“What is it?! Darkener?! Everyone, attack!! Amurona’s eyes looked at a black shadow flying out of the yakiniku restaurant, a puzzled look on her face, and she commanded loudly in her mouth!!

“Wind Escape Thousand Faces Wind!!” Several Shinobu heard Amurona’s order, quickly sealed their hands, drank low in their mouths, and suddenly spit out one wind blade after another from their mouths!

“Wind and sand formation!!” A sand ninja made a seal with his hands, and suddenly spit out thick yellow sand in his mouth, and one after another wind and sand covered people’s sight!

“Water Rush!!” A sand ninja quickly formed a complex water seal with his hands, drank low in his mouth, and spit out a huge water column from his mouth!!

“Oh! Oh yes!! It seems that Ueno-kun is in some trouble this time!! Hanyue calmly stared at Shinobu’s intensive ninjutsu attacks, and said with a smile on his mouth!

“Hey! Feed!! Captain Cold Moon! As a captain, is it really appropriate to smile and explain in the face of an attack on the team?! Hinata Sato said with a hint of a smile on his face and a soft question in his mouth!

“Speaking of which, Sato-kun was the first to throw Ueno-kun out!! Since then, throwing fat men before fighting has become a tradition for our night raid squad! Kato looked at Hinata Sato with a strange look on his face, and whispered in his mouth!

“Look closely, it’s a very good battle, well! The show of Fat Man vs. Thirty Sand Shinobu!! “Nara Wami didn’t know where to take out a barbecue meat and eat it, and said happily in her mouth!

“Wami-chan!! Is this really good?! The corner of Hanyue’s mouth twitched, with a smile on his face, and he whispered an inquiry in his mouth!

“Tricolor secret medicine!! Super Multiplication Technique!! “Ueno Akimichi, who was flying in the air, suddenly took out a pill in his right hand, threw it into his mouth without hesitation, and drank low in his mouth!! With Ueno Akimichi’s low drink, his body instantly swelled and turned into a giant close to ten meters!!

“Peng!!” With a loud bang, Ueno’s body instantly stood on the ground, and his huge body stepped on the ground out of a huge deep pit, and at the same time, all the ninjutsu in front of him hit him! However, these ninjutsu hit Ueno Akimichi’s body, but they only left some white scar spots!

“It hurts! Pain! Super Multiplication Technique! Right hand!! Ueno Akimichi’s mouth drank low again, and his huge right hand suddenly smashed towards the sand ninja above the ground!!

“Peng!!” With a loud bang, Ueno Akimichi’s right hand instantly smashed on the bodies of the three sand ninjas, and the huge force smashed the three sand ninja under the ground in an instant!!

“Let’s go!! It’s time for us to go!! Hanyue’s face had a hint of a smile, and he said softly in his mouth!!

“Shav!!” Hanyue’s mouth was low, and his right foot instantly hit the ground ten times, and his body quickly came to the front of a stunned sand ninja!

“One knife flow Juhe chop!” Hanyue’s mouth drank low again, and his right hand suddenly pulled out the village rain around his waist!! A stream of light flashed, and this Shinobi’s instant was split in half!!

“Another enemy has appeared! Everyone… Attack together!! The ten sand ninjas on the side showed a hint of anger on their faces, drank low in their mouths, and their bodies quickly surrounded the cold moon!

“One Knife Flow Full Moon Slash!!” A smile appeared on Hanyue’s face, and he whispered in his mouth! The body instantly rotated! As the cold moon rotated, the village rain in his hand instantly streaked across the bodies of the ten sand ninja with a streamer!!

“Ugh!! Help me!! “What’s going on?! Cursed?! “There was only a slight wound on the body of the ten sand ninjas, and the curse poison above the wound instantly attacked, and these sand ninja all fell to the ground after screaming!

“Then, let’s go too!!” A smile appeared on Hinata Sato’s face, and he put his hands in front of each other, and put on a soft fist starting pose!

“Roll your eyes! Open! Soft boxing gossip empty palm!! Hinata Sato’s mouth drank lowly, and some green tendons instantly protruded around the white eyes on his face, and then Hinata Sato’s right hand suddenly shot out of the air!

“Peng!!” With a soft sound, an air slash appeared in front of him, quickly knocking out the four sand ninja in front of him!

“Super Beast Pseudo-Painting Two-Headed Wolf!!” Kato’s left hand quickly touched out his sketchbook, and his right hand quickly drew a two-headed wolf, and drank low in his mouth!

“Roar!!” With a loud roar, the two-headed wolf that originally existed in the painting instantly appeared in front of Kato, and then, the two-headed wolf roared and rushed towards the two Shinobi!

“Ugh!!” With two screams in a row, the wolf heads on the left and right sides of the two-headed wolf instantly bit off the necks of the two Shinobi!!

“Occult Shadow Mimicry!” The figure of Nara Wami appeared in the middle of the seven sand ninjas, standing exactly at the intersection of the shadows of the seven sand ninjas, and with a low drink in his mouth, the movements of the seven sand ninja in front of him stopped instantly!

“The body… The body can’t move!! How can it be repaired!! It is the secret art of the Nara family!! A sand ninja’s face was livid, and he said in horror in his mouth! With the words of this Shinobu, the bodies of all seven Shinobi moved with the movements of Nara Vomi!!

“Stop… Stop!! Seeing that Nara Wami put his empty right hand on his neck, Nanami Shinobu watched with a look of fear as his right hand placed Ku Wu on his neck, and said in horror in his mouth!

“You’re going to die!!” A sweet smile appeared on Nara’s face, and she said with a chuckle! With Nara Waomi’s words, her right hand suddenly slashed across her neck!!

“Sharingan! Open!! Uchiha stopped the water in his mouth and drank lowly, and a hook jade suddenly appeared in his eyes, although it is not as good as taking the earth to open the eyes is two gou jade, but even a hook of jade writing wheel eyes also shows the genius of Uchiha to stop water!

“Instantaneous Technique!!” Uchiha’s body instantly appeared behind a sand ninja using the teleportation technique, and the kunai in his right hand quickly cut the neck of this sand ninja, and then, he used the teleportation technique again to appear behind another sand ninja!!

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