Hokage’s Strongest Insect Master

Chapter 404 Important Information! (Please subscribe!)

"But you have already made a betrayal of the roots. If discovered, the consequences will be disastrous." Zhizhen persuaded again.

"Don't worry, I have my own plan to get out of it." Taking the roots: "I am here now as a clone, and the body is already in the roots."

"Huh?" Zhizhen smiled and said, "It seems that you have made a good response."

"Yeah." Take the roots: "Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is good for me to stay at the roots. If there is any emergency, I can also inform you in time."

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Do you want to be an undercover agent?"

"It's just the undercover agent of the Aburame clan, especially you." Taking the roots looked at Zhizhen, and said seriously: "You are the future of the Aburame clan, so you can't do anything."

"Since you care about the Aburame clan so much, why do you want to go your own way, ignore your uncle's advice and join the roots?" Zhizhen asked.

"I joined the roots to seek a different development for the Aburame clan. Master Hokage has the patriarch on his side, and the roots have me." Taking the roots, "So as long as something goes wrong on one side, the Aburame clan can survive."

Only now did Zhizhen understand his plan to take the roots.

It is also said that a genius like taking the roots, and the child of a legend in the family, has a great future in the Aburame clan and has a bright future.

How could you join a place like root?

Now, everything is clear, it turned out to be to protect the Aburame clan.

Suddenly, the figure of taking root grew taller in Zhizhen's eyes. This teenager, who was one year younger than him, had a consciousness far beyond him.

"But that's all." Taking the roots said: "Since I have joined the roots, I still have to do the tasks that should be done."

"I understand what you mean." Zhizhen nodded and said, "But I ask you, if I want to kill Danzo in the future, what will you do?"

Taking the root and hearing the words, he took a look at Zhizhen and said, "Look at the will of heaven."

"Will you be an enemy of me?" Zhizhen asked.

"No." Take the root and shook his head.

When Zhizhen heard this, he stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and decided in his heart: "Give me some time, I will try to get you out of the roots."

"Unless you have a way to dismantle the roots, there is no need to bother about it." Take the roots and say: "Well, the time for the clone is almost up, I'm leaving."

"Well, goodbye." Zhizhen said.

"Master Hokage, I'll leave it to you." Take the root.

As he said, the body that took the roots slowly turned into a purple bug, which flowed away from the gap in the house.

The living room returned to silence, and Zhizhen sat on the sofa, thinking quietly.

Take the roots here, the information given is a bit large.

First of all, Danzo is aware of Orochimaru's overall plan, which has a lot of room for use.

Zhizhen is going to report this matter to Third Generation. First, it can put a lot of pressure on Danzo, and second, it can make Third Generation take real precautions.

For a long time, Shijin couldn't find the opportunity to report to Third Generation about Orochimaru's attack on Konoha.

Because once Third Generation asked, Zhizhen couldn't find a reason to explain it.

But now, now that he has a source, Zhizhen can report this matter to Third Generation without hesitation.

In this way, Third Generation has made a perfect plan, and Orochimaru's plan success rate will be lower.

What made Zhizhen really angry was Danzo's actions. This grandson knew about Orochimaru's plan, but he was still sitting by and watching the death of Third Generation.

His character is sinister and poisonous, and it really makes people want to get rid of him and hurry up.

As Konoha, Orochimaru came to the village, and he could still watch the fire from the shore for his own purposes.

Now that Zhizhen knows the truth, naturally he can't make him wish.

Moreover, the root also needs to find a way to deal with it.

Zhizhen didn't doubt what the root said, and now Danzo really had a murderous intent on him.

Just like he wanted to kill Kakashi and Yamato, now Shizhen is also one of Danzo's most wanted targets.

Based on this alone, Zhizhen didn't plan to wait for Sasuke to deal with him.

Because of the butterfly effect, the ghost knows what other moths Danzo will make in the past three years.

And there is also taking roots. Now, Zhizhen's impression of taking roots has been greatly changed. It would be a waste to put this outstanding young man in Danzo.

Bringing him back to the Aburame clan is also a very good thing for Zhiwei.

But taking the roots is right. If there is no way to break the roots, taking the roots will never return to the Aburame clan.

In other words, if Danzo is immortal, things will not change in any way.

As far as Zhizhen is concerned, the root department is a very good organization. They have done a lot of ugly things for Konoha and made a very penultimate contribution to Konoha's peace and development. This is undeniable.

It can be said that the root is an indispensable part of Konoha. But the point is Danzo, who is purely Konoha's tumor.

Pulling out this malignant tumor, the root is just a simple root, and Konoha has only one power.

In the final analysis, taking roots and adding roots is because Konoha has two forces.

"Disintegrate?" Zhizhen looked up to the ceiling and smiled: "It seems that he has another troublesome task..."

While Zhizhen was thinking, there was a knock on the door, and Zhizhen got up and opened the door. Outside the door was Anbu directly under Third Generation.

"Jizhen-kun, Master Hokage summoned." Anbu said.

"It just so happens. I also want to report something to an adult. Wait for a minute." Zhizhen said with a smile.

Anbu nodded, Zhizhen went back to the room and quickly put on his clothes, and then went to the living room, left a note on the table with Phosphorus, and some money, and followed Anbu out.

Going to the Hokage building, the Third Generation office, Zhizhen gently knocked on the door, and the calm voice of Third Generation heard from the door: "Come in."

Zhizhen pushed the door in. Kakashi and Jiraiya were already here. Zhizhen stepped forward and bent slightly: "Master Hokage."

Then, Shizhen looked at Jiraiya and Kakashi and said hello: "Jiraiya-sama, senior."

Jiraiya nodded slightly, saying hello.

"Oh, how was your rest yesterday." Kakashi waved and asked.

"Dragging the happiness of seniors, I have a good rest." Zhizhen said with a smile.

Kakashi nodded when he heard the words, and Third Generation said, "Shima, Kakashi has captured all the members of Rain Shinobi Village in Konoha."

After hearing this, Zhizhen gave Kakashi a surprised look. It was Kakashi. This efficiency was really high. After only a day's time, he caught the person back.

"What's the result?" Zhizhen asked.

"We have found information about Konoha on them, and we can confirm that Rain Shinobi Village's motives are not pure." Kakashi said: "The interrogation by Morinoi Hiki is now in order to obtain more valuable information."

Zhizhen nodded and said, "Then next, there will be the fifteen in the Death Forest."

Third Generation nodded. It seemed that he was in a good mood and asked, "The fifteen will be handed over to you, Zhizhen."

"Yes, my lord!" Zhizhen took his orders immediately.

"What are you going to do?" Third Generation asked.

"The members of Rain Shinobi Village in the Death Forest shouldn't be worried. Since they are inside, they can be captured at the end of the exam." Zhizhen said: "I guess there is only one Rain Shinobi Village team entering the semi-finals. And the one that entered the semi-finals. Don’t bother about it for the time being, and wait until the semi-finals are over before catching it. It’s unknowingly, and it won’t have any influence on the exam."

"Okay, just do as you said." Third Generation nodded.

Then, Zhizhen began to talk about the main point: "My lord, I have important information to report."

"What's the matter?" Third Generation didn't think much about it.

"It's about Orochimaru, and Danzo," Shizhen said.

As soon as this remark came out, Third Generation's face suddenly changed.

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