Hokage: What Should I Do If I’m Not A Genius?

Chapter 86 Half Golden Body Mode Vs Lightning Style Chakra Mode (Part 2)

Taiyi, who had dodged the attack, just stopped when Ai caught up with him again, and Taiyi could only dodge again.

Two figures, one golden and one blue, chased each other through the woods, constantly shuttling back and forth.

Although Ai's speed increased again, it was still not as fast as Taiyi in the semi-golden body mode, half a beat slower every time.

As a result, it was the innocent tree that suffered. Every attack from Ai would cause a big tree to break into pieces. The wood chips flying everywhere were like sharp kunai, and the surrounding ground would soon be riddled with holes.

After breaking a big tree again, Ai yelled angrily: "Kid! Do you only know how to hide?!"

Taiyi looked at the angry Ai from a distance and said calmly: "Don't hide? Will you beat me to death? I'm not an idiot."

Taiyi's calm tone made Ai even angrier, his face turned red, and he yelled even more angrily:

"Then let me show you what the strongest Lightning Style armor is!!!"


Ai made a gesture similar to a Saiyan's explosive energy. As Ai roared, the blue Lightning Style Chakra surged. The thunder and lightning surrounding Ai became more frantic. The swimming arcs crossed the ground under Ai's feet, leaving streaks of scorched black. Mark of.

The light yellow hair stood on end, and Ai's skin was red due to congestion. Ai now really felt like a Super Saiyan.

Taiyi looked at Ai who was surrounded by thunder and lightning with solemn eyes, and his heart tightened.

The scorched black marks on the ground were enough to prove that the lightning around Ai was not a pretty decoration.

For ordinary ninjas, just touching the thunder and lightning around Ai will cause them to receive a certain amount of damage or even be paralyzed.

Although Taichi in the semi-golden body mode does not have to worry about receiving damage from lightning, if he wants to resist lightning, he must consume Chakra. This makes the semi-golden body mode even worse, so he should try to avoid direct contact. .

"How long, Kurama."

"Keep the current state and you can still hold on for twenty minutes."

"Twenty minutes? Hurry up, Kurama needs your cooperation next."

If Taichi himself is the only one, he can escape at any time with the mobility of the semi-golden body mode, but there are also Kakashi and Deer Man, so he needs to plan carefully.

During the time Taichi was communicating with Nine Tails, Ai also adapted to the Lightning Style Chakra Mode at full power.

In fact, the strongest Lightning Style armor is the full-power Lightning Style Chakra Mode, but Ai cannot fully master it now, so the current state is both a huge increase and a huge burden for Ai.

So Ai plans to make a quick decision!

“Lightning Style Thunder Plow Hot Knife!!!”

Ai's figure disappeared instantly and turned into a bolt of lightning that rushed towards Taiyi.

Now Ai has turned into an afterimage in Taiyi's eyes, and Taiyi's reflexes can no longer keep up with Ai's current speed!

However, Taiyi is not fighting alone.

Under the control of Nine Tails, a huge golden claw made of Chakra quickly stretched out and collided with Ai's thunder plow hot knife.


The golden claws only lasted for a moment before being torn apart like plasticine by the hot knife of the thunder plow.

However, this was enough time for Taiyi to react.

The next moment Taiyi left the place, Ai's figure followed closely.

A white light flashed, and a big tree slowly fell down, with neat and smooth cuts. With the blessing of speed and thunder attribute Chakra, the Thunder Plow Hot Knife was as sharp as an ordinary sword.

Taiyi successfully dodged, leaving a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

too fast!

It was completely beyond Taiyi's reaction speed. If it hadn't been for Nine Tails' help, Taiyi might have been dead by now.


Taichi disappeared, and Ai's attack followed closely.



In this way, the two started the pursuit battle again. However, Ai, who had started the all-out mode, was no longer slower than the current Taiyi, and even showed signs of surpassing him.

In just three rounds, Ai caught Taiyi's flaw.

Since Ai's speed was slightly faster than Taiyi's, after Ai had already reached a foothold, Taiyi was still in the air and had not reached the next foothold.

This was Ai's chance. Without any leverage points in the air, Taiyi couldn't avoid it. The strange golden claws weren't that fast either.

“Lateral Bolt of Pain: Chop!!!”

Ai roared angrily, and his body was like lightning! Hands like knives!

A large amount of Lightning Style Chakra is concentrated on Ai's hand, making this attack indestructible!

Taiyi also knew that he had made a mistake. Facing Ai's blow, Rasengan condensed in his hand, but the difference from usual was that this time Rasengan had four small wind blades.

It was the prototype of the Wind Style Rasen Shuriken.

"Wind Style Rasengan!"

A large amount of Lightning Style Chakra condensed in Ai's hand sword collided with the Wind Style Rasengan with the power of thunder.

Sharp thunder and sharp wind, the moment they collide, the harsh friction sound is like a magic sound filling the brain.

Although wind restrains thunder, it is only because wind is a poor conductor of thunder, but the collision between Taiyi and Ai is a real Chakra collision, which has nothing to do with attribute restraint.

The collision continued, with neither side giving way to the other, but Rasengan was already showing signs of instability.

Ai also discovered that once the Rasengan breaks out, the large amount of Wind Style Chakra contained in the Rasengan will crush his hand into pieces like thousands of sharp knives.

If it was the future Fourth Raikage, he definitely wouldn't care. After all, that's because Sasuke dared to directly confront Amaterasu's ruthless man with a contemptuous look, but the current Ai has not yet become a Raikage, and there is a Third Raikage above him.

If Ai loses his hand because of this little thing, Third Raikage will definitely give Ai a good lesson, and it is not impossible to even beat Ai to death directly. Who makes Third Raikage be Ai's Laozi?

Thinking of this, Ai began to increase the delivery of Chakra, and at the same time, he was ready to withdraw his palm at any time.

Finally, Rasengan could no longer withstand the erosion of the Lightning Style Chakra.

Ai instantly burst out with a huge Chakra, while crossing his arms and curling up his body to minimize the area affected by the impact.

A large amount of Lightning Style Chakra and Wind Style Chakra fused together and began to shrink rapidly until they shrank into a small ball surrounded by wind and thunder.

Ai and Taiyi's eyes met. Ai's eyes showed raging anger, while Taiyi's eyes showed a trace of joy.

There was a loud sound and a dazzling white light flashed by.

The wind and thunder ball explodes!

A shock wave visible to the naked eye, centered on the small ball, carried the power of wind and thunder and spread crazily in all directions.

It hit the two of them hard.

"Boom" a huge explosion sound resounded through the sky.

All the trees with a radius of dozens of meters were destroyed, and even the ground had a pit several meters deep due to the strong impact.

Ai was blown dozens of meters away by the shock wave and hit a big tree before he stopped.


After being hit, Ai spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Taiyi on the other side was closer to the ground, so after being blown away by the shock wave, he kept rolling on the ground until the golden claws helped to stop him.

After the shock wave, a huge cloud of smoke and dust stood between the two of them, blocking their sight.

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