A letter eagle flew into Konoha at great speed, and soon, the four Kakashiban and Matt Kaiban who were still in Konoha were summoned.

Entering the Hokage’s office, the eight people saw the fifth generation Hokage Tsunade with an unprecedented solemn face.

From Tsunade’s face, the eight people had already guessed that this time the mission would probably be extremely difficult.

Sure enough, Tsunade’s first words made the eight people’s expressions change drastically.

“Yesterday, the fifth generation of Wind Shadow I love Luo Yu Shayin Village was attacked and arrested by the Xiao Organization.”

Hearing this, everyone’s faces couldn’t help but show shock.

The capture of the shadow of a village is such a serious situation, and in terms of seriousness, I am afraid it is enough to compare with the outbreak of war.

“What, my Ai Luo was captured by the Xiao Organization?”

Naruto was stunned at first, then extremely angry.

It was only after he returned to Konoha that he learned that I Aira became the fifth generation of Kazekage, and I didn’t mention how envious I was at that time.

But I didn’t want to, and only a few days ago, the bad news came that my Ai Luo was arrested by the Xiao Organization.

“Damn, they must have set their sights on the monster in my Airo’s body.”

His fists were clenched tightly, and his nails were already digging into his flesh.

Following Zi Laiye’s practice, he knew a lot about the Xiao Organization, and knew that the Xiao Organization was planning to collect tailed beasts and plotting an extremely huge conspiracy.

“Have you started?”

Sasuke took a deep breath, I Iroh was caught, indicating that the Shō Organization had begun to collect tailed beasts.

And this indicates that the next step will be to officially fight with the Xiao Organization, a terrorist organization that can compete with the five major ninja villages.

But this is also good, he has decided to seek revenge on Uchiha Itachi.

Now that the Xiao Organization has already started its actions, his whereabouts will not be as secret as before, and it will be much easier for him to find Uchiha Itachi.

“Received a request for help from Sand Hidden Village, considering that the fifth generation of Wind Shadow I Ai Luo is a good friend of Konoha in Sand Hidden Village, if he has an accident, the relationship between Konoha and Sand Hidden Village may change dramatically.”

“The village has decided to send your two teams to Shayin Village to participate in the rescue of the Five Generations of Wind Shadow I Airo, the situation is urgent, and set off immediately.”

Tsunade said with a serious expression.

Leaving the Hokage Building, the eight immediately set off, leaving Konoha and rushing in the direction of Sunahide Village.

Anxiety was written on Naruto’s face, and he, who was the same person as I Ai Luo, knew my Ai Luo’s feelings the most, and he was most worried about My Ai Luo.

Two days later, they arrived in Shayin Village.

“Sakura, are you a medical ninja?”

Upon learning of their arrival, Temari immediately rushed over, looking at Haruno Sakura wearing a medical ninja brace with some expectation.

After Iroh was caught, Kankuro pursued alone, but encountered a scorpion and was highly poisoned.

None of the medical ninjas in Sand Hidden Village had the ability to undo this poison, not even Chiyo’s mother-in-law, so she could only hope for the people sent by Konoha this time.

“Yes, I’m currently learning medical ninjutsu with Tsunade-sama.”

Sakura Haruno replied.

“Learn medical ninjutsu with the fifth generation of Hokage? Great, Kankuro is now highly poisonous, please come with me to see! ”

Following Temari, the group came to the Sand Hidden Village Hospital and saw Kankuro, who was unconscious with poison in his body.

“It’s metal poison, please prepare these medicinal herbs for me…”

In two years, Haruno Sakura grew up, and soon recognized the highly toxic species in Kankuro’s house and began to heal Kankuro.

Without disappointing Temari, Haruno Sakura was impressed by Kankuro’s highly poisonous, medical ninjutsu ability, even if Chiyo’s mother-in-law, a master of poisoning, could not help but look away.

“I got it from a scorpion.”

Kankuro wakes up, and he removes from the puppet a piece of cloth obtained from the scorpion, which smells of a scorpion.

Kakashi summons ninja dogs and immediately uses this cloth as a clue to send ninja dogs to follow.

“It has been found, located in a place in the territory of the Land of Wind.”

A day later, the ninja dog sent out to track him returns and learns where Deidara and the scorpion have landed.

The tracking team immediately formed, in addition to the eight Sasuke, there were also eight people such as Chiyo’s mother-in-law and Temari from Sunahide Village.

As for the original book, only Chiyo’s mother-in-law followed to the rescue, that is impossible.

The village of Sunahide could not afford to lose this face, and Sasuke and the others could not agree.

Obviously, they received a request for help from Shayin Village, in order to rescue the fifth generation of Wind Shadow of Shayin Village, but instead let them become the main force, taking the greatest risk, saying that it was impossible to agree to anything.

Sixteen people from both sides set off at great speed, entering the Land of Winds and rushing to the place where Deidara and Scorpion landed.

However, not long after entering the Land of Wind, their path was blocked, and four people wearing black robes and red cloud trench coats stopped in front of them.

Each of the four has three jade in his eyes, one has a shark face, one wears a black mask with oozing green eyes, and one carries a strange scythe with three blades.

The four are Uchiha Itachi, Dried Persimmon Ghost Fish, Kakuto, and Hiduan.

“There are so many people who come, so I have to contribute.”

Kakuto said in a dry voice.

Because there were many people who came to the rescue, he also had to participate in obstruction, and he hated this kind of work without money.

“Unfortunately, the ability is limited, and there is no way to sacrifice them to the evil gods.”

Fei Duan complained.

“Uchiha Itachi handed it over to me.”

Sasuke’s gaze crossed the dry persimmon ghost mackerel, Kakuto, and Hibito, and locked on Uchiha Itachi, and three jade chakra eyes also appeared in his eyes.

He knew that the person in front of him was not Uchiha Itachi himself, but just a doppelganger created by an elephant turning doppelganger, and only had part of Uchiha Itachi’s combat power.

However, this is a great opportunity to weigh the strength of Uchiha Itachi.

“Besiege together, the other party is an S-class wanted criminal after all.”

Hearing Sasuke’s words, Temari worries that Sasuke is not Uchiha Itachi’s opponent and proposes.

For the name of the S-class wanted criminal Yubo Itachi, she has heard of it, and she knows the horror of the other party’s strength.

In his judgment, none of them present had the strength to stand up to Uchiha alone.

“Leave it to him!”

Kakashi shook his head, he understood the grudge between Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi, and knew that Sasuke wanted to solve this grudge with his own strength.

Uchiha is very strong, which he naturally knows, but he let him lie in bed for a month.

But Sasuke’s strength is also extremely strong, and the battle a few days ago is the best proof of this.

Who wins and who loses in the battle between the two is still unknown, besides, isn’t there still him.

As soon as the situation is not right, he will immediately use the ability of his left eye.

And the remaining three, the strength is not simple, they are not easy.

He had fought with the Dry Persimmon Ghost Shark and knew very well that the Dry Persimmon Ghost Fish was a monster with an amazing chakra that was not easy to deal with.

The other two, although they don’t know who they are, but they can act together with the dry persimmon ghost mackerel and Uchiha ferrets, and their strength will definitely not be simple.


In a flash, Sasuke approached Uchiha Itachi, raised his foot and kicked it vigorously.

Snap –

Uchiha raised his hand to resist, taking the opportunity to unload the force, and opened the distance between him and Sasuke.

With the eyes of the chakra, he has strong insight, and even though Sasuke’s speed is fast, all the movements are still clearly seen by him.

“Dare to fight me alone, it seems that your strength has improved a lot in the past two years, but you are too inflated.”

Looking at Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi’s face was indifferent, and he couldn’t see what was in his mind.


Sasuke sneered at the corner of his mouth, stepped out, and caught up with Uchiha Itachi like a shadow, and slammed his fist at Uchiha Itachi.

Bang, bang, bang!

Fists and feet keep colliding.

Suddenly, a figure was kicked and retreated slightly embarrassed, this person was Uchiha Itachi.

In terms of physical skills, Uchiha Itachi is by no means inferior to Sasuke.

However, his current body is not his original body, just an avatar, but it is inferior to Sasuke in terms of physical strength.

“Uchiha Itachi, do you have this strength?”

Swift Blood followed the boundary, and Sasuke flashed and chased after Uchiha Itachi. _

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