Hokage, The Strongest Uchiha From The Sign-In

Chapter 42: Fugaku Tries To Change


Kagetsu coughed a few times, quickly put down the teacup, and asked in a confused manner.

"Mangekyō Sharingan? What is that? Another Sharingan?"

Fugaku narrowed his eyes slightly and introduced Kagetsu to himself.

"Mangekyō Sharingan is superior to Three Tomoe Sharingan, and has a pupil power far exceeding that of ordinary Sharingan."

"In the history of the Uchiha clan, only a few people were able to open their eyes. In the distant Sengoku era, due to war, a large amount of information about the Uchiha clan was lost, and there were few records about Mangekyō Sharingan."

After saying that, he observed Kagetsu's expression without concealment. Seeing that he could not observe any useful information from her expression and attitude, Fugaku continued.

"What do you think of the current Uchiha clan? I want to hear your most honest opinion, whether it is objective or subjective."

"The Uchiha clan? Subjectively speaking, they are arrogant and impetuous. Objectively speaking, they hold power and look down on others. After all, they are a police force."

Hearing what Uchiha Kagetsu said, Fugaku did not get angry, but he did not nod in agreement.

"The so-called police force is like this. Because they are responsible for the safety of the village, they will inevitably take actions that damage their image. I have even heard a little about the villagers' complaints about the police force."

Kagetsu smiled but said nothing. If there is still a sober person in the current Uchiha clan, it is probably the police captain in front of him who is trying his best to maintain the relationship between the clan and the village.

However, the hidden mines buried by the evil Senju old white-haired are not so far. His fear and attitude towards the Uchiha clan... no, Senju Tobirama's fear and attitude towards Uchiha Madara have also been completely inherited by the current Konoha F4.

"So, what do you think the Uchiha clan needs to change their current situation?"

Hearing this question, Kazuki was stunned, no less shocked than Fugaku was when he mentioned the news of Mangekyō Sharingan.

Is there any other way to change the situation of the Uchiha clan besides overthrowing the village?

The Konoha Police Force is different from the police force that Kazuki knew in her previous life. Although both are law enforcement agencies, the police force controlled by the Uchiha clan does not use the methods they are most familiar with.

One is to create a positive image, and the other is to give each side fifty slaps, which is commonly known as muddying the waters.

There is no positive and good image. The normal villagers in Konoha Village and the civilians who are not from various famous families definitely do not have a very good impression of the Konoha Police Force.

In addition, the unity of the Uchiha clan is a very difficult problem in the eyes of the Third Hokage who has always intended to integrate the village and give up sectarianism.

When suspicions accumulated to the extreme, and the undercurrent was ignited by a sudden accident, the secret rejection was officially transformed into direct targeting.

The Uchiha tribe members who were collectively driven out of the power center by the village, and were targeted openly or secretly, and could not see their own temperament...

In addition, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, the only two geniuses and Kage-level combat forces, one was fooled by Danzo and even lost an eye and then committed suicide, and the other directly started a filial life.

In comparison, the head of the Uchiha clan in front of him, the captain of the Konoha Police Force, was a complete failure in both political means and parenting experience.

"Change? I'm sorry I can't do anything about it. I don't know about this. Maybe when the new Hokage comes to power, the situation of Uchiha will improve."

With a gentle smile, Huayue answered perfunctorily, as if this was his opinion.

"Will the new Hokage come to power? Who do you think will be the outstanding Jōnin who can become the Fourth Hokage this time?"

" Orochimaru-sensei, Namikaze Minato, will probably be chosen between these two. Are you also interested in participating in the competition for the Fourth Hokage?"

Fugaku shook his head slowly. He couldn't compete with these two people, no matter his achievements or the support of the Jōnin in the village.

The most important thing is that the Konoha high-level officials will never support the existence of an Uchiha clan as Hokage. This is the current attitude of Konoha towards the Uchiha clan.

"Also, can we let the child outside the door in? He has been standing outside for so long. He is not as lively as ordinary children. It seems that he will become a good ninja in the future."

Fugaku was startled, and then he remembered something and shouted to the outside.

"Itachi, don't eavesdrop on your father and the guests!"

The door slowly opened with a creak. The young Uchiha Itachi was silent and looked at Huayue with curiosity.

"It doesn't matter. Is this the child of Master Fugaku? Uchiha Itachi, this child has talent and may become an excellent Konoha Shinobi in the future."

With a kind smile, Huayue looked gentle. Mikoto hurried out of the kitchen and apologized when he saw this scene.

"Sorry to bother you, Itachi, don't disturb daddy's conversation with the guests!"

"Nothing, just a casual chat."

She smiled at Mikoto, and the inexplicable fragrance made her feel good about the child who was only six or seven years older than Itachi.

"Kagetsu, right? What a cute child, don't be polite later, eat well to grow up healthily."

The rich fragrance drifted from the kitchen to the living room. Mikoto remembered something at this time and ran out in a panic.

"Oh, the stew in the kitchen!"

Seeing her hurried back and Itachi's curious face, Fugaku sighed helplessly and ended the tense topic just now.

"Put those annoying things aside and taste Mikoto's craftsmanship."

The fragrance gradually became stronger, and the carefully made stews and various dishes made people's appetites. Fugaku and Kagetsu tacitly forgot the previous conversation.

When Kagetsu left, Fugaku looked at the gradually disappearing back with a solemn expression.

"That child seems to be a very polite child. I seem to have heard of Uchiha Kagetsu from somewhere."

Mikoto murmured to herself, thinking about something. Fugaku was silent for a moment and introduced his wife, who chose family and gave up the ninja career.

"Don't underestimate him. He is a real genius. He is only a few years older than Itachi, and his mastery of the Shunshin Technique is not inferior to Namikaze Minato."

"The AB combination of the Kazekage Advisor Chiyo, the Fourth Raikage and the eight Jinchūriki, not only can gain the upper hand in their fight, but also kill the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Mist Shinobi in one fell swoop, and contain the Third Tsuchikage."

"He is a real genius. Whether he has opened the Sharingan or not, no one in the clan knows this."

Hearing Fugaku's evaluation, Mikoto was also quite shocked. After thinking for a while, he smiled Kaidō.

"But, no matter how talented he is, isn't he still a child now?"

"A child? I hope so."

Suddenly, Fugaku looked up and saw an emergency communication eagle flying towards the Hokage office building from a distance. His originally peaceful expression became inexplicably solemn.

'Emergency military information, what happened on the front line? '

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