"Planetary Devastation!"

Ye Qing separated his hands, stretched out his left hand and grabbed Eight Tails, and cooperated with Rinnegan in the left eye, using Planetary Devastation for the first time!

Before, it was always because the total amount of Chakra was not enough to support Planetary Devastation. After reaching level 800, Ye Qing Chakra was enough to release Planetary Devastation at one time!

The piece of ground under Eight Tails Unicom flew into the sky, and the boulders that fell from the previous meteorite were sucked into the sky again.

"Damn it, I am dignified Eight Tails...!"

Because of the relationship between Wooden Golem and Wooden Dragon, Eight Tails' body was firmly fixed, but he yelled at Ye Qing very angrily, but his body was buried by various cloths.

However, before Eight Tails is completely submerged by the boulder, Chakra begins to gather in front of Eight Tails' mouth, ready to unleash the massive Tailed Beast Bomb again!

However, just as the Tailed Beast Bomb in front of Eight Tails' mouth took shape, it was hit on the head by a fast flying boulder, and the Tailed Beast Bomb didn't launch.

After Ye Qing released the Planetary Devastation, Susanoo's body began to descend, and when Susanoo landed, she was still degenerating.

After Ye Qing fell to the ground, the Susanoo on her body disappeared completely.

If Ye Qing’s Chakra amount is equal to a large vat, then the consumption of Planetary Devastation is the amount of a large vat. Although Ye Qing’s Impure World Reincarnation has unlimited Chakra, it still takes a small amount of time to recover!

After Ye Qing landed on the ground, his legs were slightly bent, his hands were pressed on his knees, panting heavily, Chakra was exhausted by one move, and his body felt very tired.


At this moment, a huge imaginary sound came from the sky, it was the Planetary Devastation that had just sealed Eight Tails!

Before, the large Tailed Beast Bomb that was not released by Eight Tails directly exploded inside Susanoo, causing the newly formed Planetary Devastation to collapse, and Eight Tails fell from it along with the stones.

The Tailed Beast Bomb's explosion also caused a lot of damage to Eight Tails, and it was blown up all over the body!

"What! Can you escape from Planetary Devastation"?"

Ye Qing still maintained the current movement, but raised his head slightly, stared at the Eight Tails that fell from the Planetary Devastation, and at the same time made a very surprised sound!


The huge body of Eight Tails fell on the ground, making a loud noise, and the ground trembled for a while. After falling on the ground, Eight Tails seemed to lose consciousness, without any movement, just lying on the ground superior!

"I see, I blew myself up!"

Ye Qing used the Sharingan to observe, and realized that the injuries on Eight Tails were related to the explosion just now!

Moreover, the Chakra of Eight Tails was also consumed a lot, and passed out after falling on the ground, and the entire body of Eight Tails began to slowly shrink into Killer Bee's body.

However, this scene was all seen by Senju Heiyun and the second elder in the distance, and they found that Ye Qing and the huge figure of the tailed beast had disappeared!

"good chance!"

"good chance!"

Although the two were not in the same place at this time, they both said in unison, and ordered their subordinates to contact each other to start the encirclement and suppression of Ye Qing and the capture of Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee.

"Uchiha Qing, today is your end, kill you! I can become the number one player in this world!"

"At that time, all your various ninjutsu will belong to me! Hahaha!"

Senju Heiyun stood on the spot and laughed loudly, what he thought about day and night, will be realized today!

"Command, all players come to encircle and suppress Uchiha! There will be rewards for all of them!!"

Senju Heiyun said to a Jōnin player beside him, now that he belongs to the Elite Jōnin level, and with the help of millions of Jōnin players, Uchiha Qing will definitely die!

In the other corner of Cloud Shinobi Village, a younger and older player called a Jōnin player.

"Go, tell Senju Heiyun that the plan can be implemented, and now Uchiha Qing and Jinchūriki have lost!"

This person is the Second Elder of the Presbyterian Church. After seeing Ye Qing and Killer Bee fall to the ground, he hurriedly spoke to the players around him.

"Yes! Second Elder!"

The Jōnin players who gathered outside the village rushed into Yunying Village after receiving the order!

"What are you doing! Don't come in!"

At the gate of Cloud Shinobi Village, when a Jōnin from Cloud Shadow Village was searching for survivors, he found that countless strangers were starting to pour into the village, and immediately stopped him.

Historically, all players have dared not defy the ninjas in Dayin Village, but this time it is a little different!

In the past, their strength was very weak, almost inferior to the cannon fodder in the village, but now the system gives them wave after wave of experience, which directly pulls their level to the level of Jōnin, not those low-level people who can be easily crushed player!

`Hmph, the village is ruined, yet you still dare to scold us!"

"Come on, brothers, kill him!"

"kill him!"

Under the leadership of the leading players, the emotions of all the players were aroused. They were bullied by the ninjas of Ninja Village on weekdays, but this time they all vented out!

"You... how dare you!"

This Jōnin from Yunying Village, seeing the players' reactions, knew that something was wrong, so he took a step back unconsciously!

"Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!"

"Fire Style·Hao Yanhuo Technique!"

The players headed by them are relatively strong, with a strange smile on their mouths, quickly seal, and spit out a large area of ​​​​Fire Style from their mouths.

"Ah! You...

That Yunying Village Jōnin screamed and was burned to ashes by Fire Style before he even finished his sentence!

"Damn, who stole my head!"

"Fuck, you stole my head!"

"You bastards, before I finish paying back (money), people were killed!"

"Haha, five million experience is comfortable and soft!"

"Hao Ran, it really is you! Stolen my head!"

"Hey, that's not considered stealing, it's just that my ninjutsu releases the flying time accurately!"

The leading players pointed at each other and snatched their own heads, and at this moment, Senju Heiyun's cronies came in front of the players.

"Okay, Master Heiyun has been waiting impatiently, remember! Those who seriously injured Uchiha Qing will be rewarded with a mansion in the real world. Don't beat Uchiha Qing to death, and leave it to Master Heiyun!"

"Anyone who participates will be rewarded!"

The confidant of Senju Heiyun said to the leading players that they are the captains of several sub-teams with millions of players behind them, each managing hundreds of thousands of players.

"Haha, we don't worry about these things!"

"Brothers, follow me to kill Uchiha!".

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