At this time, Ye Qing and Lan Jun had arrived at the gate of Gao's house. To be precise, it was 100 meters away from the gate of Gao's house. Gao's house had set up an enchantment 100 meters away.

Lan Jun knows better than anyone that there is an enchantment, but Ye Qing doesn't know, and he can't see it at all, so he just bumped into it.

The strange thing is that he successfully entered the enchantment! Lan Jun originally wanted to tell him that there was an enchantment so that he would not bump into it, but she didn't expect that before she had time to say it, she directly ran into it.

I remember one time, Lan Jun didn't know there was an enchantment at all, so he bumped into it as foolishly as Ye Qing, but he didn't expect to hit her directly, and she was blown away! At that time, her waist was broken.

But instead of flying, Ye Qing managed to get in! Could it be that the barrier is gone? Lan Jun stopped in place and wondered why?

After Ye Qing entered, he didn't know there was a barrier at all. This time, he turned his head and saw that Lan Jun was standing still and didn't come in, so he called out: "Lan Jun, why don't you come in?"


Only then did Lan Jun come to his senses. After several times of thinking, he decided not to go in like him. What if Ye Qing was able to go in? Bounce?

Therefore, Lan Jun turned around and jumped in, turned into a butterfly and flew in. Ye Qing was puzzled by his actions, but he was no longer very surprised that Lan Jun suddenly turned into a butterfly.

Because he has adapted to the environment now, the people he comes into contact with now are all powerful and strange things, and there is nothing surprising about it. It was a bit of a surprise at first, but I'm totally used to it now.

However, he still wanted to ask, why did he bother to turn into a butterfly to enter, and then turned back into a person.

"Why do you need to do so much?" Ye Qing asked with a flat tone and expressionless face.

"I didn't do this superfluously, but you are too special. I don't know if you are from Uchiha. One day I will find out your life experience. There was an enchantment in that place just now. If you can't get in, you will He was ejected directly, but you came in just like that, who are you "?" Lan Jun was obviously questioning his identity.

Ye Qing didn't know what to say after hearing his question. His identity is indeed from Uchiha. The only special thing is that God gave her a chance to be reborn. There is nothing special about it.

As for the enchantment, he is also very puzzled, but this enchantment has nothing to do with rebirth, right? Even if it is a hundred and eight thousand miles away, it cannot be related to rebirth, and he is from Uchiha, this is absolutely of.

"But I didn't know just now. My identity is true. You can check it as you like. I believe what you said, and I must be able to do it. So I don't need to lie to you, and I don't need to make up a lie to deceive you so much. You, there is nothing shameful about being Uchiha." Ye Qing meant that the Uchiha family is not as powerful as theirs, but it is not ashamed either.

"I believe that I will not die in your hands, don't underestimate my strength." Ye Qing hates being threatened, so this time he couldn't bear to refute and went back, he didn't believe it

They are so powerful.

"Oh. Are you explaining to me? To reduce the chances of me checking you out? It's useless, save your mind, I hope you are really with Lan Yu, otherwise, I will make you pay the price Yes." Lan Jun gave Ye Qing the first warning.

Ye Qing felt that after she came to this family, almost everyone she met had warned him...

At this time, in the small fish family's hall, Lan Yu was still sitting in the old seat, not panicking at all, drinking tea peacefully, seemed to have great confidence that Ye Qing and Lan Jun could rescue Lan Yu.

The difference was that there were a few more men in the hall, all of whom seemed to be about the same age as Blue Fish.

"I'm telling you, the older you get, the more suspicious you become. If I pick up such a Ye Qing for nothing, there is absolutely no need for him to save Lan Yu. Just go out and save a lot of effort and time. Let him go, I think Lan Yu is more dangerous, you don't know the kind of people like Bi Yishi.

"The people in the Gao family are all old foxes. They are very thoughtful. Are you afraid that the thing you put on Lan Yu's body will be taken away by them?" A certain man asked.

"Hahaha, everyone, I'm afraid everyone has their own opinions on the decision I made. Of course, I don't disagree with your opinions. It's just that if they can take away what I put on him, they will take it. Yes. If they can’t use it, it depends on their ability, and I may not be able to use it myself.”

"Letting that kid go is just to test whether that kid is sincere or not. Others are afraid that they will retreat after seeing difficulties, and leave Lan Yu alone. If that kid is that kind of person, I will make him come and never go back. .Although it is fine not to marry the Gao family, but it still depends on the character." After Lan Yu finished speaking, he took a sip of tea unhurriedly.

Everyone was chatting like this, and that... the wretched uncle in the kitchen was standing at the door of the kitchen with his hands on his hips, angrily questioning the people in the kitchen.

"Be honest with me, have you seen the kid I mentioned? Be honest, if I find out who is lying, I will send you all to the Gao family!" "Uncle Wretched" said With a fierce face, he said to the person who was busy cooking in the kitchen.

The people inside didn't listen to what he said, and they didn't think he existed, but when they heard that they were going to be sent to the servants of the Gao family, they all stopped at the same time.

To be precise, they were frightened and sent to the servants of the Gao family? Where is that place? They were still intact and survived after going there? Yes, if he was sent there at a young age, that would be the end of it.

"(Leave Wang Zhao) Hey! Do you really want to go? Don't talk yet!" "Uncle Wretched" roared loudly.

The people who were stunned came back to their senses in an instant, shaking their heads frantically, like a rattle.

"No! No! We haven't seen the person you mentioned! Please don't send us there! You are so beautiful, you can't do such immoral things, it will make you worse!" A woman Said.

In fact, the woman said these words with her conscience in her hands, especially the one that praised him for his beauty. It was considered very good that she could watch this "wretched uncle" and say it without vomit.

Although this "wretched uncle" is ugly, his status is quite high. If he is equal to these people, then she has no right to threaten these women.

If the status is equal to them, if he looks like this and threatens them, he is afraid that he will be beaten into a cookie. .

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