“Water Curtain Tent!!” The mouth of the water attribute mask monster in the corner suddenly spit out a cloud of high-pressure water cannons, and at the moment when the high-pressure water cannons appeared, they attacked towards the cold moon!

“Romantic Fort [Pumpkin]! Particle Pulse Enhanced Edition! Cold Moon’s mouth drank lowly, and the romantic fortress [pumpkin] on his hands instantly absorbed the huge sense of crisis spiritual fluctuations of the two people of the night raid team, and then the streamers on the gun body made the romantic fortress [pumpkin] covered with a layer of brilliant colors!! With the movement of the cold moon, an even larger light mass above the muzzle instantly shot out!!

“Peng!!” With a loud bang, the huge energy cannon instantly hit the high-pressure water column in front of him! Then the speed continued to attack in the direction of the Water Attribute Mask Monster without slowing down!!

“Water Formation!!” The hands of the Water Attribute Mask Monster suddenly slapped on the surface of the water under his feet, and one after another streams of water instantly shrouded the Water Attribute Mask Monster’s body!

“Peng!” With a loud bang, the huge particle pulse was like a huge light dragon devouring the Water Attribute Mask Monster! As the particle pulse swallowed the Water Attribute Mask Monster, a dazzling shock wave was instantly released, instantly disappearing all obstacles on the ground and within three kilometers of the surrounding area, replaced by a huge deep pit!!

“Whew! Call!! Han Yue’s face had a hint of sweat on it, and he gasped slightly in his mouth! Although Cold Moon’s romantic fortress [Pumpkin] absorbs spiritual power to increase attack power, if you want to absorb the sense of crisis of the people around you, you need Cold Moon’s own spiritual power as a guide! This is also the reason why Cold Moon does not absorb the sense of crisis of the five members of the night attack squad at once!

“Nice little ghost!! It seems that I am still not fully prepared this time!! Moreover, the ability of the imperial tools you hold really amazes you!! It was able to destroy three of my hearts at once!! Nice ability! Jiaodu’s eyes were cold, his face was expressionless, and he said with praise in his mouth! Obviously, as a shadow-level strength, Kakuto has an extremely meticulous grasp of the battlefield situation, and Hanyue can destroy the three hearts of Kakuto at once, so that Kakuto has to reconsider whether it is necessary for him to continue fighting!!

“I didn’t expect that in the past hundred years, a guy comparable to Senjukuma and Uchiha has appeared! It seems that there will be some incredible changes in the ninja world!! Jiaodu’s eyes looked at Hanyue calmly, and the grievances in his hands were retracted in his body, and his mouth said coldly!

“Speaking of which, I’m curious how many kinds of imperial tools you have! Uchiha Cold Moon Little Ghost! Kakuto’s face showed a rare look of interest, and he said in a deep voice!!

“Hey! Kakuto… What the hell do you want to do?! Hanyue looked at Kakuto with a calm face, turned his head to look at the Thunder Attribute Mask Monster who stopped, and asked in a low voice in his mouth!!

“Forget it!! You’ll know later!! Uchiha Cold Moon! It seems that I need to give you a title!! A trace flashed in Jiaodu’s eyes, and his mouth said coldly!

“Huh?!” All the members of the night raid team looked at Kakuto at this time with a dull expression, and an unbelievable questioning sound came out of their mouths!!

“Title?! Interesting!! It seems that Konoha Sanshin is a title bestowed by the demigod Hanzo!! In this way, has my ability been recognized by Kakuto?! With a hint of interest on her face, Hangetsu’s face flashed the picture of Hanzo and Konoha’s three Shinobi fighting, and he said in thought!

“Ahhh!! The genius ninja of Konoha… Uchiha Cold Moon! I am a shadow level that has existed since the period between the Thousand Hand Pillars! There is no problem at all in granting you the title! Although we are enemies! However, your strength has been recognized by me! Therefore, I hereby grant you a title! Well, your ability is to use endless imperial tools! So… It’s called the Emperor Envoy!! Jiaodu’s eyes looked at the cold moon coldly, and said calmly in his mouth! With Kakuto’s words, the thunder attribute mask monster in front of him instantly burrowed into Kakuto’s back!

“That’s the end of today’s battle! If I want to kill you now, I will have to pay a big price!” That’s not what I wanted! Uchiha Cold Moon Little Ghost!! We will meet again!! Jiaodu’s face was expressionless, his green eyes stared coldly at the cold moon, and he said in a deep voice! Then the figure of Kakuto disappeared in front of Hanyue!!

“Cut!! It’s so nice to say, it’s not an escape!! Hinata Sato had a look of displeasure on his face, and muttered something in his mouth!

“Nope! If I continue to fight, although I can seriously injure Kakuto, it will definitely be me who dies! And the reason why the budget-conscious Kakuto closed is because in this transaction, Kaku will lose money!! Therefore, Kakuto will choose to retreat!! With a wry smile on her face, Hanyue whispered in her mouth!

“Huh?! Trade?! Captain Cold Moon! You said that the battle just now seemed to be a deal in Kakuto?! What a joke! Nara Womi’s eyes widened suddenly, looking at Hanyue with a look of surprise, and said loudly in his mouth!

“Although I don’t want to admit it, in the eyes of Kakuto, we are all shining silver two! If you can lose a little price, this trade is earned! However, after destroying the three hearts of Kakuto, in Kakuto’s opinion, this transaction will have a great impact on his future money path, so for Kakuto, who loves money as much as life, he will retreat! With a thoughtful look on his face, Hanyue tried to analyze Kakuto’s money-loving personality, and explained in his mouth!

“Is that so?! What a weird guy!! However, the title of emperor is really very good!! A hint of abruptness flashed on Nara Womi’s face, a light smile appeared on her face, and she whispered in her mouth!!

“Emperor Gu Envoy?! I also like this title!! I believe that Kakuto will pass my title to the Five Shinobi Villages through Xiao’s intelligence network!! In other words, from now on, am I also a ninja with a title?! Emperor Gu envoys… I will definitely make this title resound in the ninja world! Han Yue’s eyes flashed with a hint of confidence, a look of expectation appeared on his face, and he said in a deep voice!

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