he likes mobile phone cases, like Deidara, like Horn he likes to collect money, and this Fei Duan brother is a cult that likes to develop his own cult!

Xia Ya reached out and rubbed his temples, this fooling subordinates still has to be a science, and different means are needed for different people!

In the following time, Xia Ya and Xiangphos ran all over the short book street, but they couldn’t find a shop that could stay!

The result is very consistent, that is, there are no extra rooms!

“Alas! It’s really unpleasant, are the two of us going to sleep on the streets again this evening? I don’t want it! I don’t want it! ”

Xiangphos shook his head vigorously, naturally his face full of reluctance.

However, Char has already taken out a high price, but it still can’t change a room, even if Xiangphos lowers his own requirements, even if he sleeps in the same room with Char, the result is still the same.

No room!

Xiangphos is very afraid of sleeping on the street, under normal circumstances, the result of sleeping on the street is not sleeping well, and the cry of wild wolves is often heard in the evening, so that the little one does not dare to sleep, and can only drill into Char’s arms.

There is no place to rest, so you can’t run to someone else’s shop to drive away other customers!

Although Char has this ability, as a ninja, they must also have their own bottom line and cannot bully ordinary people.

Seeing a red house in front of her, Char’s eyes dripped and turned, and she suddenly had an idea, “Great, we have a place to live tonight!” ”

Xiangphos’s face was full of doubts.

“Where? Lord Char, do you still have friends here? ”


Xia Ya stretched out his finger and pointed to the red house in front of him, “Look, it’s over there.”

After speaking, Char walked in directly with a grin.

Xiangphos, who was full of confusion, went along his hand, and saw a sign hanging on the door, and Xiangphos’s face suddenly changed color.

I saw a sign, which said – Qingyuan Song and Dance Hall!

I actually went to sleep in a geisha’s cabaret!

Thinking of this, the young Xiangphos smiling face suddenly became red, and her hot cheeks made her feel uncomfortable!

Xiangphos originally wanted to stop it, but he knew that Xia Ya didn’t want to turn around and walked in.

“Don’t go in! No entry! ”

Xiangphos stretched out his hands to block in front of Xia Ya and gagged hard, “I won’t allow you to enter!” ”

“Go and go, children don’t stop me, otherwise you will go to sleep outside this evening, don’t blame me for reminding you, there are wild wolves outside!” Saying that, Char also learned the bark of wild wolves to scare Xiangphos.

However, this little guy seemed to have eaten the scales, and pouted vigorously, “No!” These are not serious people, and you are not allowed to sleep with them! ”

Char couldn’t help but laugh for a while, this little ghost head is also a little too much!

“Why aren’t you a serious person? Is it wrong that people also have to live? Besides, who said that I must sleep with my arms around other girls when I go in? Which eye do you see? ”


Char’s few words directly confused Xiang Lin, is it really his mistake? Others in order to survive, this is also their right, does she have the right to refute it?

Xiangphos tilted his head and thought for a long time, you just can’t think clearly.

“No, if you say no, you can’t, who knows what’s going on in your mind, you just can’t go anyway!” Unable to find a good reason, Xiangphos can only play scoundrels.

But when she came back to her senses, Char had disappeared in front of the door of the dance hall. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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