Spring and autumn came, time passed in a hurry, and it had been more than five months since Tsunade went to the front.

In the past five months, three major events have occurred that shocked the entire ninja world.

The first major event, not long after Tsunade arrived at the front line, many countries almost at the same time, dispatched large-scale ninja troops, fully pressed the Konoha defense line, and a tragic battle occurred, and countless ninjas died on the battlefield.

But strangely, the countries did not send many high-end forces, and Konoha Village suffered heavy losses almost with all its strength, barely preventing this attack, and the front retreated from several small warring countries into the territory of the Fire Nation.

At this time, the allied forces of several countries suddenly retreated, and a number of small countries with heavy casualties announced their withdrawal from the war, and at the same time came the news that the country of Whirlpool had been breached, and the Vortex Shadow Village was destroyed. It became the second major thing that shocked the ninja world.

The third big event happened half a month later, when the Land of Water and the Land of Earth suddenly got together.

Not long after, it suddenly came that the three generations of Mizukage had been assassinated, and the country of water announced its withdrawal from the war, and all the ninja troops retreated to the country of water and deployed on the border line.

The country of earth fought two major battles in a row, and it was also a great injury to the vitality, so he temporarily chose to retreat and return to the country of earth.

The war turned into a three-way struggle between Konoha Village, Kumo Shinobu and Sand Shinobu.

However, they were still relatively restrained, only some sporadic skirmishes, no more major battles, and have been in a stalemate.

During this period, Moonlight Liuyun, who returned from the front line, took the three of Liufeng and carried out many logistics supply delivery and casualty transportation tasks, during which she saw Tsunade several times in the battlefield hospital, but she was busy with her feet on the ground, and there were several battles, but there was always no danger.

The middle of the Thousand Hands Rope Tree also came back once, and was educated by Liufeng again, plus because he did not cultivate the immortal mode, he only appeared and disappeared immediately, and Liufeng who performed well in the mission was recommended by Moonlight Liuyun to be promoted to Zhongnin.

After becoming a Naka Shinobu, when the moonlight clouds are gone, he occasionally takes Nami and Murakami on small tasks.

Because Tsunade went to the front, the Senju rope tree was transformed into a wet bone forest in the mode of cultivating immortals, and only Vortex Mito was left in the entire Senju Clan.

Liufeng has also been embarrassed, and proposed to move back to his cabin, and has been in the Thousand Hands Clan Land when he is not on a mission.

“Grandma! I’m going! ”

After breakfast, Rukaede said goodbye to Vortex Mito.

“Hmm! Be careful when tasking. ”

Liufeng went out all the way to the gate of Konoha, because of the war, their squad has always maintained a state of combat readiness, and basically every day they will assemble, either for tasks or to practice together.

When the squad disbanded yesterday, Moonlight Flowing Cloud informed them that there was a mission at half past seven today, and they would assemble at the gate of Konoha.

When he arrived, it was about seven twenty, and he found that in addition to their squad, there were four people from another squad.

“Teacher, you are so early!” Liufeng walked over and said hello to the squad members.

“You’re kind enough to say that you’re the last to arrive every time.”

For Liufeng to be promoted to Zhongnin first, Murakami has always been worried, but unfortunately his strength is not enough, and his performance in the task is also very average, so he can only be angry.

“Hmph! Hope this guy won’t hold back! ”

A member of the other squad said nonchalantly.

Well! Liufeng squinted his eyes and turned to look at the other squad.

They were all raw faces, apparently not encountered in previous missions.

Liufeng, who has performed many war missions in the past few months, has really seen many characters in the original work, like the old generation of Pig Deer Butterfly Trio, who is now only fourteen or fifteen years old, Uchiha Fuqiu is only fifteen years old, and some others are not very old.

However, they are all in a hurry, and there is no in-depth communication.

“Okay, the time is almost up, the people have arrived, Qingtian, let’s go!”

Moonlight Liuyun glanced at it and said to the leader of the other squad.


Moonlight Liuyun casually sent a kunai, pinned the pass to the table in front of the guard ninja, and took the lead and rushed out.

Qingtian then followed, and then Liufeng and these team members also rushed out after them.

Only then did Liufeng notice that both Moonlight Liuyun and Qingtian were carrying a large scroll on their backs.

After leaving the village, the group of eight people did not speak, and they had been silently hurrying quickly.

The boy who snubbed Liufeng at the door, as if he deliberately wanted to compete with Liufeng, rushed in front of Liufeng several times.

However, Zhu Feng remained unmoved and ran at his own pace.

The boy went back and forth for a few waves, didn’t do anything to Liufeng, but he was tired enough, and finally glared at Liufeng and gave up helplessly.

Until noon, the moonlight flowing clouds who led the team at the front waved their hands, signaled everyone to stop, turned around and said: “Okay, take a break first, everyone adds, and then we will continue to hurry.” ”

After resting for a while, and after almost eating, Moonlight Ryuzue and the Kaminobu named Kiyota gathered everyone together, and only then did they tell the story of this mission.

Their mission this time is to send a batch of supplies to the front line of the Land of Grass and the Land of Rain, which are right at the intersection of the three great powers of the Land of Earth, the Country of Wind and the Land of Fire, and every time the Ninja World War, it will become a battlefield for many great powers.

After telling the mission information, Moonlight Liuyun talked about some precautions.

“Are the tasks clear?”


“Go!” Moonlight Liuyun waved his hand, and the group hit the road again.

Liufeng remembered that the country of rain in the original work was the main battlefield of the three wars of World War II, and as for the country of grass, there was not much to mention, as if the three generations of thunder shadows were besieged there and died during the three wars, and it is estimated that it is also the main battlefield.

War is undoubtedly a disaster for a small group of large countries, bringing endless nightmares to the citizens of small countries.

Otherwise, in World War II, Hanzo, who was cautious by nature, would not have declared war on a great power, and fought with the young Sanshin, achieving the name of the Sannin.

World War II is different from World War III, World War II swept almost the entire ninja world, and all the ninja villages large and small participated in the war.

If it weren’t for World War II, Nagato’s Xiao Organization wouldn’t have existed.

However, now at the end of World War II, these small countries are no longer able to fight and withdraw from the war, leaving a few large countries still fighting in secret.

The two squads split up at the border of the Land of Fire, with Ryukede heading to the Rain Country front, while Kiyota was going to the Grass Country with the squad.

It was dark, and several people appeared on the edge of the Land of Rain, which had been shrouded in rain.

Now Nagato is still a little brat, of course, there can be no rain tiger free technique.

A few people dressed up a little and braved the rain.

Now is the time of war, there is not a pedestrian on the road at all, this army is in chaos, except for the ninja who dares to rush after dark, it is estimated that there is no civilian or merchant who is afraid of life, and dare to wander on the road when it is dark.

If they appear in such a combination, any ninja can tell that they are a ninja squad, but this place is close to the Land of Fire, so you don’t have to worry too much about being careful.

Only then did Liu Feng realize that something seemed wrong!

According to Moonlight Liuyun, their mission this time was to transport supplies, which he had performed many times, and occasionally with some Naka Shinobi.

But when leaving the village, it is still rare for two upper Shinobi to lead the team.

It seems that the three Shinobi are on the front line of the Land of Rain, and this mission seems to be a little difficult!

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