"Why is the order of the guardian emperor, and why is it the fourth grade? In the understanding of this place, only Jin Danxiu is true?"

Except for Song Yang's freak, under normal circumstances, as understood above, Jin Danxiu can only arrange the four-level array method. Usually, it is powerful enough, but not strong enough to protect the emperor.

Fortunately, many spirit stones inlaid on the nodes of the array have already exhausted their auras, so this array is not difficult to crack.

After a lot of thinking, and after touching the legal thread, I finally broke this ancient rule.

Take out the Yundan bottle from the Natian ring and pour out the inside of the wine. Carefully put Song Yang into the Yundan bottle, and put the Yundan bottle on the Natian ring. Until then, have been thinking about this strange thing.

abnormal perception

Looking straight from the big lobster all the way, we all know that there is emperor pulp here, but unfortunately, the big lobster is only the base stage and cannot speak. Song Yang doesn't know the reason.

Let me talk about this stone platform.

He was all standing on the emperor's head just now, but he didn't pay attention to the strangeness of this stone platform.

First of all, the array on this stone platform is very confusing-.

After breaking the formation, he did not find the spirit array or the banner array, only collected five pieces of lower spirit, and nearly two hundred pieces of aura full of aura.

Additionally, the aura exhausts hundreds of broken spirits. In other words, this four-level array is actually only arranged with spirit stones, and its cost is almost close to the block. indivual

:"what have you found?"

When Luohan saw his grandson's words, he asked directly.

Sun Shaojiang looks dignified:

"The way we're going now is the previous expedition and convoy. They made it clear that there are a lot of level 1 and level 2 monsters here.

"But now, those monsters seem to have disappeared, just like... being slaughtered here, all living things have been killed."

"On our way here, we saw another piece of destroyed forest. Now that I think about it, there might be a real battle here.

"And I guess the two sides of the war are not monsters, but..."

Luo Hanyi understood what Sun Minghui said, but he couldn't make a decision without any evidence.

Kitty Hawk suddenly interjected from the side:

"General Sun, just now General Qin said in the correspondent that they encountered some undead monsters in the center of the island, maybe they started to spread to the whole island!"

After thinking about it, Xiaoying shook her head again:

"But, shouldn't it be so fast? There are many monsters, but it is impossible to clear the entire forest in such a short time? Also, they have no flying monsters, only some similar hyenas, lizards. How many other land creatures Are monsters, even birds, killing people?"

"That's what worries me!"

Dr. Sun's expression is very serious:

"The last time I landed on the island, there were a lot of monsters, but I didn't cover the entire island. Even so, I almost sent troops from the island. If they did cover the entire island, the numbers would be more than before. I don't know how much!

"Will these numbers be the limit? Going up, will they have flying monsters, or even amphibious monsters?"

"If I really speculate, things could go in unpredictable directions!"

Several others heard they were silent.

concerns are not without reason. The force they landed was indeed strong. In human wars, they are absolutely invincible. Even if they encounter small monsters or ghostly beasts, they have the confidence to win.

However, if Sun Shaojun really guessed that the type and number of death monsters on the island skyrocketed in the geometric era, then the future of this team is really worrying.

Luo Hanyi was obsessed and asked:

"Do you have any advice?"

Sun Shaohui immediately said:

"In the open space here, let all the tanks and armored vehicles form the battlefield, and then push them layer by layer!"

"If this is done, the team's safety* can really be said to be the highest, but this speed of progress, I'm afraid it's not one-tenth of the current speed?"

Luo Hanyi frowned.

"This is the only way!"

Sun Shaozhi advocated:

"The situation inside this forest is very complicated. It is very difficult for the troops to maintain the battle formation. Once the big death monster attacks, we will suffer a lot!"

"Sacrificing a little speed can save countless fighter jets, and I think it's worth it!" In the woods on the east side of Dead Island, the ground often shakes, and there are rumbling sounds from time to time. This is an old tree that was cut down.

Sitting behind the big lobster, the golden fat man sat next to him, and he also had a bitter smile.

0 for flowers 00

Song Yang miscalculated.

After conquering the big lobster, he let the big lobster return to the body, wrote "Looking for Jin Nianxue" on the mud at the bottom of the lake, and then rode to the center of the island.

At first, it was very smooth. The giant lobster is 7 meters tall, twice the size of the trees in the forest, and moves extremely smoothly - the trees cannot stop the powerful action of the frost lobster.

However, as they gradually deepened, the old trees in the virgin forest became taller and taller, with the tallest trees exceeding 100 meters, and the lobsters were no longer rampant.

Even top-level monsters can be tiring!

It's nothing, Song Yang has to shrink the size of the big lobster to become ten meters high, and then move on.

"I didn't expect this to happen."

Looking at that golden fat man, I feel helpless:

"Even if they are restored to the body, besides wasting energy and being useless, they will still be shaded by these giant trees."

"It's not as good as it is now, every time you cut down a tree and leave a mark, if your daughter can see it, it will naturally follow.

The blond sighed heavily, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Song doesn't need this. You can help me like this. The fat man has already felt the hearts of these five children. If my daughter is really unexpected, it is also a kind of life

Song Yang shook his head with a bitter smile, and aimed the big lobster at the center of the island.

A mine of necromancers has erupted in the heart of the island, where the Fat Blonde Daughter and party destinations are located.

After walking forward for a while, he stood up suddenly and sighed with an ugly expression:

"Beast Tide!"

Kim Faz suddenly started asking questions, wondering: "The wave of beasts? Is it a dead monster or a monster?"

"It is estimated that the monster in this forest is dead!"

Song Yang's weak path:

"You'll stay on the back of the cold lobster later. This beast is huge. If you go down, I may not be able to take care of you.

The blond nodded nervously, and firmly grasped the protrusion on the big lobster shell.

Although he has not heard of anything so far, since Mr. Song said that there is a beast, it must not be wrong.

Under the guidance of Song Yang's order, Frost Lobster recovered his body and was protected by God.

About two* minutes ago, there was zero sound of dense footsteps in the woods ahead. .

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