“Oh! Oh yes!! Ruri-chan’s soft fist and white eyes are really easy to use!! “A day has passed since the last battle, and at this time, Hanyue’s eyes looked at the corpse of Iwa Shinobu on the ground, and said with admiration in his mouth!!

“Cold Moon Monarch’s sword skills and imperial tools are also amazing!” Hinata Ruri’s eyes showed a hint of curiosity, with a smile on her face, and whispered in her mouth!!

“Whew! Call!! The continuous high-intensity battle made my body a little tired! Uchiha, who was sitting on the side, exhaled in his mouth and whispered!

After Hangetsu killed the two ninjas of Iwa Shinobi Village, Uchiha Shisui and Hinata Ruri also killed the remaining two ninjas with teleportation and soft fists!! After that, the three of them kept slaughtering the fallen Iwa Shinobu all the time, relying on Hinata Ruri’s white eyes!

“Ah! Speaking of which, the Uchiha family and the Hyuga family just let us exercise it!! All the elite Kami-shinobi were blocked by Uchiha Fugaoka-sama and Hinata-sama!! A thoughtful look flashed in Hinata’s eyes, and she whispered in her mouth!

“Well! I believe that the battle ahead should also be over!! It’s just a skirmish after all! The main way to fight is still in squad mode! In this way, it will limit the combined attack technique of Iwa Shinobu Village!! Hanyue nodded, reached out and took out a soldier food pill from his ninja bag, threw it into his mouth, and said in a low voice!

“Thirty people killed in the elite, thirteen in the middle ninja!!” Uchiha stopped looking at the corpse in front of him with both eyes, and said in a low voice in his mouth! In the two days of non-stop fighting, relying on Hinata Ruri’s detection, Hanyue and Shisui carried out an assassination plan against the squad that was left behind! Relying on the speed of the cold moon and stopping the water, it is often a one-hit hit! This also allowed the Cold Moon Squad to kill forty-three Iwa Shinobi in a short period of time! At the same time, relying on his own speed and village rain, Hanyue alone killed twenty-eight elite Zhongnin!!

“Open your eyes!!” After a short rest, Hinata Ruri’s mouth drank lowly, and the white eyes opened again! At this time, Hinata Ruri’s face was already covered with sweat!!

“No enemies found around!!” Hinata Ruri’s eyes scanned the surroundings and whispered in her mouth! With Hinata Ruri’s words, her white eyes closed instantly!!

“No enemies?! It looks like the battle is coming to an end!! Hanyue looked at the sound of battle in the distance and the light of fire everywhere, and said thoughtfully in his mouth!

“Ruri-chan! You take a break!! Glancing at Hinata Ruri, whose face was covered in sweat, he said with a smile on his mouth! With Hangetsu’s words, Hinata nodded and sat down

“Ding! Bite! Bite!! “The cold moon threw out three kunai!! The three kunwu were scattered around the three of Hanyue in three directions, and at the same time, the steel wires above the kunai were instantly connected, forming a simple defensive trap!!

“Yo! Quite capable?!!! The voice of the nine tails sounded in Hanyue’s ears, and Hanyue nodded noncommittally, and then instantly sat on the ground, and the village rain in his hand was placed horizontally in front of him!

“Devour!!” Hanyue’s eyes calmly glanced at the village rain in his hand, and instantly activated the negative soul stored in the village rain!

“This… This is!! What an incredible little ghost! To be able to obtain such a soul!! No wonder he was able to open the double hook jade writing wheel eye at such an age! The eyes of the Nine Tails suddenly widened, looking at the negative soul that was bound within the spiritual space of the cold moon, and said in surprise in his mouth!

“Turn it into my power!! Engulf!! Han Yue’s eyes looked at the twenty-eight negative souls in front of him with satisfaction, and said coldly in his mouth! With the words of the cold moon, the twenty-nine negative souls were instantly pulled into the spiritual world of the cold moon!!

“Cut! It’s still not enough!! These negative energies are still not enough for me to evolve to the three-hook jade writing wheel eye!! Hanyue’s eyes slowly opened, with a regretful look on her face, and whispered secretly in her mouth!

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!!” Just as Hangetsu and the others were resting, Uchiha Fuqiu led the members of the Uchiha family to surround and kill the remaining forty-five Iwa Shinobi!!

“Baguazhang, split empty palm!!” “Fire Dragon Bomb!!” All the members of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan unleashed their ninjutsu! Facing the siege and killing of more than a hundred ninjas, there is no accident, and the remaining rock ninja were all annihilated!!

“Cut! Damn Iwa Shinobu!! Unexpectedly, the Uchiha clan lost so many ninjas!! Uchiha Fuqiu looked at the remaining hundred clansmen with a frown, and said with hatred in his mouth!

“Hinata-sama! The Hyuga clan lost fifty members of the split family!! A member of the Hyuga family reported with an ugly face!

“Although the three hundred Iwa Shinobi were annihilated, our side also lost nearly half of our personnel!! And this is just a small encounter!! Hinata Hinata looked at the corpse of the clan in front of him with a frown, and said with a heavy face!!

“Mission accomplished! Iwa Shinobi Village infiltrated the ninja three hundred to annihilate them all!! Uchiha Fuqiu looked at the surviving clansmen with a frown, and said loudly in his mouth! Then, his eyes glanced behind him!

“Uchiha Cold Moon, hasn’t Uchiha stopped the water yet?! Signal them! Tell them that the mission is complete! Uchiha Fuqiu commanded to the clansmen behind him with a serious face!

: Ask for a tip! Collectible!!! Ask for flowers!! Next, Hanyue will join the Sand Shinobi Battlefield! Facing the war of a sea of people, Cold Moon finally unlocked the third imperial tool! Different from Murayu’s single combat ability, the imperial tools unlocked by Cold Moon this time can be said to be a nightmare maker on the battlefield!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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