Hokage's Unlimited Start Chakra

257: The Eighth Squad Begins To Move!

Ye Qing described the strange creatures outside the village to the three of them in detail, and all three of them had serious expressions on their faces.

Unheard of, unheard of strange species, but Ye Qing has a relaxed expression on his face.

"Captain Ye Qing, are you... not scared at all?" Hinata asked softly.

"What are you afraid of? It's just to investigate and investigate, not to ask us to fight monsters." Ye Qing smiled and said lightly.

"But...but..." Hinata didn't have anything to say in the end.

"Hinata, don't be afraid, we will protect you." Fang took a step forward and patted his chest.

"Although that's what I said, you are also a ninja, Hinata, so you should take responsibility." Shino on the side said darkly.

At this moment, Aburame Shino's black belly was revealed to the fullest, even the girls were merciless.

"I..." Hinata revealed an aggrieved expression, tears were rolling on the frame of her eyes, and they were about to fall.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, don't be afraid of 20." Ye Qing bent down and touched Hinata's head.

Ding dong, Hinata's favorability towards you is +1.

Ding dong, Hinata's favorability towards you is +1.

Ding dong, Hinata's favorability towards you is +1.

Ding dong, Hinata's favorability towards you is +1.

A small insignificant movement, to Ye Qing, is just a gentle comfort.

But for Hinata, this intimate action, this comfort, was a great encouragement to her, and Hinata looked at Ye Qing with firm eyes.

"Okay, then let's set off now." Ye Qing walked in front and waved to the people behind.

The three of Hinata followed Ye Qing and walked out of the village. When they left the village, they jumped onto the tree to speed up.

Soon, several people arrived near where the monster was, and Ye Qing raised his hand to signal to stop.

Several people stopped and squatted deep in the woods.

"Okay, the front is where the monster is. Let's tidy up here temporarily and continue to move forward tomorrow." Ye Qing pointed to an area over there.

"Then I'll take Akamaru to patrol the surrounding area to make sure there's no danger." Said Kiba, he got up and took Akamaru to jump away.

"I'll set up some sensory bugs nearby to patrol for us." Black-bellied is black-bellied, but Zhi Nao who has really entered the state is still a bit charming.

"Then... what can I do?" Hinata clasped her hands nervously, her small mouth pursed.

"Okay, just stay here, there's nothing to do." Ye Qing said slightly.

Not long after, Kiba returned with Akamaru, and Shino returned to Hinata in a few jumps.

"It's confirmed, the neighborhood is safe and there are no hidden dangers." Kiba said while hugging Akamaru.

"Induction bugs have been placed nearby, and I will get the news as soon as there is a situation." Zhi Nai said, looking at the bugs that were still standing still.

"Okay, let's set up the tent and spend the night here tonight." Ye Qing directed the three people to tidy up the place to stay.

After simply setting up four tents, Ye Qing signaled for the three of them to rest.

Several people entered their own tents respectively, Ye Qing sat outside without entering, just quietly looking at the sky.

"Ye...Captain Ye Qing, why don't you go to bed?" Hinata somehow crawled out of the fat and sat next to Ye Qing.

"Huh? It's nothing, I was thinking about something." Ye Qing tilted his head and glanced at Hinata, then turned his head to look at the sky again.

"You seem to have something on your mind?" Hinata asked slightly.

"Well, yeah, thinking about some things in my hometown." Ye Qing stopped looking at the sky, but looked straight at Hinata.

Hinata was embarrassed by Ye Qing's stare, her eyes wandered around, not daring to meet Ye Qing's gaze.

"Captain Ye Qing is not from here." Hinata blushed and said embarrassedly.

"Well, yes, my hometown is far away from here." Ye Qing said lightly.

The world already knew Ye Qing's true identity, and Ye Qing no longer concealed it.

"Can.....can you tell me the story of your world?" Hinata lowered her head and hugged her leg.

"Haha." Ye Qing looked at Hinata's expression "couldn't help but pat Hinata's head again.

"Hmm..." Hinata's face turned redder, and her head buried deeper.

Ding dong, Hinata's favorability towards you is +1.

Ding dong, Hinata's favorability towards you is +1.

Ding dong, Hinata's favorability towards you is +1.

The small words of the system prompt floated over Hinata's head again.

"What's wrong with Hinata? Touching the head can increase the favorability?" Ye Qing was slightly surprised.

"My hometown is very beautiful. It's a light blue planet with mountains and rivers interspersed with it. It's actually more floating than here." Ye Qing raised his head slightly and said lightly.

Hinata raised her head, put her hands on her chin, and listened carefully to what Ye Qing said about his hometown.

"In the place where I was born, my parents and my friends were all there. There are many people living in one place." Ye Qing tilted his head and looked at Hinata.

"But, good times don't last long. When I woke up one day, there were more monsters in the city and nearby places. If you look carefully, these monsters look familiar. In fact, 347 is a small animal in our world, but I don't know why. It seems that something has changed." When Ye Qing said this, his tone became a little heavy.

"Then...how did it work out?" Hinata asked.

"At that time, it was just in time for the opening of this world. Many of us came here to hide, learn the power here, and then return to the original world to kill those monsters." Ye Qing's eyes became sharp.

"There are so many monsters that we can't kill them, so we had to gather our strength and form cities one after another to resist the attacks of monsters. Everyone started the journey of killing monsters." Please continue.

"Then what's going on now, why are you still in this world, are you still in danger?" Hinata was already nervous about Ye Qing.

"There is no problem for the time being, the city is still very safe." Ye smiled.

"That's good, if there is a chance, can I visit your world?" Hinata asked.

"Okay, I will take you there if I have the chance." Ye Qing nodded, but he was thinking in his heart: "I don't know if it is possible for the npc in the game to take it to the earth."

"It's getting late, Hinata, go to rest, there are tasks tomorrow." Ye Qing patted Hinata on the shoulder.

"Hmm..." Hinata blushed again. .

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