Hokage: What Should I Do If I’m Not A Genius?

Chapter 32 The Weird Dean And The Vice Dean

"Yuko, if you don't go to patrol the ward, why are you here? Who are you?"

The beautiful dean taught Hyuga Yuko a lesson and then turned her head to look at Taichi.

"Hmm~ Dean Fujime! You're so cruel, I feel like my head is going to be broken~" Hyuga Yuko, who was squatting on the ground, took a long time to calm down and said.

When Dean Fujime heard what Hyuga Yuko said, she became angry and raised her hand to hit Hyuga Yuko's head again. She was so frightened that Hyuga Yuko quickly covered her head and hid behind Taichi.

"You've knocked on three of my doors! This is the fourth one. If it's broken, I'll stick you in the door frame and use it as a door! By the way, who is this kid?"

Hyuga Yuko saw that Dean Fujimi's hand had been put down, and it seemed that she had no intention of giving it to her again, so she quickly came to Dean Fujimi's side, hugged Dean Fujimi's arm and started acting coquettishly

"Dean~ I'm worried too~ It won't be like this next time~"

Hyuga Yuko, who was acting coquettishly, suddenly thought of business, so she came to Taichi and said: "Dean Fujimi, this kid said he came to the hospital for internship. I wonder if he is the person Orochimaru-sama said, so Just bring him."

Dean Fujime heard what Hyuga Yuko said, and immediately became interested in Taichi. He bent down and brought the beautiful face close to Taichi's face, and looked at Taichi carefully.

"Too close, too close, Mariana Trench?!!!" Taiyi stared at that indescribable place, his heart pounding.

Unexpectedly, Dean Fujimei had such a murderous weapon hidden under his dean uniform! Coupled with Dean Fujimi's posture, Taichi saw a different scenery.

Dean Fujimi looked at Taichi and found nothing special. How could this kid get Orochimaru's favor?

Dean Fujime also noticed that Taichi was looking at something he shouldn't have, so he raised his hand and opened Taichi's head.


With a scream, Taiyi covered his head and squatted on the ground. This scene was so familiar.

"Why did you hit me?!" Taiyi rubbed his painful head and touched the rapidly bulging bump. Now he really became a powerful person.

"You brat, you didn't learn well at a young age. If you dare to peek next time, you won't be punished so lightly!" Dean Fujime waved her fist and said viciously.

"Wow! You actually dare to peek at Dean Fujime!" Hyuga Yuko next to her quietly gave Taichi a thumbs up.



The scene became more familiar. Two figures, one large and one small, were squatting on the ground, covering their heads, thinking that the inspector was here to arrest someone.

"Who made Sister Dean look so beautiful? Although I am a child, I am also a man. No man can refuse the charm of Sister Dean!" Taichi explained quickly, fearing that Dean Fujimi would get her way. Give yourself some more.

"Oh ho ho ho~ Oh no~ You are such a glib kid~ Come in." Dean Fujime was praised and returned to the office with satisfaction.

Sure enough, there is no woman who doesn't like to hear lies, uh... No, it's the truth!

Hyuga Yuko on the side gave Taiyi another secret thumbs up.

The two stood up and went to the dean's office. The dean's office was not big. There was nothing but a desk, a sofa and coffee table, and a bookshelf. The bookshelf was filled with medical books. Taiyi was there. Among them, I found the "Illustrated Human Structure" that I had studied, and also included some books that Orochimaru asked me to master within this month.

Dean Fujimei, who sat on the chair again, regained his serious expression, as if someone else had just knocked someone on the head outside the dean's office.

Dean Fujime said with a serious face: "What is your name?"

Taichi answered honestly, fearing that this weird dean would do something to him again: "My name is Yagami Taichi. Master Orochimaru asked me to come to Konoha Hospital, saying that he wanted me to gain practical experience."

"Wow! Are you really the genius Orochimaru-sama said? Are you actually a brat?" Hyuga Yuko said in surprise when Taichi revealed his identity.

"Hey! Sister Yuko, this is very rude. Calling someone a brat or something is too much!" Taiyi said angrily.

Hyuga Yuko looked indifferent: "But you are just a little brat~"


"Okay! Even though you were introduced by Orochimaru, that guy Orochimaru is still trustworthy, but I still have to give you a test. If you don't meet the standards, you should go back and continue studying. Konoha Hospital is not just playing tricks. Home!" Taichi was about to reply when he was interrupted by Dean Fujimi.

"Okay!" Taiyi agreed immediately.

"Very good, then come with me." Fujimi walked out in person, with Taichi and Hyuga Yuko following behind Fujimi.

Soon the three of them arrived at the inpatient department, and Fujimi took them outside a ward with "critical care" written on it.

"Yuzi, why are you still following? Don't you have a job of your own?" Fujimi turned around and was about to explain something to Taichi when she discovered that Hyuga Yuko was still following her.

Hyuga Yuko hugged Fujimi's arm and started acting coquettishly: "Sister Fujimi, my work is done. I want to see if this little brat is really as talented as Mr. Orochimaru said, okay~"

Fujimi got goosebumps all over her body due to Hyuga Yuko's coquettishness. She quickly took her arms out of Hyuga Yuko's arms and said, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, but you are not allowed to interfere for a while. Do you hear me, or get out of here."

Hyuga Yuko quickly made a zipper gesture with her mouth.

Fujimi nodded with satisfaction and said to Taiyi: "The one inside is a seriously ill patient. All you have to do is check him and tell me what his injuries are. Don't make any arbitrary treatment. I won't do it." I hope that the patient’s condition will worsen because of you, do you understand?”

Tai nodded: "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person to show off."

Fujimi nodded: "Very good, remember what you said, if anything happens, I will throw you out."

As Fujimi opened the door to the ward, a pungent smell of medicine came out.

Taiyi thought to himself: This person was seriously injured and took so much medicine, and his status must be extraordinary. Ordinary people would have given up treatment long ago, but how could such an important person use it to treat... What about my test?

With doubts, Taiyi turned his attention to the person on the hospital bed, and saw that the patient's body was covered with dense tubes, including oxygen tubes, excretion tubes, etc. What attracted Taiyi most was that he actually had a blood circulation device.

This kind of device is mainly used to purify, filter, and circulate blood outside the body. Generally, people who can use this kind of device are the kind of people who have been poisoned with no cure and use it to extend their lives.

Taiyi couldn't help but said: "Is he poisoned?"

Fujimi: "Yes, there is no antidote to the poison. I am currently developing an antidote, but I don't have a clue yet. You are lucky to see me today. I am looking for the notes left by Tsunade-sama, otherwise you may have to go to the experiment." room to find me.”

"Then what is this person's identity? He is actually poisoned by such a poison that has no cure. Isn't it good for this kind of patient to test me?" Taiyi asked doubtfully.

Unexpectedly, Fujimi said angrily: "He is not from Konoha. As long as you don't kill him, nothing will happen. You won't kill him, right?" After finishing speaking, Fujimi narrowed her eyes and approached Taichi. in front of.

Taichi: Trench! Big trench!

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