Hokage: What Should I Do If I’m Not A Genius?

Chapter 25 A Genius In Learning Medical Ninjutsu?

Early the next morning, Taichi, who had planned to do morning exercises, found Orochimaru already at the door as soon as he went out.

"Good morning, Taichi-kun." Orochimaru still had the same smiling expression.

"Good morning, Orochimaru-sama. Didn't you say you would send someone to pick me up? Why did you come in person?" Taichi looked at Orochimaru who had arrived in person, and it was still very stressful to face Orochimaru head-on.

"I'm just a clone, and my real body is still in the laboratory. I will teach you today. Please give me your guidance, Taiyi-kun."

It turns out to be just a Shadow Clone, but this also means that Orochimaru is still somewhat interested in Taichi. Otherwise, just send someone to pick up Taiyi.

"I don't dare, I don't dare, I'd better ask Mr. Orochimaru for advice." Taiyi said respectfully.

"Let's go, Taichi-kun. Today's mission is very heavy." After Orochimaru finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the laboratory.

Taiyi followed immediately.

The two of them didn't talk to each other along the way. Only Taiyi was thinking about buying something since he hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

Finally arriving at the laboratory, Orochimaru pointed to the breakfast on the table and said to Taiyi: "Taiyi-kun, you haven't had breakfast yet. You can have breakfast first, and then we will start studying."

Taiyi looked at the breakfast on the table. If he didn't know what kind of person Uncle Snake was, it would be too dangerous to follow Uncle Snake. Taiyi would be a little touched.

If this kind of small trick were used by other people, not to mention being grateful, it would also increase a lot of favorability.

After all, this is what Hokage Ninja has emphasized from beginning to end, bonds and recognition from others.

"Thank you, Orochimaru-sama!" Taichi pretended to be very grateful and sat in front of the table.

"I'm gonna start now!"

I saw Taiyi destroying breakfast three times five times two times.

"Thank you for the hospitality!" Taiyi put away the tableware.

Orochimaru smiled and took out a scroll and said, "Taiichi-kun, this is a B-level ninjutsu, a healing jutsu, that I simplified based on the A-level ninjutsu, Healing Jutsu."

"Although Healing Technique has much lower requirements for precise control of Chakra than Healing Jutsu, it is still difficult. Correspondingly, both the treatment effect and Chakra consumption are not as good as Healing Jutsu, but for That’s enough for newbies.”

"So, today's task is to master the healing technique. If you can master the healing technique today, then I will give you more teachings, but if you fail, I will recommend you to Konoha Hospital. Do you understand? Taiyijun."

When he said this, there was a hint of expectation in Orochimaru's eyes, but more of a disdain.

I didn't expect that my first B-level ninjutsu would be a healing technique developed by Orochimaru. This healing technique never appeared in the original work. It should have been developed by Orochimaru himself, for me?

So what is it about me that attracts Orochimaru?

I would believe anyone could learn B-level ninjutsu in one day, but it is impossible for me. It took me several days to learn Great Fireball, let alone B-level ninjutsu.

In this way, he can get rid of Orochimaru, but he can't get more from Orochimaru, but it's not bad to be able to study in Konoha Hospital.

Various thoughts flashed through Taiyi's mind, and Taiyi said: "I understand, Orochimaru-sama, if I can't meet your standards, then I'm not worthy of wasting your time!"

As the saying goes, flattery will never wear out, but as long as Orochimaru doesn't kill himself, he can do anything!

"Then let's get started. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me, but whether I can answer or not depends on my mood." Orochimaru handed over the scroll in his hand with a playful expression on his face.

Taichi-kun, let me see your potential and see if you can meet my expectations, Orochimaru thought to himself.

Taiyi took the scroll and opened it. It recorded the Chakra operation route of the healing technique, how to use Chakra to stimulate cells, how to treat injuries, and how to use Chakra to heal different injuries.

After reading it twice, the summary is: use the Chakra of the caster to activate the Chakra of the injured person to heal the injury.

Just after reading the scroll, Taiyi was about to try his hand but found that there was no experimental subject.

At this time, Orochimaru took out another scroll. After opening the scroll, he took a "wei" seal with both hands.

A fish appeared in front of Taiyi with a "bang" sound.

Orochimaru stretched out his hand and gestured: "Just use this fish to perform the spell."

"Thank you, Orochimaru-sama." Tai nodded.

Taiyi put his hand on the fish, and the Chakra in his body operated according to the healing technique. Soon, Taiyi's hand emitted a soft green light.

Taiyi was very excited. He didn't expect that he could use the healing technique in the first place. Now who dares to say that he is not a genius!

But as time passed, Taichi's Chakra was almost exhausted, and the fish showed no reaction.

It was Orochimaru who said: "Stop, Taichi-kun, it's been too long and the fish has died."

Taichi retracted his hand in embarrassment after hearing this, Kaidō: "I'm so sorry, Orochimaru-sama, what should I do?"

"You reply to Chakra first. I can provide you with as many test subjects as you want." Orochimaru said.

Taichi sat cross-legged on the ground, replying to Chakra and thinking about the healing spell he had just performed.

The feeling of performing the healing technique just now was different from the feeling of performing other ninjutsu. I had never felt so smooth before. The Mingming technique was very successful, so why didn't the fish react?

Medical Ninjutsu uses Chakra to activate target cells to heal injuries. That is, I need to sense the opponent's cells first, and then use Chakra to stimulate the cells to heal themselves.

After Chakra was restored, Taichi decided to give it a try. Orochimaru, who was standing aside, took out another fish without saying a word.

Taiyi covered the fish's body with his hands and cast the healing spell again.

"Look for injuries first."

"Fish, fish, where are you injured?"

In Taiyi's perception, the whole body of the fish is green, and only the head is black.

"Is this? I can actually sense the physical condition of this fish, so why can't I usually do it? Is it because of the healing technique?"

Sensing the fish's injury, Taiyi concentrated Chakra on the injured area, and soon felt that the fish's cells resonated with Taiyi's Chakra.

"The next step is to activate the cells."

As the cells in the injured area resonate with the Chakra of Taiyi, the cells soon begin to divide continuously until the entire injured area changes from black to green.

"Pulling Leng" the fish kept struggling under Taiyi's hands.

"Hold the fuck! Is this a success?" Taiyi cursed in excitement. Looking at the energetic fish on the table, Taiyi couldn't believe that his second healing spell was successful.

Orochimaru on the side was also very surprised. The B-level ninjutsu was not difficult for Orochimaru, not to mention that it was a technique developed by Orochimaru himself. However, it was only the second time that he could successfully perform it, and it was used to treat the fish. Time is shorter than mine, that would be amazing.

Taiyi-kun, you have become more and more interesting to me.

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