Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 280: Feifeng (covenant)

As soon as the king in the cloak stretched out his hand, a black light came straight out.

Xiaoyue eagerly yelled: Avoid it, this is the soul annihilation.

The people who were preparing the grid filed stepped away.

After Maman's figure flashed, she used the charge ability to move a few yards aside, but when the black light turned around, she turned her head and rushed back towards Maman. The black light was as fast as lightning, and she could only extend the weapon grid. At that time, another figure appeared and bounced off the black light.

I saw that the young king appeared in front of Maman and helped her. I only heard the king say: My things can't be broken by you.

The king in the cloak stretched out his hand as if furious and caught the light wave back, and threw it at the young king without speaking.

When the two of them disappeared in a plenum, they fought there.

……good chance.

The leader yelled: sleepy, rushing.

Xiaoyue, Diablo and other wizards cast their prepared magic, and the warriors charged immediately... Shaoyu also charged with them.

The leader, Shaoyu, Sensen, Baoju, and Hawkeye rushed forward. Seeing that everyone used the ability to charge and run so fast, Shaoyu also displayed the combination of human and sword... Sensen pushed the shield and rushed directly to the young king's back. Although the young king was protecting Maman and fought against the king in the cloak, no one can guarantee that he will not stop him when he saves Qiuling.

The leader and their goal is to rush to the king in the cloak to buy time for Zhende and his little brother to save people. Shi Shi spilled a large number of gold coins for blessing, cousin and K girl summoned their mounts, their tempers turned on their abilities in the rear, holding a large shield and holding a space box in one hand to protect the mage... The magic circle under Ailian's feet floated brightly. The two short rods in his hand shine strongly, ready to go.

Chadi and Liyou each locked a king, and the devil had no quick charge ability to protect them.

Paul was still chanting, and Hibiscus opened an alchemy bottle.

At this moment, another figure suddenly appeared in the inner temple.

It was three meters tall and wore a ferocious armor with bone spurs all over his body. Although the armor is shaped like a human, you can't tell what's inside.

He suddenly appeared on everyone’s charging route. Of course everyone would not stop. This person slowly raised his armored arm full of bone spurs. Shaoyu only felt that the air in front of him seemed to be thicker by countless times, and his body naturally slowed down. Then he felt his body tightened and was pushed back by an irresistible force.

Not only are they like this, even magic is like this, being bounced back by this power.

The bodies of the attackers and most of the attacks hit the top wall of the surrounding area, and a small part bounced back to the team of the last method of the attack.

The field was blasted by everyone's own chaos, a large amount of rubble fell from the ceiling, and the ground was cracked with smoke and dust...Ku and his cousin were even lifted off their mounts. Fortunately, there are various blessings and protections, and everyone is basically harmless...except that Hibiscus accidentally poured the hallucinogenic potion on her body and yelled.

But Shaoyu only felt unable to move, and saw two thick buckets of light beams shooting out of the smoke and dust to the person standing in the doorway wearing a hideous armor...It was Ailian, who moved a bit to the side and avoided the light beam. Liyou's arrow followed. Although the arrow bounced off immediately after hitting it, the pressure disappeared.

The head of the group shouted: Hurry. He shrank with an axe and rushed over. Because the group leader had entered a frenzied state and was only repelled a few steps earlier, he frenzied twice and swung his axe towards the armor of the bone spurs, and Ailian's beam also chased the armor of the bone spurs.

The two kings inside were still appearing twinkly, and they bounced the black light waves back, like playing table tennis. Although the two have been flashing and swapping positions, their scope has not changed. Sensen also rushed behind the group leader, and Shaoyu and Baoju were pushed a little farther away. At this time, enough people rushed up. They called Xiaoyu, and the two adjusted their goals.

It seems that because of his size, Zhen has not been ejected far. Under the cover of the captain and Ailian, he has reached the ideal position. He flicked his fist with both hands and threw out two chains, and the chain between his hands drew an arc like a bird. The trajectory generally extends towards Qiuling.

Just as the chain approached Qiuling, the two kings in the fight stopped at the same time... This was the defense. Shaoyu flew out the sword and the axe, and Chadi shot the arrow. But the king in the cloak stretched out his hand again, and Shaoyu only felt like he had been hit by a car. He slammed into the wall of the inner hall with a roar in his black ears, and slowly slipped down. **Also affixed to the side, vaguely he saw Chadi's penetrating arrow shattered like it had hit something.

Zhende's chain just arrived in front of Qiu Ling, but the young and handsome king appeared in front of Qiu Ling. As soon as he stretched out his hand and put his finger on the chain, a lot of sparks came out from the chain. He whispered as if he was wondering how strong the chain was, and then grabbed the chain and sighed: Second artifact!

The chain broke straight, and Shaoyu had to shout: Come and pull it together. This is the reaction!

The young king smiled slightly, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he dragged the chain back a little, but soon he couldn't laugh, and a huge electric current passed along the chain to his hand. Zhende's chain lightning started. The king let go of the chain... Even if Zhende's chain lightning had the bonus of Lightning Pearl, the king's hand didn't even change in color... The reason for letting go was because Qiu Ling was no longer there.

A cyan circle is moving fast with Qiuling.

This is the psychic channel for the little brother, and everyone has discussed it. This trick is the real way to save Qiu Ling.

Shaoyu struggled to stand up and walk like Maman, who seemed to be controlled and stared at him but couldn't move. He wanted to pull Maman out.

At this moment, the monarch in the cloak made a move, and with a bang, his place was enveloped by a green cloud. The general's figure appeared behind the young emperor, and handed it a dagger.

The king waved his backhand, but it seemed as if he passed the phantom, without touching the general at all.

Divine weapon poison gas trap, emptiness pearl, the general actually pinned the two kings with one person.

...It's successful!

If the attackers see the fourth king, they may succeed.

A person who was also hidden under the cloak, who did not know when sitting by the door waved his hand, and the little brother’s psychic channel collapsed, Qiuling’s figure flew out, just hitting Shaoyu who was holding Maman’s hand. Body, knocked him to the ground.

Shao Yu saw that the general was trapped by a cage, which was shrinking all the time, and the head and Sensen were all lying beside the man in the hideous armor, as if being pressed by something, unable to move. The dust in the hall was gone, and the little brother’s psychic channel was dissipated. He was vomiting blood. Ailian somehow trembled and leaned on one side. The short rod fell on both sides. The others were also injured and fell to the ground. The situation of everyone is very bad.

So Shaoyu imperial divine sword pierced Qiuling's chest at once and shouted: Stop it all.

There was a silence in the field, and Shaoyu continued to roar: Don't want to control me in vain, this is a divine sword, if you lose my mind, it will be inserted directly, and your container will be ruined.

Do you dare, this is mental power, Shaoyu only felt his whole body tight, I don't know when several black halos fell on Shaoyu.

The green poisonous mist of the magical poison gas trap was torn apart like cloth, and a dry hand stretched out. He is the king in the cloak that had previously sent his soul annihilated. He also looked intact under the damage of the artifact, but his cloak turned into ashes, revealing his mummy-like body.

A stream of black mist encircled him and blocked the key position. At this time, he shot and bound Shaoyu.

Stopped, the young king came to Shaoyu's side in a flash, tearing open the black light circle with one hand.

The mummy-like king was very angry. This time the anger was not a joke. Shaoyu only felt that the surrounding area suddenly turned into water, and he was standing in the stormy sea. This is an illusion, the spiritual power of this king is too strong, and it has affected the reality.

The young king waved his hand, and Shaoyu only felt calm. He pointed to Qiuling and said: He really dares.

The sword in Qiu Ling's chest went an inch deeper. Shaoyu is such a person. Since he doesn't believe it, I'll show it to you.

Shaoyu steadied the divine sword and said: Let them go, I said that controlling my body is useless. If someone makes another move... the sword inserted into Qiu Ling's chest moves slightly, that would be self-evident.

The cage that trapped the general disappeared, the king in hideous armor retreated, and the group leader and them also stood up.

Shaoyu just wanted to say that after releasing Maman, he felt a trance for the first time, as if he had fallen from the air into a bottomless abyss. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't get out of this feeling. Until he squeezed his fist and woke himself up.

I don't know when, there was a man in a cloak holding a staff of withered bones standing in front of him, who wanted to come is also a king.

And the king of the cloak who was sitting next to the door is holding the divine sword, carefully pulling it out of Qiuling’s body

Shaoyu's eyes reddened, and his head was ready to use swordsmanship. At this moment, he only felt a gust of breeze blowing, and the whole person calmed down. Only the young king said, since the soul exile has also failed, we can talk about it. The cloak king also released the sword. He saw that the major general and the head of the group had already left the inner hall and were looking at this side, so he secretly made a few gestures with his right hand and shouted: Talk about your sister. Ready to resort to swordsmanship.

Shaoyu calmed down. He didn't think too much. At this time, Qiu Ling could not be saved, so it was better to kill her. Talk to the kings, will they let go of the attackers? It would be better to create chaos and run a few, it's a fate.


A crisp female voice sounded, and Shaoyu saw a white ball flying over, landing like a protective cover. At first it was just the size of a washbasin, but it immediately expanded to envelop the entire inner hall, the main hall, and perhaps the entire palace.

After being wrapped, all the scenes turned black and white, and Shaoyu wanted to look around, but the turning motion became slow with just one turn, and he realized in a daze that everything had been frozen. The young king was about to say something, and his expression was frozen. As soon as Shaoyu exerted his force, he only felt that his time power was quickly lost. He tilted his head and saw a pair of jade feet stepping in the air. Before he could see clearly, he felt a headache.

The headache was so strong that I had to press my hands against my head.

The hands were able to move freely on his head, and the pain disappeared. Shaoyu secretly said that it was not good, and Divine Sword didn't know when it returned to his dantian. He looked up and saw that everyone was on the spot, also doing a headache...Although the kings did not cover their heads, the few people who could see their expressions also had uncomfortable expressions.

Except for Qiuling, she lay in the air in front of a woman whose whole body was wrapped in white bandages except her feet. The woman pressed the stabbed place on Qiuling's chest with white smoke in her hands.

The pair of jade feet that Shaoyu saw stepping into the air was exactly the woman's. Although her face was also wrapped in white bandages, her figure was graceful and her chest was full of weight. Although Shaoyu knew that this must also be a king, but thinking of those small and exquisite feet like jade, he couldn't help but sway in his heart, wishing to rush forward and tear off the bandage on her body.

As soon as he took a step forward, he heard a soft cough, Shaoyu recovered, and secretly said what he was doing! His face flushed.

The young king who only listened to a light cough said: I really don't understand, how can natural charm appear on a dead spirit.

Shaoyu didn't know what to do back, but now that the chips are lost, what should be done.

The group leader did not leave. After Xiaoyue cast a burst of golden light, everyone naturally formed a formation.

Maman, who was not far away, seemed to have resumed his actions. He rushed over and took Shaoyu's hand and asked: Is it okay?

The other kings stood there and didn't move. The young king just looked at them with a smile, and the mummy king stretched out his hand to condense a cloud of black light.

Shaoyu summoned the divine sword again, but Maman stood in front of him.

At this time, the crisp female voice sounded again: I said enough, is there not enough wasted power?

The black light in the hands of the mummy king pulsed, and the voice sounded: The majesty of the king cannot be offended, and it does not require any power to destroy them.

The young king said: Just breaking free of time and gathering a lot of strength, I advise you to stop, they can't underestimate it.

What... Time condensed, and Shaoyu heard several wizards exclaimed from Ailian Diablo. Shaoyu thought to himself, isn't time just standing still, stopping or something? But now is not the time to think about this, just listen to the mummy king saying you..., before he finished speaking, the young king said: What is more important than majesty.

Yep? Don't let them go! The corpse-like king's spirit was shaking, and he used his mental power to convey meaning, so he had a tone.

The young king said: That one meant to sign the king's covenant.

What... The mummy king turned his head and looked. Shaoyu only saw the surrounding kings disappear one by one.

The corpse-like king then looked at Shaoyu with an unwilling look and disappeared, leaving only the young king and the female king in front of Qiuling.

What does this mean, the group leader and they walked into the inner hall after the formation, the group leader asked.

The young king smiled slightly and was about to speak, when the female king put down Qiuling and walked over.

As the female king came over step by step, she said: It was you who awakened the bone servant and took us through the death barrier, broke the divine protection, and gave us hope of freedom. Therefore, you are qualified to sign the ancient covenant of kings with us.

At this time, the devil yelled a word, as if he had some money. Bao Ju took another sentence: Say so much, are we kind to you? What a ghost covenant, let Qiu Ling go first.

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