Hokage, The Strongest Uchiha From The Sign-In

Chapter 19 Haha, You Are Really Good At Judging People

Days passed, and although the Third Ninja World War was still going on, Sand Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi suffered heavy losses in the battle of Kikyo Mountain, and the two countries chose to restrain themselves.

The severity of the war decreased slightly, but this did not mean that the war was about to end, but rather the calm before the storm.

Konoha Village, Orochimaru's laboratory.

Bored, Kagetsu sat aside, admiring Orochimaru's slightly violent dissection technique, and finally just curled his lips.

"Are you bored already? You don't look like someone who can stay quietly in the laboratory, why did you suddenly come here?"

"Anko, help me get two more copies of the materials used yesterday from the hospital."

"Don't eavesdrop, I have something to talk to your senior brother, understand?"

Yesterday, Mitarashi Anko, who was officially accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru, looked at the two suspiciously, his face was tangled, and before leaving, he cast his eyes on Kagetsu, and a trace of worry flashed across his eyes.

"Ah, is there a problem with watching your teacher conduct experiments? Or is it that the laboratory is a restricted area and 'outsiders' are not allowed to enter?"

"How dare you say that! Since that day, you have been staying at home and refusing to go out, claiming that you have overused your chakra and need to rest. This is the first time we have met since we separated that day."

The captivating gaze fell on the other person, and he had already been frightened stiff by the terrifying murderous aura, but Huayue seemed to have dull senses and did not react at all.

"Really? Maybe the injury is too serious, and I have no time to greet you. Then when will we start the course?"

"I have always admired Teacher Orochimaru. The person who has mastered the most Forbidden Techniques in Konoha now should be the teacher, right?"

The half-smile expression made Orochimaru unhappy. He exerted a little more force on his hand, and a little blood splashed on the pale face.

"You want my Forbidden Technique? It's rare that you can find my Forbidden Technique. I'll give it to you."

Madara spat out the rusty key from the snake's mouth, and the disgusting mucus made him a little disgusted.

"The time required to practice Forbidden Technique is beyond imagination. I don't think you are the kind of person who is willing to indulge in the technique."

"Haha, you are really good at judging people. Then I will take my leave. You are busy."

After the figure disappeared, Orochimaru remained silent, just turned to the door silently and asked softly.

"Anko, where are the materials I want?"

"Teacher Orochimaru, why... I feel like I have never known Huayue?"

The scalpel paused for a moment, and fell accurately on the cutting point again. Although the action was rough, it always maintained the most rational style.

"This is the difference between talent and talent. He is very talented and very rational. He knows how to keep a low profile when he needs to lie dormant, and show his talent when he needs to make huge profits for himself without touching the bottom line."

"Teacher, what does this mean?"

Anko, who is still young and does not understand the meaning of Orochimaru's words at all, is a little confused.

"He... Uchiha Kagetsu, what do you think is the biggest difference between you and him? The talent of ninjutsu? Your own strength?"

"No, the biggest difference between you and him is the judgment of the situation of Konoha Village... No, even the entire ninja world."

"Deliberately let go of Chiyo, the Kazekage advisor, who has the ability to kill the remaining two bloodline limit ninjas on Sand Shinobi's side, Rasa and Yekura, but did not take the opportunity to attack."

"It is precisely because Sand Shinobi still has the ability to protect himself that he did not go all out and chose to fight Konoha thoroughly."

Anko seemed to understand, but she felt that the friends who used to skip classes and eat dango together were getting farther and farther away from her, and she felt a little disappointed.

"Are you sad? Anko, it's probably impossible to catch up with Kagetsu with your talent. I can judge the talent of ninjas more accurately than anyone else."

With her eyes lowered, Anko suddenly smiled and spoke to herself.

"Even if that guy pulls me away, I don't want to be too far away from him. Besides, there is Orochimaru teacher. The teacher is a Sannin. There must be a way to catch up with him, right?"

At this moment, Orochimaru's smile seemed to be sincere, and the bloody specimen in front of him quietly turned into an evil and ominous eye for some reason.

'Perhaps, even I am not his opponent. Uchiha Kagetsu, that feeling is definitely not an ordinary Sharingan, what is it? '

Two flowers bloom, each showing its own beauty.

At the edge of Konoha Village, outside an old and dilapidated orphanage.

The aunt dressed as a nun was washing the children's clothes by hand. It was autumn and the water temperature was freezing cold.

Although she had applied to the director for a washing machine more than once, the orphanage's financial situation was really too tight to spare any spare money. The director recently adopted another child. If things continued like this, eating would become a big problem.

Suddenly, a dark shadow covered the remaining sunlight. The aunt, deprived of warmth, looked up suddenly, her eyes almost spitting fire.

Just as she was about to curse, the dark red bandage leggings and the restrained and luxurious fabric made her swallow back what she wanted to say.

"Is Sister Nonoyu here?"

"Are you a ninja? The director is in there now. Is it the subsidy from the village that has come for us?"

The hope that was about to rise in her eyes was interrupted by the next words.

"No, I'm not a ninja who delivers subsidies. That's the responsibility of the people in the village. I just have something to do with Sister Nonoyu. Has the subsidy from the village not come for a long time?"

The fat aunt complained while leading the way.

"Yes! Every time we ask Lord Danzo for funding, those ninjas would only say that it is a war time and funds are tight, and they are unwilling to allocate even a little money."

"When the dean asked a few days ago, those guys even said that a ninja took away 50 million taels of reward directly because the task he completed was too difficult, and the funds of the entire Konoha are tight."

"Is being a ninja so profitable? Really, if I were a few decades younger, I would also want to be a ninja to make money..."

Hanazuki was slightly startled. What's going on? Didn't he only receive 5 million taels? When did he add another zero at the end?

Even if the material cost of the Kusanagi sword is added, 30 million taels is too much. Whose pocket did the rest of the money go into?

Hanazuki, who was in self-doubt, lowered her head and thought, and the fat aunt who led the way shouted, interrupting this question that would probably never be answered.

"Dean, a guest is coming."

Nono, who was mending clothes, turned around and saw that the visitor was Hanazuki, and smiled brightly and softly.

"Hanazuki... is that the name?"

"Yes, Nono, I need your help on something. Just treat it as a personal commission. Please."

The sound of the pen tip scratching the paper echoed in this old room. As the heavy check came, the auntie who had already glanced at his movements had her eyes lit up and hurriedly whispered in Nono's ear.

"Dean, this child, could it be..."

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