Hokage: What Should I Do If I’m Not A Genius?

Chapter 92 Meeting Orochimaru Again

Konoha Village.

Taiyi returned home carrying large and small packages. No one had lived in the home for two months, and the furniture was covered with dust.

Putting down the package, Taiyi cleaned everything inside and out.

It was afternoon. Taiyi felt his growling stomach and decided to treat himself.

During this period of practice, I didn't eat anything good, so I decided to eat barbecue for a bit of luxury.

BBQ shop.

Today's yakiniku restaurant is still bustling. As one of the most popular dining places in Konoha, the yakiniku restaurant never lacks customers.

Taiyi found a relatively quiet corner. After ordering, he quietly waited for the food to be served.

The aroma of barbecue fills the air, making people salivate.

Pick up a piece of barbecue and put it in your mouth.

The meat is tender and juicy, and the meat is fragrant. This is the taste.

Taiyi showed a satisfied smile, finally no longer having to eat those weird-tasting fast food.

Just as Taiyi was immersed in enjoying the delicious barbecue, a figure sat opposite Taiyi.

"Long time no see, Taiyi-kun."

Taiyi made a movement, swallowed the roast meat in his mouth with difficulty, and slowly raised his head.

When he saw the person coming, Taiyi's eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Snake... Orochimaru-sama, it's... long time no see."

Putting down all the bowls and chopsticks, Taiyi sat upright.

"Don't be nervous, Taiyi-kun. I haven't seen you for a long time. I saw you by chance today, so I came to say hello."

Orochimaru's tone was calm, but his eyes were fixed on Taichi.

Taiyi really didn't know what to say, so he could only say perfunctorily: "Oh...oh."

Orochimaru didn't care about Taichi's performance and asked calmly: "Taiyi-kun, I heard that you participated in an S-class mission some time ago. It's really amazing."

Facing Orochimaru's praise, Taichi looked frightened: "No, no, it's all thanks to Minato-senpai. I'm just a soy saucer."

"Taiyi-kun is still so humble."

The corners of Orochimaru's mouth raised slightly.

Although I don’t know what Orochimaru’s purpose is? But it's definitely not as simple as saying hello.

Taiyi struggled for a while and decided to ask.

"Um... Orochimaru-sama, what do you want to see me for?"

"Oh? Am I such a person in Taiyi-kun's heart? After all, I am still half your teacher. Why are you so afraid of me? Taiyi-kun."

Orochimaru's eyes flashed with danger, just for a brief moment.

In fact, Orochimaru is very curious, curious about Taiyi's attitude towards him being so entangled.

During the time when Taichi was teaching Taichi medical ninjutsu, Taichi had great respect for Orochimaru on the surface, but Orochimaru could feel that Taichi always maintained a distant attitude.

Taiyi will only show intimacy when exposed to new knowledge. At other times, he has a distant attitude, just like now.

Orochimaru is one of the Sannin, and many people in Konoha want to stay with Orochimaru. However, since Taichi went to Konoha Hospital, they have never contacted Orochimaru in more than a year.

This made Orochimaru more interested in Taichi. Could it be that Taichi discovered something?

Thinking of this, Orochimaru couldn't help but lick the corner of his mouth.

Originally this was just a small subconscious move by Orochimaru, but in Taichi's eyes it turned out to mean something else.

"He stuck out his tongue! He stuck out his tongue! It's over! It's over! Am I being targeted again? What's good about me? What's wrong with me? Can't I change it?"

Taiyi is calm on the surface, but he is full of emotions on the inside.

"No, no, Orochimaru-sama is so approachable. How could I be afraid of Orochimaru-sama? I'm just a little flattered."

Regarding Taichi's remarks, Orochimaru made no comment, just remained silent and stared at Taichi.

Facing Orochimaru's gaze, Taichi felt like there was a light on his back, as if there was a poisonous Lion Majesty staring at him.

The noise in the BBQ restaurant gradually disappeared, the surrounding area became darker and darker, and Orochimaru's figure also gradually disappeared, turning into a huge Lion Majesty, opening its bloody mouth and preparing to swallow Taichi in one bite.

Tai kept staring at Orochimaru, his heart beating faster and faster, and cold sweat kept falling from his forehead.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The suffocating pressure made Taiyi gasp for air as if he was drowning.

A chuckle rang out, the oppressive atmosphere was broken, the surroundings became bright again, and the noise reappeared.

Taichi was finally freed, and Orochimaru put down his momentum.

Taichi's performance this time was much better than last time. Although he was still suppressed miserably, at least he had the courage to face Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was very satisfied, Taichi was becoming more and more interesting to him.

"Taiyi-kun, it seems that you have made great progress recently."

"Huh, uh, that's not as good as Orochimaru-sama."

Although Taiyi's tone was still respectful, there was a hint of dissatisfaction.

Orochimaru heard the dissatisfaction in Taichi's tone, but didn't care.

"Speaking of which, I really have a question to ask Taiyi-kun."

"what is the problem?"

"Taiyi-kun, do you think there will be anyone in this world who can live forever?"

When he said this, Orochimaru had a longing look on his face.

eternal life?

Taichi was shocked, why would Orochimaru bring up this topic? Can you tell me this kind of thing?

Although he was a little surprised, Taichi felt Orochimaru's aggressive gaze and said bravely:


Orochimaru became interested.

"Oh? Does Mr. Taiyi also think that people can live forever?"

"Humans probably can't do it, but immortals can do it."

"Sage of Six Paths? But legends are legends after all, and Sage of Six Paths cannot escape the fate of death. Does Taiyi-kun still think that people can live forever?"

Orochimaru sounded a little disappointed.

eternal life.

Orochimaru's ultimate dream, he thought that Taichi, who had outstanding medical talent, would have his own understanding, but he didn't expect that it was just this rough understanding?

That's right, Taiyi is just a child and has not yet seen the cruelty of war and the fragility of life.

Orochimaru laughed at himself in his heart that he actually expected to get understanding from a child. He was really...

Taichi doesn't know Orochimaru's rich psychological activities, and just wants to get rid of Orochimaru quickly.

"Then it depends on the meaning of eternal life, whether it is the body or the soul."

Orochimaru's eyes lit up and he licked the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

"Body? Soul?"

"Life only lasts for a hundred years. Even if it is as strong as the First Hokage, it will be just a touch of loess in the end, but Shodai's will of fire has been passed on to the present. Isn't this a kind of eternal life?"

"Will of Fire? Haha~ Taiyi-kun, you are not like that kind of person, but thank you anyway. To express my gratitude, I will treat you to this meal."

After saying that, Orochimaru turned around and left magnificently.

Although I didn’t know what Orochimaru was up to, he finally tricked Orochimaru away and got a meal for nothing.

I feel happy.

"Boss! Three more plates of meat!"

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