Wipe, play this big?

Kasnne usually has a low sense of existence, but whenever he speaks or makes a move, he always has something to say, or it can be said to be thrilling.

No wonder the captain wanted to persuade Miranda.

Even if the two countries are at war and demons appear, they must immediately stop fighting and work together to get rid of the demons... This is one of the unspoken rules of the El continent. We must know that although the main plane does not have the cursing wind and the plague, but their often fallen ones, a few fallen ones can sacrifice the demon gate that appears stable, and then they will be the demon army!

Everyone let go of the remaining soldiers and continued downward. It's not because of the devil, but it doesn't matter whether you kill or not.

After going down again, Miranda could not find a trace.

Several people talked a few words, discussed it and decided to go directly to the bottom to check. Anyway, the devil can't let it go, and Silan is also very likely to be below. If not, just solve the devil and then search upwards slowly.

After the decision, everyone no longer hesitated, Miranda took out two scrolls to tear apart for group blessing.

Kasnie didn't know if it was not, or if it was forgotten, he had never let go of the auxiliary spell.

The female cavalry's war ability does not bless individuals and teams... War ability is naturally the ability on the battlefield, and is related to the number of troops. At least an array, which is a thousand people, can be used as the base. This is an orthodox ancient war knight ability. The more troops you command, the stronger your ability.

However, female riders are different, and their personal strength is also extremely strong, not losing to the Cavaliers.

These materials flashed through Shaoyu's mind, feeling the changes brought about by Miranda's blessing of the two magics. The small S in the upper left corner has been shown to him, two intermediate auxiliary magics that maintain half a scale, very practical.

Light feathers, the light and shadow of a few folded feathers are faintly visible on the feet...Reduce the weight of the body by 20% and offset the damage of the fall by 5%.

Wind Spirit Shield, several cyan winds turn around... absorb a damage of less than 500 attack power, if the attack exceeds it, it will become a 360-degree attack power of 10 to spread.

Not only to prevent falls, but also to prevent being attacked.

Shaoyu asked Eve and Tammy to pay attention to safety, and they jumped down first...

Without stopping, he quickly left the team while jumping. This was also discussed before, let him explore the way first...He had the best mobility during this trip.

The rift valley became narrower and narrower, and finally only eight meters wide when he stepped on the ground.

There is indeed something strange underneath, a red vein with a **** and sulphur smell covering the entire bottom layer, and has a tendency to extend upward.

The veins were like tree roots and blood vessels. Shaoyu used an ordinary one-handed sword to pick it up. Blue smoke appeared directly from the tip of the sword, and some red liquid flowed out.

Well, it's a bit hard...it was pierced with sword light, high temperature and corrosion.

The foot stepped on it, and it seemed that there was nothing to break.

After probing, there is no data in the database, which is still a novel thing.

Taking a look at the top, Shaoyu didn't scan further. After communicating with Xiao S, he opened his left eye and stretched out his hand to directly use the range scan.

Adjusted the height and width, the bottom of the rift valley is almost in the range.

Then the map was formed, and he saw the light spots representing Eve and the others meet some unknown light spots. No light disappeared for a while, isn't it the enemy? Could it be something else? Shaoyu felt that the later they came down, the better, and it was best to wait for him to solve the devil and then come down, so that they would not encounter danger. If the demon is too powerful, hey, he needs to be sure.

Put the corroded sword directly on the ground, leaving a mark and move on.

There are some light spots at the bottom of the Rift Valley, but they are all far away...no Silan.

Shaoyu didn't panic, because the map was blank and something blocked the scan. This gap is almost three hundred meters long, which is probably the Devil’s Gate. He moved forward at speed, and the closer he got, the wider he found. This is not naturally broad, but forced to expand by these red veins.

They seem to have vitality, swimming and crushing the soil from time to time.

This situation becomes more obvious as you stay and walk, these red veins really seem to be alive.

And Shaoyu also saw some fragmented corpses, also entangled by these red veins. Looking at the costumes, there are not only soldiers from the Principality of Osa, but also mercenaries.

After a few more steps, he secretly said something wrong, the red veins here are too dense. Go back and open his left eye, and take out a one-handed sword and spin the sword light to pry open the ground.

Corpses, a large number of corpses were buried in this deep pit, and these red veins grew from the corpses.

Here are all the clothes of the villagers.

It seems that the corpses after the devil slaughtered the village are all here, maybe more than one place.

Shaoyu hesitated and didn't deal with such a large-scale red vein. Instead, he moved forward quickly... You can't get rid of the turmoil, first go to the center to see the situation.

A blank space of 300 meters was right in front of his eyes. He saw it as soon as he got closer. The red veins were already covered here, like a blood-red floor. There is no ‘door’, but there are many people!

Silan was confronting some people dressed as mercenaries. He was holding a strangely shaped sword in his hand, and he was not alone. In addition to the changed appearance behind him, there were two sisters.

Shaoyu didn't show up in a hurry, he observed first.

Surrounding Silan is a mercenary group, and the strength of these mercenaries also seems to be good. There are nearly forty people in total, and most of the professionals include two mages.

At this time, the sword in Silan's hand became a big sword, which looked like an extraordinary thing, with an axe-like hilt with an eyeball-like gem inlaid on it.

Sure enough, I got it, is this Kath?

There are more than fifty comrades lying on the ground, which is also the reason why these mercenaries did not go to war directly. Some red lines appeared on the body of these comrades, exuding a more ferocious aura, and I don't know how it became like this.

Of the two sisters, one was wearing the clothes of the army of the Principality of Osa, and the other was wearing a mercenary uniform. Well, just like the mercenaries who surrounded Silan.

When Shaoyu was observing, the mercenary had already called out several waves.

The big idea is to return the sister's paper, hand over the sword, and die.

When it was time to change, Silan had already slashed the sword without saying a word. At this time, he threw the sword in his hand without saying a word.

The mercenary almost coaxed inwardly. It seemed that the deputy head of the deliberative group pulled up the sword that was pierced into the ground.

Then the deputy commander cut down with a sword, and a grudge cut away from the sword. He laughed wildly, waving vindictively slashing casually, it seemed that just ordinary sword swinging would have vindictive slashing! Then he cut off at the people around him.

The group members roared loudly, and after a battle, they helplessly beheaded the deputy commander.

It seems that this deputy head treats people well. After killing the two, everyone can't help but slaughter him, and some people cry for him.

At this time, another middle-aged man wearing a shining armor with a very stable face held the sword, and the court fell silent, and the mercenaries said one after another: Commander?

After a while, the head of the team just said I was fine.

Subsequently, his expression changed drastically, and he wanted to drop the sword, but no matter how he threw his hand. He was also decisive, and asked them to chop off his hand after being unable to shake it a few times, but the group members hesitated, and he hesitated for a while, the group leader also laughed wildly and swung his sword...

Everyone knew that there was a problem with the sword.

Shaoyu thought to himself, is this a magic sword?

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