This chat was in the middle of the night, and Eve joined for a while and asked him about the challenge he had started, and then plunged into the alchemy laboratory until everyone left to rest and didn't see it.

Shaoyu hugged Tammy and slept well until the sound of knocking on the door early the next morning. Shaoyu opened the door and saw Eve standing at the door with a haggard face, hurriedly asking what happened.

Eve took out three bottles of medicine. It turned out that she had been cooking medicine.

Shaoyu only feels that the number of recent moves has reached MAX. I don't want to talk about borrowing the alchemy laboratory. When he was refining the flying sword, Eve was guarded outside the door like Tammy, and at this time, he served him all night... Before Shaoyu could say anything, Eve said he would not watch him fight anymore, and then returned to the room. He froze for a while before taking Tammy downstairs.

At this time the sky was just getting bright, and Shaoyu was waiting on the first floor and adjusting his state until everyone in the association came one after another, and the girl yelled, Shaoyu, why are you still here. He just realized that no one came to pick him up or give a notice.

The red eye said that Brother Yu was really calm, and Shaoyu didn't know the situation at all. He didn't even know where the Gods Arena entered.

Fortunately, the animals and the animals also wanted to watch the battle. Walking out of the association street, Shaoyu found that today's city was particularly deserted. The sun had risen high, and the road was quiet and terrible. There were no pedestrians and no carriages to live in.

Soon after, everyone came to a corner of the west of the city. Shaoyu didn't think any building was like an entrance. Until the beast walked to a dark and damp place near the city wall, which looked like the entrance of an abandoned cellar.

After going down a few steps and walking through a short passage, he realized that there was a cave below.

Several old but still beautiful houses are arranged on the two sides, supporting the space about the size of a small square like pillars. At first glance, at the end was a large ‘door frame’ built up by many square stones, and the guards in front of the door frame were motionless.

Everyone walked to the six-yard-high, three-yard-wide door frame, one person from the Association stepped forward and handed over a few gold coins. A guard turned around and punched the door frame. The door frame vibrated, a little light appeared in the center, and then the light flooded the door to form a dimensional door.

Shaoyu observed the dimension gate one level higher than the portal gate before distinguishing it.

Shaoyu finally couldn't help asking: Is it the latest that we are here?

The beast waiting at the front said: Brother took you through the VIP channel.

Shaoyu secretly said that there is still this thing, and I heard the K girl next to him say: There are really not many people who know this passage. The entrance of the arena is outside the city. Shaoyu asked again, who are these guards. K Niu said: Not a person. Well, in fact, Shaoyu also discovered that these are indeed not humans, they should be puppets.

Not an alchemy puppet, but the kind of puppet that manages the arena of the gods.

After the Dimensional Gate stabilized, everyone entered, and as soon as they entered Shaoyu, they were shocked by waves of noise.

This Nima, in a curse? !

They appeared at the top of a huge circular arena. It is estimated that they are really VIP channels. There is no one in this circle. Shaoyu counted it a bit, this arena has at least ten floors.

The circle on the bottom layer is the smallest, and each upper layer is slightly larger. When reaching their level, there is already a height of nearly 100 meters. The height is contrasted, but if the distance in the viewing field is closer, it will be closer to you. Same... It's amazing.

K Niu said: Fortunately, we didn't appear below, otherwise it would be annoying.

Everyone nodded one after another, and heard waves of noise in such a high place, how noisy it should be below.

The following is indeed a curse war!

The ‘spectators’ in the Arena of the Gods are absolutely safe. Generally, each area is separated by fog. This time Newaja launched a challenge and used the winning power to divide a field. It also said that all professionals can enter and watch. It is really a great handwork, but what they did not expect is that Zeluo owns in Erya What a prestige.

With so many people gathered together, even if they don’t know each other, there may be friction, not to mention many people are not ashamed of this challenge.

Ever since, the curse war began.

At first, it hadn't reached such a scale. It was just that the few mercenaries who came in in advance and some of Jereau's local fans mocked each other. But as more and more people entered, and each of them joined, it gradually became a curse. This scolding will inevitably bring home or regional attacks. At this time, a group of people who were still calm and self-reliant couldn't bear to speak back one after another.

However, the mercenaries were organized, and a few heads flexibly organized secretly and spoke together. For a time, they were impeccable, overpowering the heroes, and the straight-on Erya was defeated.

Of course, this was only temporary. There are smart people everywhere. Soon Erya launched a counterattack under the organization of several highly respected people, and it turned out to be what it is now, with waves of ‘greetings’ that shook the sky.

K Niu and Red Eyes joined in with excitement, wishing to be the eldest brother.

Shaoyu was speechless, and Tammy laid a blanket on one side and took out the food. He greeted the same speechless people to eat and drink and wait.

Not to mention anything else, this time Newaja's challenge became a farce.

It took a long time for the scolding battle to be subdued. Later, it was heard that the mercenary grandduke arrived at the scene for a mark. It was not until the conflict was triggered that the guards intervened.

The curse is coming, and no one can hold it back. Even if the Mercenary Grand Duke uses prestige to stop it, how long can he endure the rebellious mercenaries just by being scolded. As soon as the Grand Duke turned around, cursing started again behind him. At this time, even if there are iron-blooded methods in the arena of the gods, it really stopped one piece, and the other one started again, so that it weakened the mercenaries' momentum.

I heard that the mercenary Grand Duke was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Ze Luo appeared alone at the end of the scolding battle, which evoked cheers. They all appeared at the lowest level. When Shaoyu didn't know what to do, he saw Zeluo smile at him and immediately settled down.

As he was about to turn over, he heard the people on the side say, look, the goddess smiled at me... Fuck, shameless, smiled at me... Shaoyu was speechless, and at the same time he found that the uppermost circle began to be teleported in. Up.

These people should be some big people.

After Shaoyu observed for a while, she heard K Niu shout: It's started.

A wave of sound like waves came from below, and he hurriedly opened his left eye and leaned over to look, only to see that there were already fifty people standing in the arena. Shaoyu was taken aback when he saw it, what was going on.

On Ze Luo's side were fifty heavy cavalry, and Newaja was naturally fifty mercenaries.

To Shaoyu's surprise, the fifty were just ordinary cavalry, and there was no female riding in the team. Now it seems that Zeruo's fifty people have mounts to dominate, and the mercenaries are walking, but in terms of strength, the mercenaries are definitely high, not to mention that they can't charge at a distance of twenty yards.

The battle broke out in an instant, and the cavalry probably knew this too, but they drew a semicircle to open the distance on the spot. The mercenaries stood still and didn't even form a formation.

The cavalry ran to the edge of the arena in one breath, adjusted their formation and launched a charge. To say that this charge definitely rushed out of momentum, Shaoyu thought to himself that if he didn't release the flying sword, he would have to avoid the edge first.

Suddenly, there was silence in the somewhat noisy field, and Shaoyu's eye frame suddenly shrank.

The fifty seemingly random mercenaries were floating in the air. The weapons in their hands were glowing with various lights and swung downwards at the same time, and fifty neat arcs flew out.

Every cavalry wearing heavy armor and the horses sitting on were neatly chopped into two halves...with the body as the centerline, chopped into two halves.

The field was bloody, and the ground was cut off.

What made Shaoyu's eyes shrank was not the mercenaries floating in the air, nor was it vindictive, but neat. Each mercenary's grudge cut is exactly the same, this is mass production!

This is the strength of the Mercenary Duchy? ! The people around him were also speechless for a long time. I don't know who said: I heard that the Mercenary Grand Duke defeated the kingdom of Seywen at the time with three thousand mercenaries. If these three thousand mercenaries were of this kind of strength, it would not be surprising.

With fifty mercenaries exiting the field, there was a clamor again.

At this time, it was mercenaries who were making noise, all kinds of unpleasant sounds fluctuated with each other, and Erya was completely silent.

A mist rolled in the arena, which was clearing in the arena. When the fog in the waiting field receded, it was time for Shaoyu to play. He didn't think much about it at this time, and even closed his eyes.

The people around him started discussing it, and the beast guessed: Did Herzello-sama deliberately lose this game? Red Eyes listened to the voice below and said angrily: If the female riders are present, how can they be so arrogant? How is this arranged. K Niu was a little worried and said: Shaoyu this... why didn't anyone come to contact me.

The fog in the field quickly dissipated, the blood of the corpse and so on disappeared completely, and even the ground that had been cut off was restored to level.

Shao Yu opened his eyes fiercely and jumped out of the platform like diving.

Just listen to Brother B shouting: No, Brother Yu can't think about it.

When Shaoyu heard that she almost fell, your sister, is this funny? But no wonder Brother B shouted that even if he was flying in the air, he wouldn't land with his head down.

In the rapid fall, of course Shaoyu didn't have time to explain, he secretly said out of his sheath.

The sword box on his back suddenly opened, and fourteen flying swords spewed out. Shaoyu squeezed his sword finger and made a murmur, and the fourteen flying swords faintly turned into sword shadows and shot downward in the sound of sizzling.

With hundreds of sword shadows standing on the ground of the arena, Shaoyu turned over again and stood firmly on it.

There was silence in the arena again, and then the sky-shaking cheers sounded again, and the voices of the mercenaries were immediately suppressed.

As soon as Shaoyu stood on the hilt with his hands behind his back, he smiled slightly. This way of playing was a temporary idea. Although it consumed some sword yuan, he raised his momentum.

In cheers, he stared at the arena gate opposite. A slight vibration came from the ground, and it felt quite obvious when standing on the hilt. As the vibration became stronger and stronger, Shaoyu saw a huge shadow squeezed out of the door.

There was another one in the arena, and the ups and downs of each other's screams gathered together, Behemoth Knight.

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