“Solved one! Next… It’s Yongshan!! A smile appeared on Hangetsu’s face, and with his right hand, he took out a scroll and sealed Kase’s body! Said coldly in his mouth!

“It’s time!! Kase-kun must be impatient!! Speaking of which, is Tianhaijun still sleeping?! What an envy!! Yongshan’s originally sleeping eyes slowly opened, stood up, glanced at the still sleeping Tianhai with slight envy, and said softly in his mouth! And the ‘Tianhai’ in front of him is obviously the doppelganger technique of the cold moon, plus the emperor tool to transform freely [Gaia Foundation] disguise!!

“Huh?! Kase-kun!! Didn’t even be lazy!! This is really amazing!! Just as Hanyue was sitting quietly, Yongshan’s voice sounded!! Then Yongshan sat directly next to Cold Moon!!

“Ah! Nagayama-san! You’re finally here!! Duty or something! It’s really troublesome! Hanyue’s face was a little lazy, and he said helplessly!!

“Kase-kun!! It’s over to me here!! You can rest!! With a hint of a smile on his face, Yongshan whispered in his mouth! Then Yongshan’s eyes began to scan the situation around him!!

“I’m really going to trouble you! Nagayama-san!! Hanyue’s body stood up, patted Yongshan’s shoulder with his right hand, and said gratefully in his mouth!

“I will remember you!! Nagayama-kun!! Hanyue’s body bent down slightly, whispered in Yongshan’s ear, and then when Yongshan was stunned, the Ku Wu in his right hand instantly crossed Yongshan’s neck!!

“Whoosh!!” With a soft sound, Yongshan’s eyes suddenly widened, and a hint of anger flashed on his incredible face!!

“How is it possible!!” A trace of anger flashed in Yongshan’s eyes, his right hand covered his neck, a look of pain flashed on his face, and he wanted to shout in his mouth, but he could only say in a slight voice!

“Nothing is impossible!!” Hanyue lifted his transformation, revealing his true body, looking at Yongshan’s final struggle with a cold face, and whispered in his mouth!

“Peng!!” With a soft sound, Yongshan’s body fell to the ground! Hanyue frowned and looked at the blood stains in front of him, a thoughtful expression flashed on his face, and then shook his head and went straight to the place where Uchida was resting! Apparently, disguise is no longer suitable here!

The right hand of the figure of Hanyue took out the transformation [Gaia Foundation] in the ninja bag and quickly opened the box! Subsequently, Hanyue’s body turned into Yongshan again!

“Captain Uchida!!” Hangetsu walked to Uchida to rest, and drank low in his mouth!! As Cold Moon walked in, Uchida’s eyes instantly broke apart, and then, his body instantly jumped up, looking at his teammates in front of him with a little confusion!

“Is it Yongshan?! Isn’t it time for you to be on duty?! Uchida’s body relaxed slightly, and he asked with a calm face!!

“Captain!! Kase-kun… See you now!! Hanyue’s face looked very sad, his hands were clenched into fists, and his mouth was heavy!

“Nani?! How can it be?! Could it be a ninja from Konoha?! No way! The battle is nearing its end, and all the ninjas have returned to their respective camps! Although we are close to Konoha’s camp, it will take a long time to find us to get close to us! How could we have fallen into Konoha’s assassination as soon as we arrived?! A thoughtful look flashed on Uchida’s face, and he said with a serious look of analysis!

Just as Uchida was deep in thought, the body of ‘Tianhai’, who had been sleeping deeply, moved slightly! Although it was a very subtle movement, it was also discovered by the alert Uchida!!

“Swoosh!!” Uchida’s eyes flashed a trace of sharpness, and his right hand quickly threw the kunai in his hand towards Tianhai!

“Peng!!” As Ku Wu hit the Heavenly Sea, his body instantly turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in front of Uchida!!

“How can it be repaired!! Tricked!! It turned out to be a doppelganger!! Uchida looked at the smoke of the doppelganger rising in front of him with a livid face, clenched his right fist, and said angrily in his mouth!

“Konoha’s imp?! It was so easy to fool us!! Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable!! Uchida’s eyes flashed with anger, his face was full of hatred, and he said with a roar in his mouth!!

“Captain! Konoha’s imp shouldn’t have gone far!! Standing beside Uchida, Hanyue reminded with an angry face! With the words of the cold moon, Uchida’s figure slowly walked towards the cold moon!!

“Hey! Yongshan!! Do you remember the code we made!! Uchida walked towards Hanyue with a calm face, his eyes were tightly fixed on Hanyue’s body, and he whispered an inquiry in his mouth!!

“Hey! Feed!! Captain!! I’m not a Konoha imp!!! And ah!! Are you sure you made a code ?! Isn’t there just one conversation?! Hanyue’s hands waved, a trace of embarrassment flashed on her face, and she explained anxiously in her mouth! For the cold moon who has the Nine Tails to observe the movements around him, even in his sleep, he can still know the content of the code they formulated!! This is also the reason why Hanyue knows the code!

“Say it again!! Captain!! How can you remember a paragraph that is so long!! So, don’t ask me what I said!! Hanyue’s face had a hint of embarrassment, and he said defensively! Obviously, when formulating the code, Yongshan had already said that these codes could not be remembered at all!

“Whew!! Sure enough, it is the character of Nagayama-kun!! Let’s go! Yongshan!! We must teach Konoha’s imps a lesson!! Uchida breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, walked up to Hangetsu, patted him on the shoulder, and said angrily in his mouth!!

“It’s a pity!! Your wish cannot be fulfilled!! Just as Uchida turned around, Hanyue had a cold smile on her face, and said in a low voice! Subsequently, a kunai appeared in Hanyue’s hand, and instantly pierced Uchida’s back!!

PS: Thanks for the 1000-point tip from Drunken Dream Lingchen!! Ask for tips! Ask for a monthly pass! Collect it! Ask for flowers!! _

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