Ye Qing learned from the illusion that Fu is a lively and kind girl, and she seems to have fallen in love with Ye Qing.

"Well, did you really bump into it by mistake?"

Fu's face was shy, and she didn't dare to look at Ye Qing's face when she was talking.

"I'll go, it looks like it's true~ I like me!"

Seeing Fu's expression, Ye Qing's heart tightened, and she immediately understood what Fu was thinking.

"Well, I was rowing in the river, but I didn't expect there was a waterfall in front of me, and then I came here inexplicably!

After Ye Qing heard Fu's words, she immediately made up a lie without changing her face.

"Oh, that!"

However, Fu really believed Ye Qing's lie at once, nodded seriously and said.

"Have you really never been out in Longyin Village?"

"Well, I haven't been out in Longyin Village since I was a child, but the people in the village seem to hate me a little bit!"

Ye Qing's words seemed to remind this lively girl of some bad things, and she spoke in a rather disappointed tone.

"The people in the village hate you, is it because of that guy in you?"

Ye Qing narrowed her eyes when she heard Fu's words, and immediately understood why Fu was suddenly lost. She was Seven Tails Jinchūriki, and the people in the village would inevitably be afraid of her. This is what Fu said that the people in the village hated him.

Then, an evil plan emerged from Ye Qing's heart.

"You..., how do you know that there is something else in my body!"

Fu raised her head and looked at Ye Qing in surprise, her eyes were full of disbelief!

"Hehe, this is the ability of the eyes of my Uchiha clan. I can see things that others cannot see!"

Ye Qing laughed too, and then bragged to Fu that in fact, Sharingan can't see the tailed beast in Jinchūriki's body, only the abnormal Chakra.

"I have a way to take it out, so that you won't be hated by the people in the village, do you believe that?"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Qing told Fu that he was able to separate the tailed beast from her body.

"Huh? Really?"

After listening to Ye Qing's words, Zhefu was stunned for a moment, then took two steps unconsciously with both feet, grabbed Ye Qing's right hand, and said in surprise.

Seeing Fu's reaction, Ye Qing smiled, and the plan to abduct Seven Tails Jinchūriki will be carried out soon!

"Can it be done now?"

Fu looked at Ye Qing expectantly, she really wanted to get rid of the monster in her body as soon as possible, and experience the life of a normal person!

"Here..., I'm afraid it won't work, you need to go to a special place to separate from the tail beast in your body!"

Ye Qing looked around, then pretended to be embarrassed and said to Fu.

"Go somewhere else!"

As soon as Fu heard Ye Qing say that she was going somewhere else, a disappointed expression appeared on her face.

"What's the matter? Is there something inconvenient?"

Seeing the disappointment on Fu's face, Ye Qing didn't understand what was going on. She was very happy just now, but she became so disappointed when she heard that she was leaving Longyin Village.

"Master Takikage never let me leave here."

Under Ye Qing's questioning, Fu explained the reason. It turned out that it was Longying from Longyin Village who refused to let her leave here. She is definitely not allowed to touch the outside world!

"Takikage? Don't worry, you take me to see him, and I'll tell him!"


Ye Qing has also been looking for Longyin Village here, and wants to see the hero water in Longyin Village. It is said that as long as you drink it, you can instantly increase your strength tenfold!

I just took this opportunity to ask Fu to take her to Longyin Village to have a look, and at the same time learn about the strength of Longying!

Seven Tails Jinchūrikifu was very happy when she heard that Ye Qing was going to talk to Takiying about taking her out [I almost jumped up from the spot!

"Lead me the way, I don't know where Longyin Village is?"

Ye Qing looked at the very innocent Fu in front of her, and couldn't bear to pull the tailed beast out of her body.

"Well, come with me, this place is not far from the village!"

After hearing Ye Qing's words, Fu nodded heavily, and led Ye Qing to Longyin Village.

Ye Qing, who was walking behind Fu, found that he had been on this road just now, but although he didn't find Longyin Village.

Not long after, Fu led Ye Qing to turn right and left in the woods, stood in front of Ye Qing and stretched out her left hand, just pointing.

"Look, our Longyin Village is in front of us, isn't it beautiful!"

Ye Qing saw the gate of Longyin Village through the gap between several extremely thick trees.

ask for flowers......

"It turns out that Longyin Village is here, but I didn't realize it just now.

After seeing Longyin Village, Ye Qing muttered to himself.

"I also found you here, and I have been following you."

Fu also heard what Ye Qing said, and then explained to Ye Qing where she followed Ye Qing.

"You've been following me for so long?"

Ye Qing was shocked when he heard Fu's words, this Seven Tails Jinchūriki actually followed him a long way, and he didn't find out until so late!

"Hee hee, I'm using my secret technique, which can make me invisible and paralyze my opponent!"

Hearing Ye Qing's surprised words, Fu smiled playfully and said to Ye Qing.

"Secret technique? Do people in your village know this kind of ninjutsu?"

Hearing Fu said it was a secret technique, Ye Qing narrowed her eyes slightly, and then asked with a smile.

"Apart from me, only Taki Yin and the two people around him will!"

When Fu heard Ye Qing's question, she said it directly without any concealment. Because of the illusion, her favorability was at 80. Whenever Ye Qing asked anything, Fu would definitely answer it truthfully.

"Then there are three other people in the village who know this kind of ninjutsu!"

Hearing what Fu said, Ye Qing fell into thinking. This kind of secret technique can make you invisible and interfere with the enemy's perception, which is a very headache.

"Hold this, as long as it touches the wind, it will be invalid!"

Before Ye Qing got to know how to deal with it, Fu seemed to have seen through Ye Qing's mind, and directly revealed the weakness of this ninjutsu.

"What? Afraid of the wind?"

"Well, our village's secret technique is phosphorous escape, you can use Wind Style to blow it away, but Takikage's secret technique is relatively powerful, and you must use a powerful Wind Style to blow it away!"

This Fu is like a caring little padded jacket, explaining to Ye Qing why she is afraid of Wind Style, and Takikage's general strength.

"Haha, thank you for telling me these important news!"


"Ha ha!"

Ye Qing laughed out loud. She never thought that Fu could be so aggressive. Then she took Fu's arm with both hands and kissed her on the forehead.


After being kissed by Ye Qing, Fu froze in place for a moment, then shook Ye Qing's hands off her arms, her cheeks turned rosy. .

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