The cold wind is like a knife, cutting sand and dust into dust, overlooking the grass in the world.

The Kingdom of Wind, a country that survives in the desert and competes with the desert for vitality.

At this time in the Kingdom of Wind, the Fourth Kazekage, who is known as the same status as the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind, is handing a document to the Elite Jōnin in front of him, with a calm expression.

"This mission is crucial. It is related to the peace between Sand Shinobi and Mist Shinobi. Don't fail, Ye Cang."

"It's just an escort mission. It can be easily completed within a few days. You can rest assured and wait for the news of victory."

Ye Cang didn't care too much about Luo Sha's unusual exhortation. He put away the mission scroll and turned away.

After Ye Cang left, Luo Sha sighed silently, and a rare helplessness appeared in his eyes.

The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind was very dissatisfied with the disappearance of the Third Kazekage, which further triggered the Third Ninja World War, and fell into disrespect in the war.

As early as several months ago, Sand Shinobi's funding was entirely supported by Luo Sha's refining of gold sand alone. Coupled with factors such as population scarcity, Sand Shinobi's development direction is destined to be more inclined towards the elite route.

At this critical juncture, once the war with Mist Shinobi begins again, it will certainly lead to the collapse of the entire Sand Shinobi Village economy, and may even lead to the demise of the entire Sand Shinobi Village.

'For the peace of the entire village, this is also a helpless choice, Ye Cang, you will become the hero of Sand Shinobi and live in the hearts of every Sand Shinobi ninja. '

After comforting herself, steady footsteps sounded, slowly raised her head, and Granny Chiyo pushed open the door and shook her head slightly at Luo Sha.

"The second candidate has obvious emotional out-of-control. If this continues, the second Jinchūriki is destined to lose control in less than three months. Be prepared early."

Granny Chiyo's words made Luo Sha's face gloomy. If Ye Cang's sacrifice was for peace, then Jinchūriki was to deal with the next outbreak of the Ninja World War.

"Even the second one is out of control? He is one of the few outstanding ninjas in the village with a cheerful and sunny personality. It is so difficult for him to completely control the tailed beasts..."

"There is no way. In terms of how to control the tailed beasts, other ninja villages will not share their experience with the enemy. We can only explore it by ourselves."

"In the final analysis, no one has succeeded in subduing the tailed beasts, which have huge chakras, except for the monk Fenfuku, who has been treated as a tailed beast since birth and whose name has been forgotten."

A sigh came from the mouth of Grandma Chiyo. At her age, she still has to worry about the affairs of the village and can't even spare a little thought.

In her lifetime, I really want to see the grandson who has disappeared.

"Since birth?"

Rosa was thoughtful. Just because of Grandma Chiyo's unintentional words, a wind shadow who lost his father's love, lost his humanity, and finally fell into a dead end was quietly born.

A few days later, Ye Cang, who was on a mission alone, arrived at the mission location assigned by Sand Shinobi Village.

The sky was dark and the fog was getting thicker. In the fog, several figures were dim and it was impossible to see how many people there were.

Ye Cang was alert and asked loudly.

"Mist Shinobi is the only one who came?"

"Ah, where is the thing? Take it out and your mission is completed."

Ye Cang was dissatisfied with this group of sneaky Mist Shinobi ninjas, but he still took out the scroll from his ninja bag and walked towards the figure in front.

Just as he approached, Ye Cang, who could barely see the figure, was startled. When he was about to take action, a strong wind blew up under his feet, and a dark curse rose from his feet, restricting his movements.

In an instant, countless kunai shurikens attacked from all directions, like a storm, and only stopped after a few minutes.

At some point, a Mist Shinobi ninja approached from behind, grabbed Ye Cang's hair, and said viciously.

"You bitch, you killed so many of our compatriots on the battlefield, and now you have experienced the taste of being killed!"

"How does it feel to be abandoned by the village? Don't think that we Mist Shinobi will just do this, your life is just a little bit of interest..."

Ye Cang, who had long lost the pain and was in a trance, looked confused. The picture in his mind was fixed on the day when many Sand Shinobi kept cheering for him.

Sand Shinobi's bloodline limit ninja, Sand Shinobi's hero, is he just a discarded pawn in the end?

What is the village doing? Does Luosha know? Or has all this been secretly supported by Sand Shinobi's councilors and the Fourth Kazekage?

What kind of hero am I? What Sand Shinobi's elite ninja, is it just an existence that can be abandoned at any time to calm the war and calm the anger of Mist Shinobi?

Under the strong resentment and unwillingness, the power in the body gradually drained away with the blood, until many Mist Shinobi ninjas left, and the noisy sound disappeared.

Under the silver moon, the figure who overlooked the whole process looked up at the sky, and the black cloak rustled in the wind.

Black words on white paper, the natural energy on it surged, and a talisman engraved with the word "Xian" was gently attached to the smooth back soaked in blood, freezing the soul that was about to go to the underworld.

In a trance, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and the figure reflected in Ye Cang's eyes was hazy, only the wisps of grass and wood fragrance permeated her heart.

The cave was dark and damp, the bonfire crackled, and sparks flew. Leaning on that not-so-generous chest, Ye Cang was silent for a long time, and the kunai in his hand flashed with cold light, piercing his face.

"Are you willing to wake up? You have recovered well and are very energetic."

In an instant, the sound of metal clashing rang, and Ye Cang's pupils shrank. How could human skin make the sound of metal colliding?

Looking intently, she noticed that the man's shoulder, in the same direction as the blood vessels, the blue Chakra splashed sparks between the sharp blades of the kunai.

Along the direction of the blood vessels, the blue ripples of varying light and dark were slowly disappearing in her eyes, and the original skin color of the human body was restored again.

"Who are you?"

"Just woke up, temporary amnesia caused by overstimulation? Then recall carefully, the hero of Sand Shinobi, the abandoned child abandoned by the village, Scorch Style Ninja Ye Cang..."

The delicate and complex Mangekyō in his eyes flashed, and everything that happened just now appeared in Ye Cang's mind again, making her clench her teeth and her face pale.

"Who are you who has the ability to save me who is dying?"

The firelight was dim, and she could barely see the man's face. Ye Cang was shocked. The fresh and refined, childish appearance, and the slightly familiar dress made her have an unbelievable but extremely close guess in her heart.

"Didn't recognize it? Then recognize it like this."

The three-eyed demon fox mask flashed by, and Ye Cang was even more frightened. The kunai that subconsciously wanted to raise fell to the ground powerlessly. There is nothing more sad than a dead heart.

"Kill me, instant body illusion."

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