The scroll unfolded, and the dark ritual recorded on it came into view.

"Nine-faced Subaha, based on the nine-faced fox, drives the Forbidden Technique of Summoning Beasts with various abilities, the Summoning Forbidden Technique used by Uzumaki Menma?"

Hanazuki sat cross-legged on the light blue water. According to the setting within Tsukuyomi, this move is enough for him to dominate the battlefield, provided that he does not encounter those difficult opponents.

In reality, among the abilities of the nine-faced beasts, only the imprisoned Nandou Sage and Beidou Sage, and the Shinigami who can reduce Chakra are worth seeing, and most of the remaining nine-faced beasts are not worth seeing.

"Hey, kid, did you make a mistake? The reason why the Nine-Faced Subaha is listed as a Forbidden Technique is because it has infinite possibilities."

"Think about it carefully. As long as each Nine-Faced Beast is injected with stronger Chakra, replaced with stronger materials and Summoning Beasts, the power of the Nine-Faced Subaha will become stronger."

Perhaps because he was enjoying his meal, Black Nine Tails lazily lay in the small nest made of weeds and said without raising his eyelids.

"Indeed, there is no description of the construction materials and Summoning Beasts of the Nine-Faced Subaha here, which means that it is also possible to use a whole tailed beast."

He turned his eyes and looked at the limited Tsukuyomi Ninja World Sign-in System again, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

'I gave Black Nine Tails for the first sign-in yesterday, so shouldn't I give a Rinnegan today? Even One Tail is not a problem......'

He punched in with satisfaction, and the reward that should have appeared in his hand fell from the sky and landed on the top of Huayue's head.

[The daily sign is successful, you get Tsunade's bra...]

The girl's sentimental clothes, which were faintly warm, made Kazuki frown slightly, and then she became furious.

"No! What is this? Is it a false fraud? Not only does the number not match, but Tsunade is not...cough cough cough."

"By the way, because it is limited to Tsukuyomi, is the situation the other way around? In other words, Tsunade over there is..."

"Hahahaha! Little ghost, do you also want a woman? You actually used the pupil technique to generate this thing, hahahaha!"

Black Nine Tails was already laughing so hard that his chest was pressed against his back, and his huge claws slapped countless waves. The corners of Kazuki's mouth twitched, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

"None of your business, orange pig."

"Stinky little ghost, do you want to cause trouble!"

After waiting for a long time without a response, Black Nine Tails snorted and lay in his nest to sleep.

The next morning, at the gate of Konoha Village, the Third Hokage conducted a pre-war mobilization as usual.

A group of village ninjas who were about to go to the Cloud Shinobi and Konoha battlefield gathered together, and Kagetsu, Anko and others were also waiting in the corner on the edge.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was dressed as a Hokage, stroking his pipe with his fingers. Although his face was old, his beard and hair were not gray at all.

He looked around in the wisps of smoke, and when he saw those young faces, he couldn't help but sigh deeply.

"War is always disgusting, so the successive Hokages have been committed to finding a peaceful path and constantly seeking peace with the surrounding countries."

"But now it is a war, and we have to let you enter the battlefield. It is really helpless."

"Where the leaves are flying, the fire will never go out... The flames will drive away the darkness of the village, and the new buds of Konoha will grow into towering trees again..."

The crisp applause echoed, and there was inevitably some contempt in the tone. While talking about the will of fire, the children who were obviously still young buds were sent to the battlefield. The so-called double standard is nothing more than this.

"As expected of you, Hokage-sama, your writing is really good! When can we learn such profound knowledge from books?"

The ninjas who were about to go into battle subconsciously looked back, and saw the figure who was barely a teenager on the edge turned his head and spit.

"He tui! Sorry, my throat has been a little itchy recently, I may need to go to the hospital."

"Uchiha Kagetsu, are you here to cause trouble on purpose?"

Hokage consultant Mitokado Homura glared at each other, and some ninjas looked at the innocent Kagetsu with a cold look.

"Forget it, Master Mito, since it is a cold, you must take good care of your body. Do you need me to accompany you to the hospital?"

A gentle and kind voice helped Kagetsu out of the predicament. Looking back, the tolerant and warm smile and the bright yellow hair made Kagetsu narrow his eyes slightly.

'The future Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato with the title of 'Yellow Flash'? '

While Kagetsu was in a daze, because of yesterday's underwear incident, the limited Tsukuyomi Ninja World Sign-in System, which had not yet signed in, jumped out again, brushing a wave of presence.

[You have touched the existence opposite to the limited Tsukuyomi ninja character, character sign-in is open! ]

[Character sign-in: Namikaze Minato]

[Possessing abilities: Sage Mode (Mount Myōboku version), Rasengan, Flying Thunder God Technique......]

[Randomly drawn...Successfully signed in, today you get Flying Thunder God Technique! ]

Huh? There are still masters?

Huayue's expression was surprised, from shock to confusion to surprise and contemplation, and finally returned to normal.

This is comparable to the face-changing skills from the ancient mysterious country, which only lasted for less than a second, so that Namikaze Minato in front of him was stunned.

I thought the novice protection period was only one day, but I didn't expect that there would be a braver existence than this. Can the character opposite to the limited Tsukuyomi still sign in?

The surprise that came in a hurry is naturally ecstatic, but now it is in the public eye, so Huayue can only cover up this surprise with excellent face-changing skills.

In fact, Uchiha Kagetsu once felt inferior to his talent, just because he was still a certain distance away from the real genius, who made his Mangekyō Sharingan a consumable magic card?

Immersed in his own world, Kagetsu did not notice the fleeting deepness of the two Hokage advisors.

‘Openly opposing the will of fire, it is indeed the successor of the evil Uchiha clan, we must not let down our guard. ’

“That’s it, I wish you all good luck in martial arts, for the young buds that have not yet grown, let’s go.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned and left, and the two Hokage advisors quietly raised their guard in their hearts and chose to leave as well.

“Is it okay? Are you going to the hospital?”

Anko looked worried, and the silly girl who was usually hot-blooded showed deep concern at this time.

The new team member Uzuki Yugao, who was familiar with her yesterday, also looked worried. She was about to go to the battlefield. If her companions failed at the critical moment, she might lose her life.

"Nothing, just take a break. Are we going to the battlefield now? If you're not careful, you'll get killed."

"If you're afraid of death, don't be a ninja. If you don't have the awareness to sacrifice your life to complete the mission, take off your forehead protector, you coward."

A series of contemptuous glances were cast at Huayue, with different expressions, but the most were ridicule and hatred, mostly from graduates of the same age.

Turning around, the expressionless boy who was slightly taller than Huayue and had a head full of silver hair made Huayue smile.

"Is this the legendary genius graduate of the Ninja School, Kakashi-senpai?"

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