Hokage's Strongest Green Titan

Chapter 86: The Ideal Country (Fourth Change, Please Subscribe)

The end of the Second World War, all countries and all villages put away their minions, began to recuperate, silently licked their wounds, and then tried to make themselves stronger, and after becoming stronger, they exposed their minions , to get the benefits you want. All countries are like this, only the country of rain is undergoing unknown changes. Perhaps the next time their eyes are set on the Land of Rain again, they will be shocked to find that the small Land of Rain has become a sufficiently powerful country despite its small size.

In the blink of an eye, several years of peaceful days passed by so slowly.

In the past few years, Tsuruta Hayabusa has never stopped practicing, but the level of cultivation is far from as large as before, because Tsuruta Hayabusa spends most of his time watching or even studying the scrolls of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion And books, in the past few years, Tsuruta Hayato has even read all the scrolls and books in the entire Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

However, although the level of Tsuruta Hayabusa's cultivation has become smaller and his strength has not increased too fast in the past few years, but in the past few years, he has watched various ninjutsu and various experiences, which is enough to make Tsuruta Hayabusa's foundation solid. The incomparable 267 is stable. In Chakra alone. In terms of ninjutsu knowledge, Tsuruta Hayabusa is not much worse than other village leaders, such as Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It can be said that Tsuruta Hayabusa has laid a very good foundation for him to become stronger in the past few years.

While Tsuruta Hayabusa used the past few years to strengthen his background and build a solid enough foundation for himself, earth-shaking changes have also taken place in the Land of Rain. In the Land of Rain, which is rainy all the year round, the people in the territory always have happy smiles on their faces. They almost no longer have to worry about filling their stomachs. In the Land of Rain, no matter whether it is a ninja or a commoner in Common, as long as they are not lazy, they can use their own labor to obtain enough food.

Moreover, because most of the ninjas started to get in touch with the crops and began to use ninjutsu to increase food production, they spent most of their time with the common people. Slowly, although the gap between the ninjas and the common people did not disappear, But it's already very (aedf) very indifferent, and it can even be said that these ninjas are almost blending into the common people of Common.

And the reason why the food is now sufficient is almost all because of the participation of ninjas in the research, so the common people of the Common have no fear and panic towards the ninjas before, but instead become grateful, thanking them for their efforts, Keep yourself from going hungry.

As a result, the relationship between common people and ninjas has formed a good cycle. Although it cannot be said that the two are on an equal footing, when it comes to the relationship between ninjas and common people, the Kingdom of Rain is absolutely in the lead with other ninja villages.

"Falcon big brother, are you going to practice again?" Konan looked at Tsuruta Falcon and asked with a smile. Seeing the little changes in the country of rain, Konan has a happy smile on his face almost every day. The country of rain now is simply her ideal country, and this ideal country is built bit by bit by herself. Yes, this feeling is really great. Looking at the contented smiles on the faces of the ninjas and commoners below, Konan felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

"Well! I've read all the books and scrolls in the Sutra Pavilion. So [Qing] will officially start a new practice." Tsuruta Hayato said to Konan with a faint smile on his face.

These few years of life, these few years of peaceful life are the happiest time Tsuruta Hayabusa has ever lived since his crossing. Even in the past few years, Tsuruta Falcon has not entered the transformation state once. Even if it wasn't for the rapid recovery of injuries and the super fast recovery of energy, which is different from ordinary people, Tsuruta Falcon would even forget that he still has the blood of green titan.

"Falcon big brother is still so serious. I will go to practice with you!" Konan smiled happily, hugging one arm of Tsuruta Falcon. At this time Konan has grown into a lovely girl. Although she is only in her teens, but because she has been dealing with the government affairs of the Rain Country, she has a kind of intellectuality that mature women possess. Therefore, although Konan is only in her teens, she still gives people a kind of intellect in her twenties and thirties. The demeanor of a 20-year-old woman is really very attractive. Now in the Land of Rain, Konan is called Goddess or Angel! His reputation in the Land of Rain is only second to Tsuruta Falcon. This is because every time Konan will always attribute all the credit to Tsuruta Hayabusa, otherwise Konan's reputation would have surpassed Tsuruta Hayabusa long ago, and even left Tsuruta Hayabusa thousands of miles away.

Tsuruta Hayabusa and Konan went to practice together. At this time, although Tsuruta Hayabusa's cultivation was still very passionate and somewhat barbaric, it was completely opposite to the previous rough cultivation. At least it seemed that Tsuruta Hayabusa was not It will give people that very miserable feeling. This is a reasonable practice method established by Tsuruta Hayabusa based on the knowledge he has learned over the years, combined with his own situation.

Konan is continuing to develop her Zhidun. Although Konan spends a lot of time dealing with the government affairs of the Land of Rain, because of the Library Pavilion, under the influence of Tsuruta Hayabusa, Konan also often stays in the Library Pavilion. In the book, for Chakra, the views on various ninjutsu are far from what Konan in the original book can compare with, so Konan at this time is also very powerful. If you continue to practice, you will be able to have Kage-level other strengths in a few years.

All of these are the changes brought to Konan by the appearance of Tsuruta Hayabusa. Konan at this time is definitely not much happier than the Konan in the original book.

Speaking of these, I have to mention Nagato. After Nagato was almost killed by the green titan Tsuruta Hayabusa and rescued by Black Zetsu White Zetsu, he left the Land of Rain and never appeared in the Land of Rain again. Even if there is an Akatsuki organization in the future, the headquarters will not appear in the land of the rain.

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