Hokage's Unlimited Start Chakra

185、Eight Tails GyūKi

"Master Raikage!"

"It's not true, Lord Raikage

"Bi-sama, Raikage-sama...!"

Most of the medical class are female ninjas. When they saw the movie with Killer Bee in their arms, they covered their mouths and said in a crying voice. They could see that Raikage might die at any time!

"Hurry up, hurry up and treat!"

Killer Bee saw that the medical ninjas were frightened by Raikage's injury, and then shouted loudly, if he didn't hurry up to treat him, his big book might really die!

Moreover, Ye Qing is about to kill him!

"Quick, stretcher!"

After hearing Killer Bee's yelling, the medical ninjas came back to their senses, and quickly began to press their hands on the movie's chest, with a green light emitting from their hands, and prepared to transfer Raikage at the same time!

"Ah, Master Bi! That intruder is chasing after him!"

The medical ninja who temporarily helped Raikage stop the bleeding widened his eyes and found the huge Susanohei—moving here.

"Bi-sama, the stretcher is here! Give us Raikage-sama!"

At this time, two male medical ninjas ran over carrying a stretcher, asked Killer Bee to put the film on the stretcher, and they carried out transfer treatment!

"You must hold your brother's life!"

"Master Bi, we will do our best to treat Master Raikage!"

Killer Bee put Raikage on the stretcher, and then gave a death order to the medical ninjas!

"Get out of here, I can't let go of you here!"


Killer Bee quickly urges the medical ninjas, he is going to carry out a complete tail beastization, they are here, he will not let go!

Two male medical ninjas carried the stretcher and left quickly, while a female medical ninja stood on both sides of the stretcher, constantly stopping the bleeding on Raikage!

Killer Bee began to be completely tailed, the red tail on the back gradually turned into a hand, and the body gradually changed!

Soon, Killer Bee performed the perfect tail beast mode, turning into an octopus tail with several octopus tails on the lower body, a pair of human-like hands on the upper body, and a cow-like head!


Eight Tails let out an angry roar after fully entering Tail Beast Talk!

"That's what Eight Tails looks like!"

Ye Qing soon came in front of Eight Tails, and his Susanoo also became a complete body, comparable in size to Eight Tails!

"I must make you pay for what you have done today!"

"I want you to know that Cloud Shinobi Village is not that easy to mess with!"

The sound of Killer Bee came out of the mouth of Eight Tails, instead of the sound of Tailed Bee after complete tail beast transformation like other Jinchūriki.

"Hehe, your tone is much louder than that of Erwei, but I don't know if you have the strength!"

Ye Qing stood in Xu Zinenghu's head, facing Killer Bee's words, Ye Qing sneered, and Taguchi said disdainfully.

"As expected, Lord Wooden Golem was the one who captured you!"

"Where is she now?!"

After Killer Bee heard Ye Qing's words, he immediately understood that the two Jinchūriki were captured by Wooden Golem and asked Ye Qing immediately.

"Hehe, you will see her soon, don't worry!"

Ye Qing chuckled, facing Killer Bee's questioning, she vomited and did not tell him.


Susanoo flicked the long knife in her hand, ready to fight the Eight Tails.

"Go to hell with me!"

From Ye Qing's words, Killer Bee could roughly guess that the two Wooden Golem seemed to be dead, and then roared angrily.

"Boom boom boom!"

Eight Tails used a pair of strong hands to move quickly on the ground, and the ground shook like an earthquake.

Intended to fight Ye Qing in hand-to-hand combat, relying on the eight tentacled tails behind him!

"Hmph, today I will chop off all your octopus legs one by one!"

Seeing Eight Tails running towards them, Ye Qing also snorted coldly, Susanoo held the knife in both hands, and rushed towards Eight Tails!

A large number of players gradually appeared in Cloud Shinobi Village, and some players were very courageous, watching from a position less than 200 meters away from Ye Qing and Eight Tails!

"Fuck, is there a battle between gods and demons?"

"Can you tell me which one is Uchiha Qing and which one is the tailed beast from Yunying Village? I just came here, and I haven't seen the Susanoo you're talking about!"

"Yes, I beg you to tell me!"

"That giant black samurai is Uchiha Ao, and the one with the octopus tentacles is the Tailed Beast of Cloud Shadow Village!"


"Thank you for hanging!"

"You're welcome, little brother Diao!"

Many of the players didn't even know which one was Ye Qing and which one was Jinchūriki from Cloud Shadow Village.

The news of the battle between Ye Qing and Cloud Shinobi Village this time also attracted some special players who came here with other ideas.

Hundreds of thousands of players gathered near Cloud Shinobi Village. This group of players with different forehead protectors on their foreheads came from different players, but because of the call of one person, "all gather Tianzheng.

This person is Senju Heiyun. He stationed Hualonghui outside Yunying Village, waiting for Ye Qing and Cloud Shinobi Village to lose both sides in the battle, and lead millions of players to attack them. At that time, it will kill two birds with one stone. good thing!


And in Cloud Shinobi Village, far away from Ye Qing's battle, Senju Heiyun was followed by a group of Jōnin, watching Ye Qing's battle.

"Let's fight, let's fight! Fight hard, as long as you fight hard, the more beneficial you will be to me!"

Senju Heiyun said coldly in his heart. After seeing Ye Qing's ninjutsu, he was very jealous. He is also a player. His highest ninjutsu is only B-level now, and Ye Qing is all large-scale ones above A-level. Ninjutsu made him very unbalanced.

Since then, Ye Qing's level has been suppressing him, making him the laughing stock of many players, making him the eternal second child!

However, at another location in Cloud Shinobi Village, several older players stood together and watched Ye Qing's battle with Killer Bee very seriously.

"This Uchiha Qing, I didn't expect to reach this level in such a short time!"

"It's a pity, but it's not ours!"

"How is Hualonghui doing now, are you ready?"

The old man at the head is the second elder in the Presbyterian Church. This time, he and Senju Heiyun of the Hualong Society secretly joined forces to deal with Ye Qing and rule Yunying Village!

Because of the previous update, most of the players died at the mouth of the beast tide, and the number of players dropped sharply. The two forces joined forces as a last resort.

"Back to the second elder, everything is ready for this time, just wait for Uchiha Qingke and Jinchūriki of Yunying Village to lose both!"

"Besides, those people from the Hualong Society haven't discovered our plan yet!".

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