Hokage’s God Of Body Art

Chapter 197 I like to bully big!

Pieces of white feathers fell from the sky, like a celestial woman scattered flowers, although beautiful and flawless, but with a fatal and terrible aura. This is a large-scale illusion unique to Yakushi Kabuto, which covers the entire playing field and is extremely powerful.

"Hey, what's wrong with me? Suddenly I feel so sleepy." Tenten only felt that his eyes were getting heavier and heavier. The upper and lower eyelids were constantly fighting, and his head suddenly leaned against Hyūga Hinata's body and fell asleep.

"This is... illusion!" Hyūga Hinata said in surprise with a pair of Byakugan open.

Although she was not strong, she was a eldest lady from the Hyuga clan after all. She was very clever, and she immediately judged that this place had been attacked by the enemy. She was thinking about it, and fell on her seat like Tenten, pretending to fall asleep.

Since the enemy can perform such a powerful large-scale illusion, at least he must be a master of Jōnin level. Although she was not deceived by the illusion, if she acted rashly and attracted the attention of the enemy, it would really lead to a murderous disaster!

"Plop!" "Plop!" "Plop!"...

One by one, the spectators in the stands collapsed on their seats. Most of them are ordinary people, how can they resist Jōnin's illusion? Even some of the weaker Chūnin couldn't resist and fell asleep.

"This is..." Sarutobi Hiruzen was taken aback when he saw this, and said in disbelief. "It's unbelievable. In addition to Itachi, there are people in this world who use such a wide range of illusions."

"Surprised, isn't it?" Orochimaru smiled and said. "You know this person, you have seen it in the Chūnin exam."

"Is it him?" Sarutobi Hiruzen's face grew ugly.

"Yes, it's him." Orochimaru said. "He is a good boy and I admire him. Of course, I also admire Uchiha Sasuke."

"You can't take him away." Sarutobi Hiruzen said in a deep voice. "You should know how powerful our Konoha Village is. Even if Otoninu and Sand Shinobi join forces, it is absolutely impossible to shake our foundation."

"It is because I know the details of Konoha Village that I dare to attack you so unscrupulously." Orochimaru said with a laugh. "White Fang committed suicide, Namikaze Minato died, and Jiraiya and Tsunade also left. In the huge Konoha Village, apart from you and Danzo, there is actually no Kage-level powerhouse who can be alone."

"And the saddest thing is, that guy Danzo is not even with you."

"What do you mean by this?" Sarutobi Hiruzen secretly said something bad, with a very bad premonition.

"Danzo knows Rock Lee's secrets and wants to take him back for a good interrogation and get all his secrets." Orochimaru said. "Of course, whether he can get Rock Lee's secrets or not, Rock Lee will definitely die."

"Danzo is your old friend. You should know his methods best."

"Damn it!" Sarutobi Hiruzen roared. He turned around and was about to run towards the playing field.

"Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!"

Suddenly, at this moment, the four "Anbu" members wearing civet masks in ambush rushed out. They each occupied the four corners of the building, and then their hands began to quickly seal.

"That's it?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked.

"Ninfa! Four Purple Flame Array!" As the four people shouted in unison, a purple-red energy light curtain soared into the sky, trapping Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen inside.

"Enchanted Ninjutsu." Orochimaru said with a grinning grin. "In this way, no one will disturb us anymore."

"There are people from Otonin in'Anbu.' Is this all Danzo's bastard made?" Sarutobi Hiruzen said angrily.

"Other than him, who do you think has this ability?" Orochimaru said. "He provides convenience for me. If I kill you, he can become the next Hokage of Konoha Village. Moreover, he can also get all the secrets of Rock Lee. Why don't you say he doesn't do this?"

"All of you protect Rock Lee." Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted at a group of "Anbu" who rushed in from a distance.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

However, at this moment, there was a series of loud noises around Konoha Village, and seven or eight giant pythons with a height of more than 30 meters and a thickness of about one meter appeared out of thin air. These pythons are really too big, like a war machine, they are advancing quickly toward the depths of Konoha Village with the momentum of breaking a bamboo. The side guards of Konoha Village could not resist at all and suffered heavy casualties.

"You... go and support there." Sarutobi Hiruzen said helplessly. "Rock Lee's safety, I can only believe in it and it's the same."

"Yes, Master Hokage." They got the order and all dispersed, rushing to the battlefield they needed to fight.


"Has it started?" Guloxi said silently in his heart, observing the surroundings with a pair of martial arts heavenly eyes. He concentrated all his attention, he knew that this time was the best time for Shimura Danzō to attack him.


Suddenly, a figure shot from a distance like electricity, a powerful momentum raging, and a bitter murderous intent directed at Glossi.

"Baki, don't go too far." Just when Glossi was about to make a move, Shiranui Xuanjian stood in front of Glossi and said lightly. "It's not ashamed to shoot at a child."

"Well, I will kill you first, and then kill that kid." Baki said sternly.

"Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!"

At this time, three more people with civet masks on their faces came hurriedly in the distance.

The appearance of these three people immediately changed Baki's face and retreats in his heart. I don't know Huo Xuanjian is already a strong enemy, and with the three "Anbu", he is not an opponent anyway.

However, when he found that the eyes of the three of them were not looking at him, but at Rock Lee, he immediately settled. He knew this was sent by Shimura Danzō to capture Rock Lee, not at him.

"What are you going to do?" They ran from a distance, blocking the three "Anbu", and asked sternly.

"Master Danzo has an order, let us catch Rock Lee back." One of them said coldly.

"An order from the commander?" Binzui Tong showed a dignified face, but he did not give in. "I'm here to protect Rock Lee from Master Hokage's order. Go back right away."

"In that case, I'm offended." What he didn't expect is that the three of them didn't turn around and leave, but instead just shot. One of them raised his right hand, and a large swath of black flying insects spread out, and immediately trapped the same.

"Aburame takes the roots, are you going to disobey Master Hokage's orders?" And yelled exactly the same. Obviously, he and the other three are old acquaintances and know their identities.

"We only obeyed Lord Danzo's orders." Aburame said coldly. "Rock Lee, come with us, we don't want to act on you to bully the small!"


However, at this moment, something that everyone did not expect happened. Gullosi, who was standing motionless, suddenly moved, like thunder and lightning, and suddenly rushed in front of Aburame to take the roots, fiercely. The ground slapped his face, and all the civet cat masks on his face were taken away!

"You don't want to bully the big with the big? I like to bully the big with the small!" Gulosi said lightly.


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