“Lord Orochimaru really gave me a problem.”

The medicine master sighed.

“Sasuke-kun, Lord Orochimaru would like to see you, how about a discussion and come with me?”

“Do you think it’s possible?”

Sasuke chuckled, Orochimaru was a dangerous person, he couldn’t hide too late, how could he run to meet him.

“Is it? Then I can only give up, after all, with your strength, I want to forcibly take you away, it is too difficult. ”

The medicine master shrugged helplessly, as if he was ready to give up, but in the next moment, his hands were imprinted at an extremely fast speed.

“Tu Duan. Huangquan Marsh. ”

As his seal was completed, the ground beneath Sasuke’s feet turned into a swamp, and Sasuke fell into the swamp, sinking deeper and deeper, and soon only his head remained.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you, after all, you are the person that Lord Orochimaru wants.”

Looking at Sasuke who was stuck in the swamp, Yakushi had a smile on his face.

The essence of ninjutsu is deception, and he combines deception in ninjutsu, and the other party is really deceived.

Although the opponent’s strength is no weaker than him, his actual combat experience is still too little, and compared with him, it is still too tender.

“Shouldn’t I thank you for not killing.”

Even though only his head was left, Sasuke’s face still did not panic.

“Why, you still think you have a chance to turn over?”

The medicine master pushed his glasses, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

If he had such a big advantage and let Sasuke turn over, then he was not worthy of becoming the left arm and right arm of Lord Orochimaru.

“I just wanted to remind you, be careful not to drown yourself.”

Sasuke said with a slightly teasing look on his face.


Hearing Sasuke’s words, the medicine master’s heart bulged, and there was a faint bad premonition in his heart.

He looked around him, and saw that at some point, he himself had fallen into a swamp, and even his mouth and nose were about to be submerged.

On the contrary, Sasuke, who was not far away, stood in place and did nothing, and there was some swamp under his feet.

However, there were three black jade jades spinning rapidly in his eyes.

“Illusion, when did I get it?”

Cold sweat slipped down his forehead, and he immediately understood the reason.

He must have fallen for Sasuke Uchiha’s illusion and made himself the target of the spell.

He hurriedly wanted to lift Huangsennuma, but by this time, Sasuke had already finished sealing.

“Fire Escape Hao Dragon Fire Art.”

A huge fire dragon, swallowing flames, struck towards him.

His face changed suddenly, and it was too late to lift Huangquanmarsh’s dodge.


Suddenly, a long snake appeared and rolled around him.

With a sudden pull, he was immediately pulled out of the swamp and dodged the fire dragon.

I saw not far away, a man with long black hair and an extremely pale face appeared.

The man was none other than the big snake pill.

“Not good!”

Seeing the big snake pill appear, Sasuke was suddenly shocked in his heart.

Immediately understood that the medicine master pocket was only used to attract his attention, and the real “big killing weapon” was the big snake pill hiding in the secret.

The other party has been hiding in the dark, looking for an opportunity to capture him.

When the other party appeared at this time, he must have been arranged and was sure to capture him.


At this moment, from around him, one poisonous snake after another emerged from the ground, densely packed, as many as thousands, enveloping him.

It was as if he had fallen into a snake’s nest, and as far as he could see, there were poisonous snakes everywhere.

It is too late to dodge, even if it is too late, because the encirclement has been formed, and there is not even a trace of escape gap.

At this moment, Sasuke’s hands were sealed.

Cracking sound!

Blue-white thunderbolts appeared, but they did not appear on Sasuke’s hands, but around Sasuke’s body.

Crackle, crackle, crackle!

These lightning bolts turned into a power grid, protecting Sasuke in all directions.

The power of A-level ninjutsu is naturally extremely strong, and the poisonous snake that attacked hit the power grid, and was immediately electrocuted into coke and died.

In a very short time, thousands of poisonous snakes were all turned into scorched corpses.

After Sasuke in the original book learned Chidori, he improved Chidori and improved it in several versions.

After he learned the thousand birds, he naturally tried to improve it.

Because of the short time, only one has been improved, and this one is the defensive ninjutsu-Chidori Ryu.

In the ninja world, there are defensive types of ninjutsu, but there are very few.

It is for this reason that ninjas generally have crispy characteristics, strong attacks, but weak defenses.

Even if it is an upper ninja, if it is stabbed to the point by a lower ninja, it will die.

It was because of this imbalance that he chose the first improved Chidori Ninjutsu as Chidori Ryu.


Killing all the vipers, Sasuke used his swift ability, and a few flashes had already left the Uchiha family’s residence and rushed towards the Hokage Tower.

In the entire Konoha, which place has the most strong people, naturally it is the Hokage Tower.

That place is Konoha’s heavy land, and there are many secrets, so it is extremely closely guarded, and there are many upper Shinobi guards.

“Let him escape in such a situation!”

Looking at Sasuke, who had fled into the distance in a few flashes, Orochimaru’s eyes were blazing.

“Lord Orochimaru, the dark part is coming soon, we have to withdraw.”

The medicine master said.


The big snake pill nodded, took the medicine master’s pocket, and quickly shuttled through the soil to escape with the ability of the earth.

“Uchiha Sasuke, what happened at Uchiha’s residence, who were you fighting with just now?”

Sasuke, who was rushing to the Hokage Tower, encountered more than a dozen members of the Dark Division who were rushing to Uchiha’s residence.

The battle that took place in Konoha Shinobi Village could not have been detected by the Dark Part.

At the beginning, the Uchiha clan changed, and it was not until the Uchiha clan was extinguished that the dark department arrived, and it was needless to say.

“Big Snake Pill, it’s Big Snake Pill, and Medicine Master Pocket, he is also an accomplice of Big Snake Pill!”

Sasuke said quickly.

“What? It’s Orochimaru, quickly request reinforcements and block the exit from the village. ”

It was a woman with long purple hair, wearing a cat-faced mask and carrying a sword behind her back.

If Sasuke didn’t guess wrong, the other party should be Moonlight’s lover Yuki Yuyan.

More than a dozen members of the Dark Division all took action, and although they could not see their faces, they could feel their solemnity from their actions.

As the dark part, the existence of what danger level the Great Snake Pill is, they really know too well.

The whole village was operating, but unfortunately, in the end, the big snake pill and the medicine master escaped, and it was too difficult to stop a shadow level.

Sasuke was summoned by the three generations of Hokage to inquire about the encounter with Orochimaru, and it was not until the second half of the night that he was able to leave the Hokage Building.

The “speed” that depended on his escape from Orochimaru was highlighted by the three generations of Hokage, who explained it as the change he gained after awakening the Sharingan of Sangotama.

There is a precedent for different Uchiha people to have different changes after opening the Sharingan.

Some have become good at illusion, some have become good at physical arts, some have become good at ninjutsu, and some have become extremely good at teleportation, such as Uchiha Shuishui.

Because of the precedent of Uchiha stopping the water, the three generations of Hokage did not suspect that it was other blood succession limits.

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