“Yay! Yay!! Haven’t you guys noticed yet?! When the birdcage fell like a shooting star, something fell!! The five fingers of Hanyue’s right hand moved quickly, the finger bones made a clicking sound, with a playful smile on his face, and said in a deep voice!

“Huh?! Uchiha Cold Moon Little Ghost!! What the hell are you talking about! A sand ninja heard Hanyue’s words, his face froze for a moment, and he questioned loudly in his mouth!

“Old man! Is this the enemy who invaded our Sand Shinobi Village?! It doesn’t seem to be very loud to hear!! I couldn’t imagine that such a young child would have such strength! “In a house in Sand Shinobi Village, the wife of an old man made a sound of amazement!

“Yes! This is the ninja! What about having ninjas who can’t be measured by age!! But there’s nothing to do without us! You better go cook!! I’m hungry!! The old husband glanced at the sky outside with a smile on his face, and said with a chuckle!!

“Hey! Hi!! Went to cook… Huh?! Old man, what is it around your neck?! The wife, who was just about to turn around, inadvertently swept her husband’s neck, looked at a silk thread on her husband’s neck in amazement, and asked softly in her mouth!

“Huh?! Is there something ?! Why can’t I feel it?! The husband touched his neck in amazement and muttered in his mouth! However, as her husband’s right hand touched the silk thread, his right hand was instantly cut open!

“How can it be repaired! Uchiha imp! What exactly did you do?! A Shinobu asked anxiously! Obviously, for Hanyue to imprison everyone in the Sand Ninja Village, this Sand Ninja felt an abnormal anger!

“How stupid! Let me ask you a question!! With a playful smile on her face, Hanyue supported her chin with her left hand, leaned back slightly, and whispered in her mouth!!

“Hey! Feed! Captain Cold Moon! I can’t hold on!! With a hint of sweat on her face, Nara worked hard to maintain the spiritual connection between Hangetsu and Shinobi Village, and whispered softly in her mouth!!

“Yay! Yay!! I’m so sorry! Wome-chan!! I was excited for a while, but I forgot that you haven’t fully mastered this ninjutsu!! Hanyue had an apologetic smile on her face and said softly in her mouth!!

“In that case, let’s ask you a question at the end!!” The voice of the cold moon continued to sound in the minds of everyone in the Sand Ninja Village, and the low and cold and playful voice of the cold moon made the hearts of everyone in the Sand Ninja Village sink slightly!

“If the enemy becomes a companion by your side, then what is the enemy in front of you?! Or companions!! I’m curious!! “The low and magnetic voice of the cold voice constantly echoes in everyone’s mind!

“Enemies turned into companions?! Not good!! This imp is thinking…! Yushan’s face had a look of horror, his eyes suddenly flashed, and his mouth was shocked! However, before Yushan could finish speaking, the voice of the cold moon continued to sound!!

“Lords of the Shinobi Village!! Stop it!! Next, go deal with your enemies!! Parasitic threads! Launch!! With a hint of a smile on her face, Han Yue snapped her fingers and said in a deep voice!! And with the snapping of the fingers of the cold moon, the parasitic line that fell with the birdcage was instantly activated!!

“Mom! Mom!! Is it a ninja playing game outside?! “In a house, a young boy rushed to the window, looked at the Shinobu outside with curiosity on his face, and said with an inquiry in his mouth!

“Xiaojie! Don’t go out! It’s dangerous outside!! The boy’s mother looked at Xiaojie with a kind face, and said in her mouth!! However, then, the body of the mother who was originally walking towards Xiaojie instantly stood still in place!

“The body… The body can’t move?! What the hell is going on here?! Mieko looked at her body in horror and said in panic! With Mieko’s words, her hands slowly moved! Then in Mieko’s terrified eyes, her body instantly walked towards the kitchen!!

“Stop… Give me a stop!! Mieko looked at her body in horror with her eyes and shouted in panic! Her voice attracted her husband in the house!

“Mieko! What are you doing?! Put the knife down!! Iwata looked at the dinner knife in his wife’s hand with a surprised expression, and said with a reminder in his mouth!

“Iwata-kun!! My body… Out of control!! Mieko looked at her husband with hope in horror, and said in panic! However, with Mieko’s voice, her right hand was instantly raised high! The dinner knife in my right hand is shining silver!!

“Poof!!” With a soft sound, Mieko looked at Iwata who was cut by herself with a look of disbelief in despair, and a tear suddenly welled up in her eyes!!

“Iwata-kun!! This… What the hell is going on here!! Mieko’s voice whimpered, tears kept flowing down her eyes, and she shouted in her mouth!

“Mom! Mom!! What’s wrong with you?! Xiaojie’s head poked out, looking at Mieko, who was crying incessantly, with a hint of doubt on her face, and said with an inquiry in her mouth! However, then he saw Iwata falling to the ground!

“Dad! Father!! Mom, dad, what’s wrong with this?! Xiaojie had a worried look on her face, and walked towards Mieko with a questioning look in her mouth!!

“Don’t come here!! Jj!! Don’t come over!! Get out of mom’s side!! Mieko’s eyes skimmed the movement of her right hand, her face suddenly changed, her eyes looked at Xiaojie in front of her in horror, and she roared loudly in her mouth!!

“Run! Run!! Mieko’s mouth reminded loudly! And her body is indeed walking towards Xiaojie step by step!!

“How can it be repaired!! Give me a stop!! Mieko’s mouth let out hysterical cries, biting her lip, trying to stop her movements, but all her efforts were in vain!! At this moment, it’s not just Mieko, it’s a nightmare for the entire Shinobi Village… Here we go!

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