Hokage’s God Of Body Art

Chapter 126 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 126th chapter steals multiple Shadow Clone techniques!

"Do you want to learn Summoning?" Suddenly, Jiraiya's eyes sharpened, like two sharp swords, piercing Glossi's face fiercely. The unique horror of the Kage-level powerhouse immediately enveloped Glossi.

"Yes, I want to learn Summoning." Glossi raised his head and said loudly.

I don't know why, facing the oppression of Jiraiya with such a powerful aura, not only did Glossi feel no fear, but an unyielding faith surged in his chest. That is a kind of momentum that belongs only to the warrior, who is firm and unyielding, and would rather bend than bend!

"Okay, very good." Jiraiya stared at Glossi, and the powerful aura was constricted little by little until it disappeared completely. He stretched out his hand and patted Glossi's shoulder vigorously, and said.

"You are very good. You should be unique among Genin if you can not yield or compromise under my aura!" he said appreciatively. "Your temperament is very similar to that of Guy. However, I can see that your future achievements will definitely surpass Guy."

"Master Jiraiya, you are too rewarding." Glossi said modestly.

"Okay, Naruto, come up." Jiraiya turned around and said loudly to Uzumaki Naruto. "Next, I want to teach you a great trick."

"What? You want to teach me a great trick? What trick?" Uzumaki Naruto hurriedly ran back from the river when he heard the excitement, and asked loudly.

"I teach you two Summoning Techniques." Jiraiya said in a deep voice.

"Summoning Technique? Really?" Uzumaki Naruto was overjoyed. He once encountered Orochimaru in the Death Forest and saw its Summoning Technique, which can instantly summon a giant snake that is more than 30 meters long, with amazing power.

Not long ago, a large toad about two meters tall that Jiraiya summoned also killed Jōnin Ebisu in a flash. If he could learn this high-level ninjutsu, what kind of scene would it be?

In an instant, Uzumaki Naruto seemed to imagine that in the Chūnin exam a month later, he directly summoned a huge toad with the "Summoning Technique", killing Uchiha Sasuke, Gaara, Hyuga Neji and others in a flash. The scenery is infinite!

"Boy, what are you thinking about?" Suddenly, Jiraiya raised his hand and knocked hard on Uzumaki Naruto's head, and shouted.

"No...nothing." Uzumaki Naruto said aggrievedly.

"Before I teach you Summoning, there is one thing I must tell you clearly, Uzumaki Naruto." Jiraiya said, turning his gaze to Uzumaki Naruto, and said. "I guess you haven't noticed it yet? Actually, there are two types of Chakra in your body."

"Two kinds of Chakra?" Uzumaki Naruto asked in surprise.

"You have never felt it before, do you have a special Chakra in your body?" Jiraiya asked seriously.

"Special Chakra..." Uzumaki Naruto thought for a long time before saying. "There was indeed a powerful Chakra that suddenly emerged before, and then I had a powerful force in an instant."

"However, I don’t remember the situation very clearly. However, I can clearly remember that the feeling is completely different from the usual Chakra made. If you use color to describe it, my usual Chakra is blue, but That particular Chakra is red."

"Is that so?" Jiraiya said. "Then can you try to make that red Chakra?"

"I... I'll try it." Uzumaki Naruto was taken aback and said. His hands were sealed, and soon a layer of Chakra with a faint blue light emerged.

"No, I can't make it." He shook his head and said.

"Really, it's a waste of wood." Jiraiya said while shaking his head.

"Ah! Damn it!" Uzumaki Naruto pointed at Jiraiya unhappy and shouted. "I don't have a clue about the two Chakras in my body. You let me create them suddenly. How can I do it?"

"Stop talking, keep trying." Jiraiya's face sank and shouted.

Uzumaki Naruto was taken aback, closed his mouth quickly, knotted his hands again, and tried.

"This guy didn't realize that the red Chakra was not his own, but the power of the monster sealed in his body!" Glossi secretly shook his head as he watched.

"No, I can't make it at all." Uzumaki Naruto quickly complained loudly again. "Pervy Sage, does the trick you want to give me have anything to do with that red Chakra?"

"Listen, boy, with your current Chakra, you can't learn the trick I want to give you." Jiraiya pointed to Uzumaki Naruto's forehead and said. "So, you must be able to control the sleeping giant Chakra in your body at any time, and use it flexibly."

"But, Pervy Sage, how did you know that I have another Chakra in my body?" Uzumaki Naruto asked puzzled.

"Good question." Jiraiya laughed and said loudly. "Because I am a fairy. Hahaha!"

Glossi: "..."

Uzumaki Naruto: "..."

"All in all, your unique red Chakra will be your killer." Jiraiya said. "If you can't make good use of it, it's a waste of treasure, you know?"

"You don't have to force yourself to practice with everyone. Everyone has what they are good at and what they are not good at. You have to form your own unique style."

"Before, what you did was to maintain a quantitative Chakra and release a quantitative Chakra. In other words, those are control trainings that require little Chakra. However, for you who are very physically strong, the amount Is the advantage."

"You have two types of Chakra in your body, so your amount of Chakra is amazing. Your goal of training should be to release Chakra to the maximum and use it. In this way, the ninjutsu and tricks you can learn will become many, many."

"Got it? Brat!" Jiraiya reached out and patted Uzumaki Naruto's small head hard, and said.

"Can you make an exception?" Uzumaki Naruto asked, eyes widening.

"For example, I am going to teach you this trick-summoning." Jiraiya said. "The spellcaster makes a blood contract with any creature, and then summons it with ninjutsu when needed. It is a kind of time and space ninjutsu."

"However, when you learn this type of ninjutsu, you must first exhaust the ordinary Chakra on your body and force another red Chakra out."

"Okay, I understand." Uzumaki Naruto said loudly. "Why didn't you talk about such a simple thing earlier? Just wrap it on me."

With the effort of speaking, he turned over and backed up, his hands were sealed.

"That seal?" Jiraiya's expression was slightly startled.

"Budo-Tianyan!" Glossi drank lowly in his heart, observing every movement of Uzumaki Naruto carefully. He knew that it was a taboo Technique, recorded in the "Book of Seals" in Konoha Village. He wants to copy it perfectly, and then study it after returning.

Not long ago, Uzumaki Naruto was deceived and stolen by Mizuki Naruto, and learned the first ninjutsu above, which is the multiple Shadow Clone technique!


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