Hokage's Unlimited Start Chakra

Chapter 80 Iwagakure's Invasion

"Hmph, I'll push you down in a while!"

Ye Qing looked at Kushina's leaving back, her fiery red hair was swaying in the wind, which completely aroused Ye Qing's desire!

However, the most urgent task now is to find Obito who has just returned to Konoha, and inquire about the time of the next mission by insinuating.

"Hmph, we agreed to go shopping together, but I ran away first!"

Mikoto next to Ye Qing looked at Kushina who was going away, and stood there sulking. He originally planned to go shopping in the afternoon, but when he heard that Namikaze Minato had returned to Konoha, he left her immediately and ran to see Namikaze Minato!

Ye Qing didn't comfort the angry Mikoto, but turned around and prepared to sneak away, he didn't want to be dragged shopping together, shopping with girls was worse than killing him!

And Ye Qing winked wildly at Uchiha Dujiang, telling him not to make a sound!

Ye Qing looks very strange on the street, but it is very effective!

At this time, Mikoto still had his hands on his hips, with his back to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing plunged headlong into an alley at an extremely fast speed, and immediately heard Mikoto's voice calling her.

"Qing big brother! Hey, where's the big brother?"

460 When Mikoto turned around, he found that even Ye Qing had disappeared, and only Uchiha, who stood there at a loss, was left crossing the river.

"What's the situation today, why did it disappear so quickly!"

"I just want to find someone to accompany me to buy clothes!"

Mikoto looked at Ye Qing who disappeared beside him, and said with some depression, but when Mikoto said the word "buy clothes", Uchiha who was next to him swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if thinking of something terrible!

Immediately, Uchiha crossed the river and turned around slowly, wanting to leave silently without being stopped by Uchiha Mikoto.

Once again, Uchiha Mikoto was let go by Kushina, and in a fit of anger, he called a male ninja from the clan to accompany her to buy clothes.

However, the original Uchiha clansman felt that it was a very happy thing to be able to go shopping with Uchiha's first beauty!

However, it never occurred to me that Uchiha Mikoto took that clansman shopping from morning to night, and the things he bought almost turned into a hill, all of which were held by him.

After the Uchiha clansman returned home, he was seriously ill for three consecutive days, and had a serious psychological shadow on shopping!

At this time, Uchiha was crossing the river, just took a step, all the cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he swallowed hard, because he heard Mikoto calling his name with a smile.

"Dujiang big brother, can you go shopping with me?"

Uchiha crossed the river and slowly turned his head back to look at Mikoto, and found Mikoto behind him with bright eyes shining, looking at him with a smile on his face!

At this time, Ye Qing, who was in the alley, read all the passages, and silently prayed for Uchiha to cross the river, and hoped that Mikoto would not spend too long shopping today!

As early as the first day when Ye Qing saw Mikoto, he noticed it in the character introduction column. Uchiha Mikoto only has three hobbies, shopping, shopping, and buying clothes, and the most annoying thing is, carrying them by himself!

Ye Qing didn't even look back, he went straight to the deepest part of the alley, he was going to find Uchiha Obito now, and asked around, the time of the next mission.

At this time in Hokage Fuchu, Sarutobi Hiruzen was watching the scene of Konoha Village with a pipe in his mouth and his hands behind his back.


"Dang Dang Dang!"


There was a hasty knock on the door, Sarutobi Hiruzen took down the pipe in his mouth, turned around and sat down, and said to the person outside the door.

Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen finished speaking, the door was pushed open instantly, and a ninja with an animal mask came in, Anbu!

"Master Hokage, the border is in an emergency. Iwagakure of the Land of Earth has sent thousands of ninjas and a large number of aliens to attack the border of the Land of Fire. The frontline ninjas may not be able to resist for long!"

This Anbu ninja, as soon as he entered the door, knelt down on one knee and opened his mouth to report the battle situation on the front line to Sarutobi Hiruzen Hui (caeh)!

After Sarutobi Hiruzen heard the news, he didn't speak, but put the pipe in his hand in his mouth, took a puff, and exhaled a stream of smoke.

Afterwards, Sarutobi Hiruzen put his eyes on the map on the table, looking at the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth.

"Does the report say where they have been?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked the pipe in his hand on the table, and then opened his mouth, the Anbu ninja asked.

"It is stated in the letter that the ninjas of Iwagakure have crossed the Kannabi Bridge!"

The Anbu ninja kneeling on one knee, listened to Sarutobi Hiruzen's question, and answered.


After hearing Anbu's answer, Sarutobi Hiruzen repeated Kannabi Bridge in his mouth, and then looked for the location of Kannabi Bridge on the map.

"Go and call me Minato!"

After pondering for a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen commanded the Anbu ninja, seeming to have figured out a countermeasure.


The Anbu ninja, who was kneeling on the ground, heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's order, answered, got up and walked out immediately.

"Kami no Bi Bridge..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to stare at the location of the Kannabi Bridge on the map, and kept thinking about it. Although he had come up with a solution just now, he still felt that the solution was not appropriate.

In Konoha Village, Ye Qing was looking for Uchiha Obito. He went to the ninja school and training range, but he didn't see Obito, which made Ye Qing feel very depressed.

"Could it be that you have already received the mission and set off again?"

"It shouldn't be, Nao Wang and Namikaze Minato just returned."

Ye Qing was very puzzled. He even went to Obito's house, but he still couldn't find Obito.

However, just when Ye Qing was very puzzled, a young boy with silver hair and a black mask walked up to him, looking very disappointed, with his hands in his pockets and his head bowed.

Ye Qing took a closer look and found that this boy was Hatake Sakumo's son, Hatake Kakashi!

When Ye Qing noticed the disappointment on Hatake Kakashi's face, he immediately remembered that this morning was Hatake Sakumo's funeral.

However, Ye Qing also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Hatake Kakashi is still in the village, it means that the Minato class has not yet set out to perform the mission of Kanna no Bibiao!

Ye Qing also temporarily gave up looking for Uchiha Obito, but followed Hatake Kakashi far away, as long as he would not miss the time when they left.

However, just after Ye Qing gave up the idea of ​​finding Obito, a voice came from behind.

"Ao, Kakashi! Wait for me!"


When Ye Qing turned around, he realized that the person calling was Uchiha Obito. He searched hard for a long time but couldn't find it. When he gave up looking for it, he jumped out again, leaving Ye Qing speechless!

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