Tsunade looked at Kirito Uzumaki with wide eyes.

Her hands fell unnaturally to her sides.

In a word, the hands of the Uzumaki Kirito have been completely healed.


Naruto trotted all the way and nervously stopped beside Kirito Uzumaki.

"Nissan is my Nissan! What a thousand hands! We simply don't know! When

Naruto heard Tsunade's words, he immediately felt a sense of crisis!

Someone is going to rob Nissan with him!

Naruto glared fiercely at Tsunade and shouted unceremoniously.

Tsunade glanced at Naruto and then at Kirito Uzumaki, his expression was still solemn, but he was a little more puzzled.

She was just shocked.

Now after reacting, Tsunade understood that Uzumaki Kirito could not be a Senju.

Instantly, Tsunade's mood became low.

She turned her head sideways, not wanting to see the face.

Tired heart.

Shizune had also reacted and hurried to Tsunade's side to help Tsunade check the injury.

I don't know if I don't look, but I'm shocked when I look at it!

Neither the fingers nor the palm of the hand are broken, but the phalanges inside have been broken.

"Tsunade-sama... No way! Shizune used the palm cactus, but Tsunade's injury only improved slightly, and then there was no movement.

Shizune was pale, and sweat was coming out of his forehead.

She said in a panic, how could there be such a thing!

Tsunade's face was no better.

Hearing this, Tsunade could only turn his head.

Her gaze fell on Uzumaki Kirito without hesitation.

"Your Chakra, very interesting." Tsunade said weakly.

No way, as a ninja but unable to use Chakra, Tsunade felt very uncomfortable.

The weak one simply doesn't look like herself!

Even when Chakra was exhausted, Tsunade had never held back so much!

Today I planted a head on a little ghost!

Tsunade knew that it would be fine if she just let Uzumaki Kirito pull out the chakra from her body that didn't belong to her.

But Tsunade just can't open this mouth!

She had just made a bet with this stinky boy, and she was still thinking about how to punch Uzumaki Kirito's face.

Then he was slapped in the face in reverse!

Tsunade thinks she can't afford to lose this person!

Tsunade fought to lift the Yin Seal, and he didn't want to ask for help from Uzumaki Kirito!

"Tsunade-sama, let me come."

Uzumaki Kirito's voice suddenly sounded, and he took the initiative to step forward.

Before Tsunade could react, he gently held Tsunade's hand and loosened it with a touch.

After Uzumaki Kirito withdrew his chakra, he stepped back and looked at Tsunade with a gentle smile.

"Tsunade-sama, are we going to continue fighting?" Uzumaki Kirito said as if inquiring.

The chakra in Tsunade's body instantly flowed.

Seeing this, Shizune next to him hurriedly used the palm cactus again, and Tsunade's hand was immediately fine.

Although it still hurts, there are no other problems.

Shizune finally breathed a long sigh of relief: "Tsunade-sama! It's okay!

Shizune was happy, Tsunade couldn't.

Tsunade choked in his throat with a bad breath, unable to swallow or spit it out.


Popular by Uzumaki Tong!

Tsunade glared viciously at Kirito Uzumaki.

Naruto immediately opened his hands like a hen protector to block Kirito Uzumaki, looking at Tsunade with wary eyes.

Tsunade's hands almost trembled!

"You! Two stinky boys!

"The old lady lost, okay! I'm sure now that such a treacherous imp as you definitely can't be a thousand hands!

"It's Uchiha or almost!"

Tsunade rolled his eyes.

Uzumaki Kirito has strange powers like her, and her control ability is likely to be above her.

And after that weird Chakra enters her body, it can also produce a seal-like effect.

So what else to fight?


Tsunade: Dirty mouth!.jpg

"Nissan and Sasuke have nothing to do with each other! Nissan and I are family! Naruto muttered unpleasantly next to him, "I'm old, and my eyes are not good!"

Tsunade heard this and glared at Naruto again.

Naruto was not afraid, and directly glared at each other with Tsunade, looking inexplicably a little happy.

Shizune couldn't help but laugh softly next to him.

Only then did Tsunade come to his senses.


She was deflected by the imp!

"Say it! What do you want me to promise! In order not to continue to run off-track, Tsunade said impatiently.

She didn't want to see Uzumaki Kirito and Naruto at all now.

These two brothers are not ordinary angry people!

Tsunade's gaze fell on the ninja guard on Naruto's forehead, her mind casually thinking about the news she had learned from Orochimaru's mouth.

Three generations of teachers have died.

They should have come to find themselves back as Hokage... She didn't want to... But willing to gamble....

"No matter what deal Orochimaru made with you, refuse him."

Kirito Uzumaki's calm, exceptionally recognizable voice broke Tsunade's broken thoughts in his heart.

"Wait?! What did you say! Tsunade raised his head in disbelief, and his gaze filled with disbelief as he looked at Kirito Uzumaki.

"You... Do you know what you're talking about? Don't you want me to go back..." Tsunade's tongue was a little knotted.

She wanted to ask Uzumaki Kirito how she knew about her meeting with Orochimaru and the deal between them.

But in the face of Uzumaki Kirito's eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, Tsunade was speechless.

Tsunade's heart was a mess.

Naruto also looked at Kirito Uzumaki with strange eyes, and he asked puzzled, "Nisan, why do you say that?"

Uzumaki Kirito rubbed Naruto's hair, and it felt the same good.

He ignored Tsunade and instead answered Naruto's question first.

"This is Tsunade-hime, Princess Tsunade of Konoha. She and Jiraiya also have Orochimaru, a class, and the instructor Shinobu is the third generation of Hokage.

Tsunade-hime is the best medical ninja of the five great powers.

Orochimaru's arms were sealed by the three generations of Hokage at the cost of his life, and if he wanted to heal his arms, he would definitely choose Tsunade, who had a relationship with him and had weaknesses that he could exploit.

Uzumaki Kirito said.

Every word he said accurately stated the reason and details of the transaction between Tsunade and Orochimaru.

The cold sweat behind Tsunade unconsciously flowed down.

Her gaze fell on Uzumaki Kirito's body.

Uzumaki Kirito's gaze met Tsunade's gaze, and he said lightly, as if he didn't care about anything:

"Although I don't really like three generations, I do owe three generations, so this request is for me to return his kindness."

The arms that were sealed by the three generations with the Death Seal should not have been destroyed by another of his students.

Tsunade's mouth opened and closed, and he looked dazed.

She...... She....

"Why don't you use this request to get you back to be a Hokage?" Uzumaki Kirito didn't intend to let Tsunade go so much, he looked directly at Tsunade and continued to say word by word.

"Because, Konoha doesn't need a reluctant Hokage."

"This is dishonoring the Hokage of Konoha!"

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