Hokage, The Strongest Uchiha From The Sign-In

Chapter 5 Encounter, Ab Combination

A sharp shout instantly made Sarutobi Hina clench her kunai, and the ten reconnaissance teams responsible for the border reconnaissance immediately became alert.

"Hey, Uchiha Kagetsu, are there really enemies?"

Kakashi frowned, his eyes wandering, and subconsciously asked in a low voice.

"Where are those guys?"

"It may be complicated to say, it is better to drive them out directly, which is more convenient, Fire Style·Phoenix Fire Array Technique."

At some point, three Shadow Clone appeared, and countless fireballs as big as Impatiens seeds splashed in all directions, raising billowing smoke and dust.

"Exposed? The little devil of Konoha really has a pair of good eyes. It's obvious that he just needs to pretend not to see and die without pain. Why can't he accept his fate calmly?"

Everyone's eyes fell on the smoke not far away, and they were on guard.

The tall figure with light yellow-brown skin and goatee beard of the same color as his hair couldn't help but make Uchiha Kagetsu's mouth twitch a little faster.

"Idiot! Asshole! Big brother is such an idiot, being discovered by a little brat..."

A being with a weird rap accent and seven ninja swords mocked loudly, instantly making the big brother he was talking about furious.

"Bi! You bastard, wait until I finish dealing with these Konoha brats, I will definitely not let you go!"

"Big brother is angry, bad... run away, disband!"

Killer Bee danced with no artistic cells, but Sarutobi Hina was sweating and looked solemn.

"AB combination? Did you choose to take advantage of the opportunity to attack Konoha instead of taking revenge for the Third Raikage?"

"What are you thinking about?"

When mentioning the Third Raikage who died on the battlefield, the Fourth Raikage looked gloomy, and his already dark face became even darker.

"Whether it's Rock Shinobi or Konoha, Laozi will make that old man Ohnoki pay the price sooner or later, but first I have to deal with you."

As soon as the voice fell, Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas appeared from all directions, hundreds of them, and they were staring at them with undisguised murderous intent.

"Hana...Hanazuki, who are these people?"

"Real murderous intent, this feeling is at least from the Jōnin in the village, are there so many of them?"

Anko trembled all over and subconsciously dodged behind Hanazuki, and Xiyan could only hold the long sword tightly. Under the threat of the murderous intent, she couldn't even move.

"Fourth Raikage Ai, Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee, you just stepped onto the battlefield, don't you even remember the enemy's information?"

Hatake Kakashi held the Chakra blade tightly and subconsciously analyzed the situation around him.

‘There are hundreds of enemies, all of whom are experienced fighters from the battlefield, most of them are Chūnin, in addition to the 20 Jōnin leaders, the Fourth Raikage, the Eight Tails Jinchūriki...’

‘Damn, is there nothing we can do? There is only me, Jōnin Sarutobi Hina, and a group of immature Genin who just graduated from the Ninja School...’

Kakashi lowered his eyes, thinking in his heart, the unwillingness in his eyes lingered for a long time, is he going to follow in his father's footsteps today?

“As a compliment to this vision, let me start with you, Lightning Style· Lateral Bolt of Pain: Chop!”

In the almost still picture, the burly Fourth Raikage suddenly appeared in front of Anko, and fell down with a pale face.

“It’s gone!”

"Damn, it's too fast, I can't stop it at all."

As Kakashi and others looked at him in despair, a hand knife that was as good as a famous sword flashed, blue lightning spread in all directions, and the air froze at this moment.

With sore legs, Anko sat down directly on the ground, the trembling in his pupils turned into shock, and the shadow covered most of his body, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Really, since you praise my eyesight, the attack should be directed at me, not at others. You look reckless, but you are actually calculating, big uncle."

Compared with the Fourth Raikage's arm, Huayue's arm is like a dead branch, but at this moment, the dead branch firmly clamped the hand knife that was enough to split rocks, which made everyone present in an uproar.

"This... this brat, Uchiha Kagetsu, blocked the Fourth Raikage who has the same speed as the yellow flash?"

"Hey, hey, hey, what just happened? Why didn't I see anything?"

"That guy, is he that strong?"

Ignoring the shocked looks of everyone, Kagetsu lowered his head and spoke calmly.

"Idiot, how can you sit on the ground in front of the enemy, and you can still stand up?"

"This family emblem, are you a brat from the Uchiha clan? You dare to look around when fighting with me, you bastard is unexpectedly annoying! Thunder me bomb!"

With a pull, the Fourth Raikage suddenly grabbed Kagetsu's arm, and the roar and power of thunder and lightning instantly restrained Kagetsu's movements.

"Looks burly, but is actually a speed type? This Chakra flashing with lightning, Lightning Style armor?"

"Damn brat, die!"

Smashed it under him, the roar and power of thunder and lightning splashed a piece of fire and silver flowers, billowing smoke and dust, and finally drifted away with the wind.

"Dead? No, the force was too light."

When the huge crater was revealed, everyone stared at the pit. What appeared in everyone's eyes was not a figure turned into meat paste, but a black kunai.

"It's so dangerous! The dignified Fourth Raikage has no martial ethics and starts fighting as soon as he says. Do you want me to die?"

"Instant Body Technique, are you the apprentice of Yellow Flash?"

Looking around, the Konoha Shinobi who were surrounded have been sent out of the encirclement, and the kunai engraved with simple techniques are distributed in all directions of the battlefield.

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. Teacher Minato and I have only met once. It's enough for me to face an opponent of your level just after graduating from the Ninja School."

Until this moment, the Fourth Raikage looked solemnly and examined the Uchiha boy in front of him. The Lightning Style armor once again permeated his body surface.

He wore black clothes and black robes, black fingerless sleeves on his hands, dark red bandages tied around his limbs, and the Uchiha flame fan family emblem was embroidered on the back of his cloak.

"Another genius ninja, but you will die here soon. Have you thought of your last words?"

"My last words are that I really want to live another 500 years. You still have the nerve to call yourself the Fourth Raikage. You were just looking at those easy targets again."

Facing Huayue's ridicule, the Fourth Raikage sneered repeatedly.

"This is the battlefield between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi. Laozi is not used to talking about kindness and justice with the enemy, kid! Lightning Straight!"

The shadow approached with the hurricane, and the blade flashed with cold light. Huayue, who once again blocked the Raikage's attack, shook his head helplessly.

"Why do you pick on my team members, you bastard? Forget it. We don't need to be kind to the enemy, right?"

"Xiyan, let me borrow your sword temporarily. I'll return it to you after I kill this bastard."

With a bright smile, Mao Yue Xiyan nodded lightly, and the long sword she held tightly had already fallen into Hua Yue's hands.

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