Hokage: What Should I Do If I’m Not A Genius?

Chapter 46 Group Action To Rescue Yamato (1)

"That's Loulan. Teacher Minato, what else are Taiyi and I doing?" Kakashi asked Minato, looking at Loulan Kingdom in the distance.

"I have a task for you, can you do it?" Minato turned back and looked at Kakashi and Taichi gently.

"Yes, I will work hard!" Kakashi hurriedly Kaidō, and at the same time stepped back, observing Taiyi from Loulan Kingdom.

Taichi was pushed by Kakashi, and he calmed down and said to Minato: "I will work hard too."

Minato said gently: "Don't be nervous, the task for you two is very simple."

"Although An Lushan used Dragon Vein Chakra to create a large number of puppets, Dragon Vein is a force of nature after all, so An Lushan must have used special devices or spells to use Dragon Vein Chakra. The task of the two of you is to find Use the Dragon Vein Chakra's device and destroy it! Got it?"


"Kakashi, this is Taichi's first mission, you need to take more care of him."

Kakashi glanced at Taichi: "Don't worry, Minato-sensei, I will take good care of him."

"Taiyi, you must obey Kakashi's orders. He is a Chūnin." Minato said to Taiyi with a smile.

But in Taiga's eyes, Minato's smile seemed a bit gloating.

But Taichi also understands that the first time he carries out a mission, he is far inferior to Kakashi in terms of enemy experience and mission experience. For the sake of his own life, Taichi will follow Kakashi closely.

"I understand, don't worry, Brother Minato."

"Then, let's go!"

Following Minato's order, the five-man team flew towards Loulan Kingdom in the distance.

"The light rising from the heights of Loulan~"

"Mixed emotions~"

"The dragon's veins that must be protected~"

"The white blade strikes, look up at the sky~"

Accompanied by a pleasant song, the comatose Naruto slowly woke up.

Looking around the surroundings, Naruto found the person who was singing. It was a girl who looked about the same age as himself. Although the singing was beautiful, the tears on her cheeks showed that the girl was not in a good mood.

"Hey, what is this place?"

Naruto's sudden question clearly frightened the girl, who ran away quickly.

"Wait a minute!"

Naruto chased the girl in the direction of escape, and when he came to the passage, he saw two puppets that were exactly the same as the ones he fought just now, attacking Naruto.

The puppet's ten fingers fired flying blades, and the distance was too close. Naruto could only lie down on the ground, but when the flying blades flew in front of Naruto, a purple light curtain suddenly appeared at the entrance of the passage.

The flying blades flying in the air all fell to the ground feebly the moment they passed through the purple light curtain.

After seeing that the flying blade attack was ineffective, the two puppets flew up and attacked Naruto. Upon seeing this, Naruto hurriedly took out two kunai from his ninja bag.

But the moment the puppet passed through the purple light curtain, just like the flying blade before, it instantly disintegrated and fell to the ground.

"Why is this?" Naruto looked at the puppet parts on the ground in confusion.

There was a scraping sound of the stone door, which made Naruto turn around, only to see that the passage was tightly sealed by three layers of stone doors.

"Hey, wait!" Naruto shouted, but no one responded.

Naruto had no choice but to look around and found a bright light coming from above his head. After a few jumps, he reached the light.

Kicking the glass to pieces, Naruto jumped out. Looking at the high-rise buildings in front of him, Naruto couldn't help but wonder:

"Huh? What is this place?"

Naruto came to a square and couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the tall buildings in front of him.

"It's amazing, it's so high!"

Just as Naruto was sighing, a "whoosh" sound came from the distance.

Along with the sound came three puppets flying in the air, and Naruto was shocked when he saw this.

I saw three puppets falling directly around Naruto, forming a circle of encirclement, and launched an attack on Naruto without saying a word.

Naruto dodged the first puppet's attack, and the second puppet's arm suddenly flashed with purple light and fired a purple Chakra cannon.

Naruto flew up to avoid the blow, but several purple lights lit up around the waist of the puppet on the ground, and each flying blade struck Naruto with purple Chakra lines.

Naruto tried to use the Shadow Clone Technique, but was interrupted by flying blades and could only dodge left and right.

Seeing that Naruto couldn't be caught, the puppet retracted all the Chakra threads, spurted purple Chakra flow from its legs, and flew up.

Seeing this, Naruto could only jump back and forth between buildings to avoid attacks. After dodging several times, three more puppets appeared, and Naruto could only speed up his escape.

Suddenly Naruto noticed purple Chakra threads flashing on these puppets and had a flash of inspiration.

Pull out the Chakra knife behind you and inject Chakra. The Chakra knife lights up with blue light, flies towards the puppet and cuts off the Chakra thread behind the puppet.

As the Chakra line was cut off, the out-of-control puppet fell to the ground. However, because there were too many puppets, Naruto was unable to dodge and was knocked to the ground by the puppet's blow.

"Damn it! There are too many of these puppets, even if you use the Chakra knife, it's too late." Naruto stood up and looked at the puppets getting closer and closer in the sky.

At this time, a puppet's face suddenly opened, a cannon barrel stretched out, purple light flashed, and a powerful Chakra cannon was fired at Naruto. The huge power directly shattered the overpass where Naruto was.

With a violent explosion, Naruto was knocked to the ground and his thigh was scratched.

The puppets quickly came to Naruto and sent out dozens of Chakra threads to capture Naruto alive.

Because of his leg injury, Naruto could only use the Chakra knife to resist. Just when Naruto was about to be tied up, a masked figure hugged Naruto and disappeared in an instant.

"Partial Expansion Jutsu!"

"Ninjutsu: Insect Ball!"

A huge palm smashed the two puppets into parts with just one blow. A dense swarm of insects enveloped the remaining two puppets, and soon the two puppets became silent.

The one who rescued Naruto was the Minato team who had just entered the Loulan Kingdom.

Just now, the five Minatos arrived in Loulan Kingdom and assigned tasks. Minato, Akamichi Dingzuo and Aburame Zhiwei made it easier for Kakashi and Taiyi to move separately.

Minato also gave Taiyi a mask to hide his identity, but Taiyi was a novice and unprepared.

After separation, Minato planned to secretly inquire about the information and find out where An Lushan was. As the saying goes, capture the thief first and capture the king. If An Lushan could be eliminated directly, then the mission would be completed directly.

While searching for information, they suddenly heard the sound of fighting. The three of them followed the sound and saw Naruto being surrounded.

Looking at the familiar hair color, that face, especially Naruto's blue eyes, Minato instantly felt the urge to save people. Coupled with the fact that Naruto was wearing Konoha's forehead protector, Minato came to the rescue. , the scene before happened.

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