It is very difficult to find the curse.

Kasynne stated that there are two conditions for sacrifice. First, it must be voluntary. In order to complete the queen's mission, everyone volunteers for this female cavalry, but the other condition is to have the same blood...

Vadi is already the last member of their family!

After Kasnie left, Little S said that he could wake up Vadi, but Vadi would die when he woke up.

Shaoyu said that what is the use of this, to explain the last words, it is better to wait to see if there is any change. But Xiao S urged him as soon as possible, because if he waits until the curse strikes, Vadi will die directly. This means that the sooner you wake up, the more time Vadi will have to wake up. He pondered for a while, and immediately Yujian left after asking Frozen.

The sky was still unclear, and Shaoyu returned to the manor with evil spirits and awakened Vadi. He tried his best to capture some mercenaries, his team leader, and the phalanx officer. As they said, they received information, and they really didn't know the curse.

The only clue is also broken...the cursed can not be found.

After half a mark, Vadi closed his eyes. He walks in uneasy way, thinking that with the protection of Shaoyu and the female rider, he will be safe; that with the support of the goddess Erya can truly control the territory and get what he wants; he wants to get married and have a nest of children and revive the family... But in the end, Vadi has only one wish, to retrieve Kate, and do his best to rescue her, and give her one-third of the fortune.

This is Shaoyu's promise and an exchange.

Xiao S proposed at the time that awakening is not only a last word, but also inheritance rights.

On this continent, if there is only one person left in a family and there is no sideline, one heir can be appointed.

This inheritance is not only an inheritance, but also an identity.

Shaoyu didn't know, but Xiao S knew. Afterwards, he took out documents to inform the female riders. Looking at the three female riders who were not surprised, Shaoyu suddenly thought of the past few days... and came up with an idea, and then forced herself not to think about it.

In silence, they led the female riders to the territory.

Shaoyu knew very well that when he caught those mercenaries, he was still concealed, but the phalanx officials would definitely be tracked down. And he didn't kill the phalanx officer, he wanted to truly master... before then.

The next action unexpectedly went smoothly. Under the leadership of the original Vadi’s men, they quickly returned to the Lord's Fort...This place is in a semi-abandoned state. Although the mercenary group is strong, they dare not venture to settle in the Lord. The mansion just sent someone to guard and not let Vadi continue to take care of it.

After driving away a few guarded mercenaries, the three female cavalry were divided into three groups. Mansha took over the castle defense and arranged some defenses. Paula gathered the former guards of Vadi and gave a speech! Opatifani went out of the castle to contact some nobles and get support.

Their actions were fast and accurate, and immediately the castle seemed alive.

When the three major mercenary groups arrived, they had to give up the idea of ​​using force and took their men to the Hall of Observation to check the inheritance certificate under the witness of several nobles.

The proof of inheritance is very simple. It is a handwritten copy of Vadi's family ring and the lord's seal. The heads of the three major mercenaries naturally said that the inheritance document could be forged, and the ring could be stolen... But after Paula took out the video crystal, there was a handwritten image and a passage of Vadi lying on the bed. I can't refute it... The Crystal Girl prepared it by herself, and Shaoyu didn't know that they left this in the room.

The three major mercenaries left in grief.

After the mercenary group left, Shaoyu sat on the king’s seat for a while and pondered...This castle was the capital of the kingdom back then, so there is a hall of observation, and the seat can also be called the throne. Of course not now, it’s just a place for mercenaries. Wang approved to keep it, and it belongs to the glory of the Vardi family.

Mission 4 occupies 10% of the territory of the Mercenary Principality, and the occupation is finally one-tenth. There are still two months before the mission is completed.

From the display of the task progress, they can be regarded as being recognized and established in the Mercenary Duchy. It's only one-tenth. The most urgent task now is to track down the mercenary regiment, and how to solve the local three major mercenary regiments. The most important thing is how to pass the mercenary grandmaster's pass!

He didn't care about changing the name of the clan emblem to the family that inherited Vadi, but the territory must be officially recognized by the capital of the Mercenary Duchy before it can be officially recognized. Otherwise, it's just the family, the territory... But not only has he played in the arena, he has also seen the mercenary Grand Duke make an unpleasant deal with it!

Going to see the Grand Duke can still be delayed, there must be some things that must be done.

Shaoyu was overwhelmed thinking about these things. At that time, he was just in charge. Now... there are too many problems! Not to mention the three major mercenaries, are those nobles so easy to handle!

He thinks a lot, and it turns out that he really thinks too much.

I've seen the nobles and sent the three major mercenary groups, and I'm free!

There is no problem for him to solve, and there is nothing for him to deal with! After sitting on the throne for a long time, she couldn’t help but yelled to Paula. She didn’t think Paula was not in the castle at all. Finally, after she found Mansa who was identifying the castle’s items, she said impatiently: Where would you like to play? Where to go, remember to change your dress and not be recognized.

Shaoyu was stunned on the spot.

Then some stewards or housekeepers gathered in the castle for a grand funeral, and Vadi's family business still had some.

The funeral lasted for a week, and at the same time some paperwork and finances gathered in the castle...

Opatifani took care of it all, and Shaoyu really did not expect that she was still good at this.

Lucy arrived the day after the funeral, and the connection held several banquets. This dreamy female rider put on the noble dress and turned the nobles around.

In addition to sitting on the throne for a short time every day, Shaoyu looked at the letters from Eve and Tammy in the dimensional box. The rest of the time was to put on a cloak and wander around the city. After two days of shopping, he sat there. In this small bar. One day after that, she accidentally met Opatifani. At this time, she raised her arrogant head again and didn't give a good face, saying that he had become an alcoholic and soaked in the bar every day.

This is Opatifani, and it also confirms what was wrong before... Shaoyu didn't bother to think too much, anyway, it would be nice to complete Zeluo's task.

Of course, he is not in the bar every day to get drunk, but sitting in the bar to ask for information. In the castle, the servant is respectful, but he can't ask anything, and the female rider's information is not shared with him... The bar is a good source of information.

Vadi’s popularity is quite high, and there are mysterious rumors about his heirs... The Mercenary Principality also has factions, but the mercenary faction and the noble faction. The aristocratic factions are naturally aristocrats who once supported the establishment of a nation by mercenaries or were originally. After the establishment of the Principality of Mercenary, the mercenaries naturally suppressed the nobles... The three major local mercenary groups were strong, and the nobles held themselves to protect themselves.

What makes Shaoyu strange is that the three major mercenary groups don't seem to want to trouble him! The mercenaries in the bar did not reveal any wind direction when they were drinking, they just discussed various tasks! The castle did not receive unknown attacks or assassinations. I don't know if it was the calm before the storm, or if he went to meet the mercenary guild.

In addition, there are some matters on the mainland. The most talked about is the destruction of the capital, and where the mages are fighting again, and where they are destroyed, some are disasters that have occurred in multiple ways. The goddess of the battlefield is registered as a queen. Some mainland wars have been messed up.

On the fifth day after the funeral, Shaoyu went to Vadi’s family Moyuan and sat in the bar again. But today is destined to be different, because he actually saw an acquaintance!

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