Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 681: determination

But immediately, Shaoyu asked why he didn't explain it when they first contacted.

If it is stated at the beginning, maybe there is a chance....

The black mage directly stated that the opportunity for research was rare, and that he did not master this language at the time, and he needed to be observed. The flesh and blood puppet that had no magic ability was killed before, and they didn't actually have much contact with it. And the black mage is also very interested in people outside the wall, so he researched by the way.

After being speechless for a while, the Black Mage came up with a thick covenant.

After that, the two talked for almost a day, and Shaoyu entered into a covenant with hundreds of clauses.

A very complex but comprehensive contract, after the review and modification of the small S, there are almost no loopholes.

Shaoyu likes to take risks, exploring the void and the sea of ​​stars, which is also inevitable for him. To find Lily, it also depends on whether he can find the earth... Now it seems to be a bit thinking.

Of course, there is still a lot of time for him to complete what should be done at this time.

The restoration of the Sky City still lacks several key points, not only in terms of materials, but also in technical aspects. The technical problem is still very serious. The Sky City can fly, but it cannot fly fast. If the speed is not enough, gravity can't escape, let alone flying into the void and wandering into the stars.

Even if the Sky City is repaired and can enter the void immediately, the black mage's flesh and blood mirror image will have time to return, and it will take at least three years for all to return.

There are still all kinds of preparations that have not been completed, and the strength will be greatly affected after entering the void, and it is not possible to explore the void immediately.

If you want to go, it will take countless experiments and complete preparations to be empty.

Once you go, you may not be able to come back... After signing the covenant, the black mage knows almost everything. So Shaoyu also knew that there were more than 1,300 mirror images of the flesh and blood of the Black Mage still outside. At this time, he was still exploring and collecting resources on sixty planes. Shaoyu naturally asked how many dimensions in this world by the way. The Black Mage said that there were more than two hundred recorded in Fadu, but several of them were in collapse and being swallowed.

Instability of the plane will also collapse. The collapsed plane will form a lot of space debris. If the master of magic gets a piece of space debris, it can increase its magic space and produce some characteristics.

Engulfing means that some of the smaller planes are absorbed by the larger planes. Among the many planes, the abyss is the favorite to swallow.

The abyss invasion is a kind of engulfing, fusing more planes.

The plane they are on is okay, and because of the curse wind, they are considered to be one of the planes with the least demons, and the main plane is the most attacked.

The main plane is the most powerful plane of the human race, and the abyss is also one of the main planes, but it is a demon.

In this chat, there was a lot of knowledge that I didn't understand, and Xiao S also appeared from time to time to ask him to ask some key questions. If it is not for the time to wake up later, now is not the time to study, I am afraid I can talk for a few days and nights.

After being silent for a while, the Black Mage invited Shaoyu to join the Geshuska Empire. After signing the contract, the two of them can be regarded as their own. Shaoyu originally asked for help, but he didn't expect the Black Mage to invite him, so he naturally agreed.

The black mage naturally knew about Shaoyu, but he invited Shaoyu to join it for himself.

Beludan’s United Kingdom’s attack on the empire affected his material and time arrangements, and there was also great danger.

Although the black mage is the mage tower that guards the capital of the empire, in fact, he only needs to do various researches in the mage tower with a huge reward. At this time the war broke out, and he who signed the contract would naturally go to the front with the army.

Fortunately, the black mage is also mysterious among the palace mages. Although the rank is not the highest (the one who appears is Akatsuki), there are many under him. Always guarding the capital, but the battle of the invincible legion, the important battle will begin, and the black mage will also be on the front line.

After some talk, Shaoyu understood the meaning of the black mage, that is, to join the Gesiuska empire and lead a guard to protect the black mage on the front line...The black mage's many men are actually his flesh and blood mirror images.

Being able to join the Geshuska Empire gave Shaoyu great hope for revenge, and he could lead the army to participate in the battle of the Invincible Legion! Later, after learning that UnionPay already had a headquarters in the empire to connect to the southern continent, it finally dispelled the desire to return to the southern continent first.

Although I don't know how to join directly to lead the army, he must be able to do it by himself. Shaoyu naturally does not worry about this... a rare opportunity.

At the moment, under the leadership of the black mage's flesh and blood mirror image, he took the magic box to the UnionPay headquarters.

The magic box is just like a long box of transportation.

It is controlled by an underground magic circle, and several magic circles can be connected quickly to slide, which is very convenient like a tram.

The headquarters of UnionPay is very grand, located in the center of a T-junction, covering a large area, a three-story fortress-like tall building.

There is an ‘automated teller machine’ next to every heavy guard outside, and there are many people operating the queue.

Those who were supposed to line up to enter the second floor naturally received preferential treatment under the black mage's magic mark.

After entering, he was told that it was not only a sky-high price to send a letter to the southern continent, but also an identity. The other party said that it was very tactful, and said that huge changes had taken place in the wasteland at this time, the monsters had become more crazy, and several teleportation formations had been destroyed.

Shaoyu naturally wanted to ask what his identity was. This person stared at him for a while and then said a little while before he brought a crystal ball with a base.

After a wave of magical power fluctuations, an image appeared.

It is an image that once attacked the shell.

Shaoyu was naturally in it, and there seemed to be a single figure holding a sword.

This person repeatedly apologized, saying that as long as he had a certain amount of gold coins, he could send news to him three times a month, and then said that this was their best effort, and that they could wait for the wasteland to recover...

Shaoyu doesn't know where, this is a privilege given by Shishi.

After getting the crystal, he didn't know what to say for a while, and the other party also arranged a quiet room for him very considerately.

Half a day later, Shaoyu walked out of the quiet room with a hoarse voice, and he only spoke after a few hesitations.

He took out the gold coins that the other party said several times: It must be delivered, and I will be notified when there is a reply, but as long as you tell me the physical condition of the two ladies who received the crystal, the reply will be temporarily stored with you.

After the other party promised and signed a contract, Shaoyu left. He believed that UnionPay would deliver it, and also believed that Eve and Tammy would reply, but he did not dare to read it because he was afraid that he would return to the southern continent.

Revenge, take back your own things, and then go back.

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