The top floor of the dilapidated attic, Xuan’s kennel.

The bright light was on, Xuan picked up the lower ninja forehead on the table, the iron guard was a little heavy, the cold metal texture, the breathable silk scarf for the strap, the cost should not be low.

This is the real lower ninja forehead, Xuan is still a little excited and excited, in the previous life when he was in the second middle school, he also bought an imitation on a certain treasure, but no matter how high the imitation is, it is not as real as the real world.

Picking up the forehead guard and thinking about it, Gengen did not wear the forehead guard on his forehead, but loosely tied it around his neck, and formed a couple with Hinata.

“It’s a little handsome.” Xuan looked in the mirror, his appearance was not low, otherwise it would not have attracted the attention of the girls in the class, but now coupled with this forehead, and the momentum that emanated invisibly, it didn’t look like a lower ninja, but like a battle-hardened upper ninja.

At this moment, the system’s prompt sounds.

“Congratulations to the host for promoting Konoha Shinobu, the first evolution of the template system began, whether it cost a thousand free assignable experience points and a one-star template to evolve.”

“Yes.” Xuan suddenly felt a little excited, the function of the character template system was already very powerful, I don’t know if this evolution can optimize that part, or add more powerful functions.

“Consume a thousand free assignable experience, consume one star Iruka template, and evolution begins.”

“Fortunately, I remember to brush Iruka-sensei every year, and it finally comes in handy.” Hyun thanked a wave of Iruka in his heart, and in the past five years, he insisted on blowing Iruka every year, striving not to waste every opportunity.

That is, Iruka has a good temper, otherwise he would have been hammered to death.

“The evolution is over, this evolution unlocks the main template system, adds the function main template fusion function, rewards the main template fusion opportunity once, increases the hang-up cultivation bit ×1, increases the experience lottery function, and increases the lottery chance once a year.”

“Congratulations to the host for promoting the lower forbearance, and rewarding the high-quality probability blessing lottery opportunity once.”

“Groove, this is the correct way to open the system.” Xuan looked at the new functions added after the evolution, and was a little stunned.

He originally thought that evolution was at most to optimize on the basis, or to add a general function, but he didn’t expect it to be so powerful, adding three functions, and the original template of feelings was a broken template.

“Yes, the complete template system will not be unlocked until the host officially becomes a ninja, and the previous ninja school student stage only unlocks some functions.”

“So is there a chance to evolve in the future?” Xuan asked, he felt that the character template system should probably still have functions, and it was impossible to fully unlock it in the next ninja stage.

“Yes, the next evolution, the host is promoted to Naka Shinobi, promoted to the task, passed the Naka Ninja exam, and obtained the Naka Ninja Protector recognized by the village.” The system prompts.

“Naka Shinobi exam?” Gengen didn’t pay much attention to it, even if Konoha’s plan was really implemented, as long as the successor Tsunade was not blind, he would definitely give him a Naka-ninja protector.

“What about Shinobu?” Hyun continued to ask.

“After the host is promoted to Zhongnin, the second system evolution is completed, and the promotion to Shangnin task will be refreshed.” The system responded.

“Then forget it, let’s talk about it then.” Xuan scratched his head, not thinking about what happened next.

Now he can’t wait to see the new features after the system evolves.

“Open the main template.” Xuan meditated in his heart and opened the most important main template system in this evolution.

“Main template: Geng (faint Uchiha bloodline).

Quality; B

Rating: Two stars

Experience required to ascend to star: 100/100

Abilities: Three-body technique, physical technique, basic illusion. ”

“Hey, is this really my main template, this quality is too low.” Xuan covered his face and said a little helplessly.

He couldn’t bear to look at it, this template was not compared with Shisui, Fugaku, Kakashi’s template, even if it was compared with Iruka’s template, it was a little uncomfortable.

To be honest, Xuan also has some understanding of his own talent, after all, the original book is a cannon fodder whose face has never been exposed, and he has also exercised this body in the past six years, even with the experience of many geniuses in the template, six years have passed and he is still a scumbag.

Barely reaching the strength of everyone’s level, the weak Uchiha bloodline really did not open his eyes, although on the bright side he was an eye-opening genius, but in fact he used only a template to stop water. I am afraid that my own weak bloodline will not want to open my eyes in this life.

Originally, the predecessor’s mother was an ordinary person of Uchiha, and after generation after generation, the bloodline of Uchiha and Senju also began to fall, and Senju lost the immortal body, and there were fewer and fewer people who opened Uchiha’s eyes.

“Shinobi rewards the main template fusion opportunity once, and the host can choose a template from the currently existing template to fuse, and can obtain all the abilities of the fusion template, including quality, wrapping star potential, including all the blood stain skills of the template ninjutsu.” The system reminds on the side.

The first thing that came to Gen’s mind was Kakashi’s template, which was the highest quality template in his hands right now.

But he was a little hesitant, although the five-star Kakashi is very strong, but in terms of physical fitness, Kakashi template is really average, one has no special blood succession, and the other does not have a strong body.

His strength comes more from the forced opening of the soil.

And there is still a little doubt in his heart, he has not yet had a five-star template, but he has a four-star water stop in his hand, and the four-star water stop has a debuff property, which is the devouring of a kaleidoscope, and excessive use of skills will lead to blindness in the writing wheel eye.

Then will Kakashi’s five-star template also have debuff attributes at that time, such as the power of the six paths with soil is used up and so on, is it becoming a sixth-generation Hokage Kakashi, that is really going to pit people.

Just like Kai, the top strength of his template should be the state of opening the door of death, can the use of the template continue to open the door of death? It shouldn’t be possible, there are definitely some kind of restrictions.

It was in view of these that Gengen was a little hesitant, because he still had a better choice, and after a while, when the Chūnin exam came, he might be able to brush Naruto or Sasuke’s template, which were genuine six-star templates.

“The host still has seven lottery opportunities in hand, you can try the lottery first, and save enough ten draws to have a high-quality probability bonus.” When Xuan was tangled, the system prompted.

“Yes, there is also a lottery.” Xuan suddenly said, except for the first 54 years of opening the system, he drew a lottery once, and he drew a prize before the night of extermination in the next 55 years.

That time he drew a one-star Konoha Maru, so angry that he directly decomposed the template, and he has never drawn a prize again.

The system’s lottery is too pitted, obviously the opportunity is not easy to get, but the chance of drawing garbage is very large.

“But this time you can give it a try, with a chance of probability bonus, plus a probability bonus of ten draws, you should be able to draw a high-quality template.” Xuan Mo pondered that if he could, the high-quality template he wanted was the one that stood firmly in that realm on his own, rather than opening a short hanging

ps; After making up one change, and still owing five more, you can guess which template the protagonist’s first fusion is. I think there should be enough hints.

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