Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 246: Road (guess)

The painting Shaoyu that appeared this time looked at it for a long time, and found that it should be the first one, because it has nothing to do with the previous one... Afterwards, everyone confirmed that this is the first one... In the darkness, there are some luminous spheres. Since there are only black and these spheres, they can't tell how big they are.

In the second picture, several of the biggest spheres exploded, and several monsters appeared. They were really monsters. The hexagons had countless eyes and were completely tentacles without bodies. They swallowed the surrounding spheres, and some smaller spheres in the distance also produced monsters that exploded. Among these monsters, there were several humanoids.

The next picture is swallowing, snatching these luminous spheres.

At this time, everyone also came in twos and threes, and the dark shouted: This is the first one. Ai Lian said: What are all these paintings? Baoju said: Maybe a group of children are rushing for food. The major general said: This is like a child, you are stupid, Baoju. Baoju said: Brother is stupid, what are you doing.......

The head said: Shut up, you two silly birds, don't bother us from watching the painting. The temper said: The most stupid is the head. Baoju held her hands and nodded straight.

Chadi suddenly said: Will this be what it was like at the beginning of the First Era?

Shaoyu couldn't help but said: Chaos first opened?

Paul said: What the master said is a good image. Ai Lian said: Dwarf oil~ Xiaoyu is pretty good.

Everyone chatted and watched,

It seems that countless **** of light were born in the darkness, and some monsters are getting stronger and stronger. Until the last ball of light, the monsters should form an alliance, surrounding the light ball to form a three-sided opposition.

The most powerful is the two-side monster alliance, one side is densely populated, and the leading ones are huge. There are only a few of them on the other side but they are bigger. The alliance of humanoid monsters is the weakest, not many, and none of them are huge. A melee began. Humanoid monsters and larger monsters united to fight the most powerful monster alliance.

Countless corpses floated in the darkness. Some corpses collided together and glued together. Then more and more corpses formed a large mass.

I don't know how long the battle has been going on. Everyone has watched them one by one, only to feel shocked.

There were only three humanoid monsters standing on this pile of corpses, and they were very confused.

On another ladder, Sensen said: It is always broken when it is critical, how is this ladder designed?

Everyone agrees. After crossing the stairs, the first picture shows these three humanoid monsters standing on a large square land, surrounded by darkness.

This land should be called the mainland.

It turns out that these three humanoid monsters, the smallest among a group of monsters, are also very large compared to the mainland.

Each carving is very detailed, the mainland looks very desolate, but there are already some mountains and rivers. Everyone discussed how this continent came from, and they all guessed that the dead bodies were glued together.

However, the picture below is somewhat incomprehensible. Three huge humanoid monsters have been in a daze, and then another square continent appeared out of the darkness. The two continents collided together and awakened them. Sensen said that it is possible that these three giants are flying with the mainland. Then a humanoid monster fell to the ground inexplicably and turned into six eggs. The other two humanoid monsters jumped up and plunged into the darkness.

It can be seen from the carvings that time is passing fast. There is nothing but six eggs on the mainland, only one humanoid monster has returned once. I don’t know how long it took, all the six eggs broke, and the first of the four eggs appeared many monsters that looked like before. One egg turned into some giant beasts, and the temper pointed at the giant beast with this pattern. Dragon..., the last egg should be broken, nothing appeared. After being hit by a flying behemoth, it kept pouring out water.

Most of the water flowed into the ground, and the rest formed rivers. Giants and beasts on the mainland were fighting each other, and soon there was not much left. At this time, a humanoid monster came back. The picture showed a very angry roar, and it broke the big earthquake, and the giants and behemoths were all crawling under its feet.

It came back from injury, half of its arm is missing, but the other hand holds a piece of land. It carefully placed the land in the center of the continent, and then sat down.

Time passed again, and the giant in the picture had been watering the land with blood, and then grabbed a handful of something and scattered it around, so plants slowly grew on the mainland. From time to time, giants or behemoths are in the blood of monsters, possessing some peculiar abilities or intelligence, and giants and behemoths dare not fight in front of it, and they begin to multiply and gradually form species, and the continent becomes lively.

I don't know how long later, another continent appeared from the darkness. The continent that appeared was twice the size of the original continent. When they collided, many strange creatures sprang up from it.

It was another great battle. The original continent had a huge humanoid monster. Although it had been sitting in the center without moving, as long as the creatures on another continent were close, it would turn into ashes.

After the war, the two continents merged together, and several species disappeared, but more species were possessed.

This kind of thing happened twice, and the second time, a huge monster stood on a small continent that broke through the darkness.

The humanoid monster that hasn't moved has a battle with this monster. The painting depicts the scene where the sky is broken and the earth is dispelled. In the end, the humanoid monster won. After the monster died, it turned into mountains and forests. Although the humanoid monster won the victory, it also fell to the ground. Its body split and slowly turned into five monsters.

Diablo suddenly asked Zilian: He said that the graphics of these five monsters, two of them resemble the gods described in the ancient scrolls? Zilian said: Oh~ You really look like this.

At this time, the continent was extremely vast. After several battles, the first monsters, giants, and giant beasts were almost extinct. Many of them were only a few, and most of the rest were smaller species. The five split monsters seem to have extremely high intelligence. Although they are split, their bodies are also extremely huge.

At this point in the face painting, they reached a ladder, and when they reached this point, they were almost the first to see the carved painting. Everyone bypassed the stairs during the discussion, and saw the first picture of a few villains avoiding giants. The land at this time has become square, surrounded by sea on all sides.

Shaoyu couldn't help but say: how did this come about.

The leader said: God knows.

Bo Ju pointed at these villains and said: This is not the ancestor of our human race.

Diablo said: Let’s not grow like this.

Diablo says so for a reason. These carved murals are very delicate, but as long as there are pictures of villains, the figures of the villains are vague, and they appear to be only humanoids, although they are dressed in cloth-robes. , But the exposed hands and feet are soft like tentacles.

The following pictures are all the villains struggling and surviving, until the nine villains found something and turned them into stick-like things. From the picture, they flew up to the sky with these wooden sticks to fight a giant standing in the clouds.

After reading it, everyone fell into a sense of shock and couldn't help but recollect.

At this time, a voice said: This was left by the scholar. He said that the end of the Protoss Era was because of a mysterious race. And these carvings are the description at the time.

This voice belonged to the old man, and everyone came back to their senses. They only heard the Demon King say: So you are looking at such a good thing, no wonder you watched it for five days.

What, five days have passed?

Five days have passed, and the old man said: This was once a test. Many of the sky’s creative talents were unable to extricate themselves because they were trapped in these paintings. They spent their entire lives in vain without accomplishing anything.

Everyone was amazed that such a vain and ethereal thing could kill a lifetime? I don't know whether it is true or not.

The old man said: There is still half a day. After speaking, he floated back to the center of the black vine.

Everyone had a good discussion, and several people who accepted advanced studies said that they should also look at...

The head of the delegation said: I have to compile words again. Let me explain this time? The little brother said: What do you say? The group leader said: You have a problem with your IQ. When you meet Master Xiao and Qiu Ling, did you just say that? Hawkeye suddenly said: Why do you want to rendezvous with Master Xiao and the others? It was originally to treat you. Diablo said: Yes, this is not quite right, I am afraid that I will be silenced. The head of the delegation said: What should I do? You foolishly promised others that you must have integrity. Ai Lian also said yes, all promised good things, and Shaoyu nodded too. Baoju said: It's not because you are a fool, 1.3 meters! The head said: Damn, what's up with me?

After joking, everyone discussed it, and they all said that there is no need to tell Master Xiao and the others about the situation here. They simply pretended to be trapped somewhere and came out inexplicably.

When Shishi and the others came back, everyone had already sorted them out.

After listening to Shishi, he pointed out what to do with these space boxes. The little brother said: Look at your IQ. Sensen said: This is as if you have also thought of it.

The story had to be changed, and again after another round of discussions, the old man said that the time had come. The cousin also recovered sometime, and walked over from behind the old man.

While leaving, Shishi suddenly took out a basketball-sized crystal and buried it underground. K Niu said: Cousin, you don't want it and you can't waste it, how good is it for me. Ai Lian said: Ma Ya, what a big one. Shishi said: This is one that will shatter as soon as it is polished, so let's see where the void is. After burying, he took out a few small induction crystals and said: Who wants it? Shaoyu took one.

The positioning crystals of the same vein can sense each other. According to the master who identified this crystal, such a pure and large piece can be sensed even on other planes.

The major general asked suddenly: Shishi, don't you decorate things?

Shishi said: Everything is in your head, you can't imagine how much we hang.

Baoju said: Did I hang it?


During the small talk, Sensen said that one of the monsters born from the ball of light has never returned. Zhende said: Have you noticed that the last ball of light they competed for is also missing, and whether those villains finally entered the blood gate, and if they did, where would they go? Everyone launched a series of conjectures. Later, I kept saying that if this is really a matter of the Protoss Era, then how did the Hundred Clan come from?

After chatting for a long time, the old man said it was time.

Shishi and the four of them stepped forward and said a few words to the old man, and after giving a mentor's ceremony, they returned to the team and waited quietly.

The last time of the Sky City was very peaceful. The old man chatted with them a few words and left a sentence: Be careful, we are about to say goodbye to our era... It turns into a light, and the place where the light shines becomes transparent. .

When I opened my eyes again, Master Xiao and Qiu Ling were standing on each side, looking at them very weakly.

The entire huge steel castle completely disappeared, and they stood in this deep pit.

After seeing them, Qiu Ling seemed to relax and fainted. Then, Master Xiao actually fell straight to the ground.

The devil said: It seems that their life is not easy. Paul murmured: The devil won't pass out. Hawkeye said: Should we run away? Finally the head of the group said: Save people quickly, they are all standing here silly.

Those invisible monsters also disappeared. This was the conclusion that Shaoyu reached after scanning the range.

Everyone set up the camp, lit a bonfire, and took out the potion. After checking, Xiaoyue said that Qiu Ling was only deprived of strength and too hungry, while Master Xiao had run out of magic power.

So hungry! And the magic power of Akatsuki's mages is exhausted! How long has it been sleepy!

After resting for four ticks, Master Xiao and Qiu Ling woke up one after another, and Master Xiao woke up before Qiu Ling. Shaoyu never felt that the mage here was weak.

Paul was very close to Qiuling somehow, and had been taking care of her before and after. Shaoyu didn't think that Qiu Ling was like a devil and had a good impression, so he didn't care about it.

After Qiu Ling woke up, everyone gathered together to tell each other. Qiu Ling said: She fell into a hole when she was sliding downhill, and then she was trapped in a very dark place. No matter she was casting a spell or punching, she couldn't get out of it. Master Xiao said very briefly, he was instantly in the darkness when he teleported, and he couldn't escape.

The adventure group told the story that had been made up long ago, saying that they lost consciousness after being swept by the desolate flames of the giant. They woke up to another place and were always looking for a way out, and then they saw each other. The leader also patted the space box out, found some good things, and pretended to take out some rags to offer treasures.

Sure enough, Master Xiao didn't care, but asked everyone about the details of where they were.

Everyone exaggerated the time in the white room infinitely, speciously, and flickered fiercely.

As he was talking, there was a sudden gust of wind in the big pit, and Shaoyu was wondering where the wind came from. Only when Master Xiao said it was not good, he waved his staff, and a purple circle spread from the top of his staff, forming a light curtain spreading to all sides.

Before everyone could react, the light curtain passed through everyone's body and swept farther.

As these light curtains passed by, one by one transparent shadows floated around, densely packed, enclosing the entire camp.

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