Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 683: Preparation (medium)

After the badge was displayed, Shaoyu learned that the soldiers below were dissatisfied with the arrangement of the legion, which led to a weapon fight.

The soldiers of the empire were all thinking of watching a good show, and they didn't stop it.

Shaoyu screamed immediately, and his sword rushed down.

The camp finally calmed down after a while.

Before setting off, the 10,000-strong army has lost nearly a thousand.

The number of deaths is very small, but the large number of injuries cannot be recovered in a moment, and some of them are punished.

Several leading queue leaders were imprisoned and beheaded through trial within a short time. Hundreds of soldiers who followed the trouble were sent out of the barracks and reduced their first-order status.

The civilians who entered the legion were promoted to citizens by themselves, but when they were driven out, they were reduced from civilians to slaves.

Shaoyu stopped it in time. If the Imperial Legion came to suppress it, at least half of the guards would die on the spot.

According to the words of these soldiers, the dignity and military laws of the empire should not be underestimated.

Shaoyu was almost speechless. It was inevitable that the Guard Corps would be looked down upon by the regular legions. They were all temporary ‘wild calls’...the soldiers of these imperial capitals dared to yell. Shaoyu didn't belong here, and the feeling of being a legion wasn't justified, so he endured it. In fact, he was partly blamed on himself. He arrived at the barracks a week late. If he managed it earlier, it wouldn't be such a big deal.

In the next week, the guards were reorganized.

It's easy and easy to manage the army, as long as you manage ten phalanx officers.

During this period, he learned that the real reason for the weapon fight was actually caused by the disagreement of several phalanx officials. The strength of these phalanx officials is quite high, and several of them have some connections, and they have not been punished at all...Fortunately, the mainland, especially the empire, respects their strength. At that time, Shaoyu showed great strength to restrain them. After a series of transfer management, showing that at least the military strength is not just on paper, he mastered this army.

Those phalanx officials didn't persuade and obey, at least they obeyed.

It seems easy, but it is going all out. Although I have studied before, I have seen female riders lead them. When it was my turn to master it, I knew Silan... Uh, how can I put it, Dazhi Ruoyu seems to be wrong, stupid people have stupid blessings?

Shaoyu kept calm on the surface from time to time, but in fact stomped anxiously inside to discuss with Xiao S how to deal with the Legion affairs.

Thinking of Silan...In the news shared by the Black Mage recently, Silan was also in the army on the left, and seemed to be the front legion. However, the situation is a bit delicate, like being supervised, and like being the most important vanguard on the left.

The left legion is the most numerous and the most complex, commanded by the war commander Nisson, and two other strong men such as mercenary kings and blood limit Patton will travel with them. In addition to the thieves' legions, there are legions composed of local legions and mercenaries originally organized by Belludan. The army formed by this mercenary is similar to their ‘unbranded army’ called by the empire at this time, with a total of seven legions.

On the right is the commander-in-chief of Guthroan, the strongest is one of the ten kings, the Dragon Knight Jeryn, and the blood limit Aogu, both of which were once the main reorganized legion of Belludan, with a total of five legions.

In the middle road was led by Zeluo, there were only two legions, a logistic legion of nearly 20,000, and a female cavalry legion.

The Legion of Goddess is the name of the outside world, and they claim to be the Cavalry.

The Mercenary Grand Duke, that is, the current Wang Fu took his mercenary army to the palace and did not go out.

At this time, all three roads stopped, forming an opposition, waiting for the battle of the invincible army in the middle.

When Shaoyu saw the intelligence, he only felt that Belludan was not doing all he could. If he did all he could, at least that mercenary army would also be sent.

Back then, I heard that the Three Thousand Mercenary Corps had the embryonic form of the Invincible Corps, but at this time it actually stayed behind.

Is Zero so confident that she can defeat the Empire's invincible army with the cavalry army that has been reorganized for less than a year?

Shaoyu repeatedly studied the intelligence of the female cavalry,

At this time, there were more than 130 famous female riders of the flower. After sitting on Belludan, the number of female riders kept increasing.

Imperial intelligence indicated that it might have obtained some kind of ancient knight inheritance, but there is no knight inheritance named after flower and possessing its characteristic abilities...there are still so many.

The female cavalry regiment's command method is also different from that of the mainland, and it does not consist of ten members.

Each female cavalry led fifty female cavalry, and these fifty cavalry could be regarded as obedience.

There are only 8,000 women in the cavalry corps.

Shaoyu thought secretly, if the strength of the hundred female riders is not equal to Nicole, as long as they are the same as the Primrose Cavalier and can use the war ability, it will be very powerful.

At that time, the twelve kinds of warfare abilities could be called invincible. If all of the female horses had warfare abilities, they would be truly invincible.

However, the superposition of power is so simple, there is no detailed information at this time, and I can only watch it when the match is on.

Well, there are also the ten kings, the blood limit is not within them, the original mercenary king is not among them, so they occupy four. The rest are all powerful names of Belludan, among them are the Plaguebred Zell that Shaoyu cares about, and the dragon knight who has heard of it a long time ago, of course, there are several others who have not heard of it, and he recorded them in detail.了信息。 The information.

To understand the strength of the enemy, naturally also have an understanding of the strength of the enemy.

Even if the empire has not recovered from the disaster, its strength is overwhelming.

The three-way opponents are almost all local legions relying on the magic net and the city to defend. At this time, the five-way main legion along with the war commander and a group of strong men are on the front line.

However, the number of invincible legions in the middle is only 8,000.

This is comparable to the female cavalry.

Originally, the number of the invincible army was 10,000, but they suffered huge injuries when the Dharma was destroyed, with more than 2,000 casualties.

The camp they are stationed in is a mountain fortress that used to be a dwarf, which is very safe and hidden with complete facilities. But the entire mountain range collapsed under the impact of the explosion of Fadu's destruction. If they weren't all powerful, they would break through the mountain and protrude.

It can be seen from the video that all members of the Empire's Invincible Legion are armed with huge swords, black armor, and red cloaks, riding majestic mounts.

Magic Armor Group.

Shaoyu hadn't seen it before, and didn't know where the Invincible Legion was stationed at this time, only those who belonged to the secret royal family knew it.

The invincible legion must be the foundation of the empire, and half of the empire's annual military expenditure is used to raise the invincible legion.

According to limited information, their armor is a special kind of magic metal, which not only resists both physical and magic, but also can be changed...transformed. The most common one is full-body iron armor protection, the other is to make the armor thinner, but the iron wings are displayed on the back, and it becomes an air ride with the mount.

Their mount is a synthetic beast of the Geshuska Empire.

Raptor of the earth.

This information is very detailed, and it was synthesized from the beast and the earth dragon.

The name of the beast is very prestigious, but it is actually just a large herbivore, and the earth dragon is also the same, just a herbivore with dragon blood. But the fierce beast has thick skin and crashes like a tank. Although the earth dragon is weak, it has a magnetic levitation ability that can float in the air.

After synthesis, the Earth Raptor not only inherits the advantages of the two, but also has a maglev, a metal weapon that can repel the enemy, and can also reduce weight and fly in suspension.

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