To say that before, Shaoyu still had the idea of ​​taking things back and asking her to kneel down and sing and deal with it after conquering. At this time, only beheaded.

This is not surprising. After cutting off his feelings for Zeluo, Shaoyu looked back and found that all his feelings were wishful thinking. Zeluo just used him and robbed him when the use value was almost exhausted...

In this battle, Shaoyu wanted to ‘prove himself’ he didn’t want to kill Zeluo directly.

Now it must be more powerful to be able to kill.

Zeluo's little S said that he couldn't calculate it, and could only draw a vague conclusion that it was more than nine times his combat power...only high and not low.

How else can I improve my strength.

The incarnation of God can close the gap in strength, but it will be stripped.

During this day's cultivation, Shaoyu repeatedly looked at the crystal and asked the flesh and blood puppet of the black mage next to him.

Zeluo is a divine body.

Although I don't know how to have it.

Yes, own.

The divine body is only possessed by lighting the divine fire and holding up the divine kingdom. Xiao S added from time to time that if it was replaced with what Shaoyu could understand... it was a high-level energy body transformed by the refinement of heaven and earth energy.

The **** body is very strong.

The most basic is the divine shock wave. The attribute of Zeluo's divine shockwave zone is peeling. It is not purification, it is stronger and more targeted than purification.

The incarnation of the gods is the guard of the true gods. Although this is not bestowed by Zeluo using the godhead, it has natural restraint. Shaoyu’s incarnation of God must be the ‘rootless source’, without the support of God behind him, and it was launched by his own divine power.

Ze Luo had an explanation for ignoring his flying sword attack.

It is not a strong physical body, but a divine shield. The divine power shield comes with the divine body, and it ignores all attacks before the divine power is exhausted. And at attacks below a certain level, divine power is not consumed.

Like something without weakness, such as the heart, immunity to most negative states and even spells below a certain level are the most basic. In addition, it also comes with a variety of capabilities such as real vision and targeted strikes...

It corresponds to the priesthood and also possesses various divine abilities.

Shaoyu felt that he should have a good understanding of the divine system, what kind of priesthood she was and what kind of divine power she possessed.

Know the enemy and improve yourself.

While he was healing his wounds, making plans, and listening to the fall of the powerful, the black mage's flesh and blood puppet sent a message.

The king is here.

After half a day, Zeluo retired, and this later battle called the Search for the Death Knight ended.

The emperor of Gesiuska repelled Zero.

Shaoyu couldn't connect the fat king with the identity of the strongest.

But Zeluo also said that the four kings, the kings of the two empires are one of the four kings. Shaoyu suddenly understood that even if the invincible legion is gone, as long as the king is still there, the empire will have confidence.

However, the black mage said, Belludan has too few strong players, and the king can win in only half a day....

Shaoyu understood the meaning, and Zeluo had been repelled after a lot of battles.

Soon after, Shaoyu was carried to see the fat emperor.

It’s still so fat, and it’s constantly eating the hind leg meat that looks like some kind of monster. This meat is about one-fifth the size of Shaoyu’s body, and there is a big bucket next to it. Hind leg meat.

After taking a few mouthfuls, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and it seemed that the injury was not light!

This time the summoning was a separate summoning, and the old man said that it was the king's affirmation of his strength and rewards for the battle. So Shaoyu, who could barely get out of bed, was carried into the king's tent with the bed.

Before Shaoyu spoke, he listened to the fat king said: "Come on, you eat too, eat more to get better quickly.".

After speaking, he pulled up the big hind legs in the bucket and threw it over.

Shaoyu's right hand was still entangled, and the huge force almost missed the left hand to face him. He smashed all over his body, but fortunately he didn't let this big piece of meat fall.

After starting, I only feel that this bone stick is a bit strange.

After taking a bite, I felt warm in my mouth before the taste was tasted, and even when I swallowed it, it warmed to my stomach.

The injury corroded by the divine power is really better!

After eating a few bites, he listened to the Fat Wang said: "I heard that you and Hull have an enemy?".

Shao Yu said: "Yes."

"Also robbed you of your things?"


"Then you go find that mission, and the people will be handed over to you."

For a while, only the sound of eating was left in the field. After Shaoyu finished eating, Fat Wang said that it was good, and then threw another one over. He was carried back until both of them had finished eating.

Shaoyu's stomach was round when he was eating, and she felt sleepy and couldn't help thinking...Yes, to find Nicole, that was one of the first four rides of Zeluo, and she should be able to know many secrets. Opatifani said that Nicole and the others were not bound by contract when they became female riders.

Woke up the next day, except for the right hand that hadn't fully recovered yet, all his injuries were healed!

What kind of meat is that? Shaoyu left a little bit for Xiao S to scan.

Naturally, there was no scanning at the time. Just kidding, Xiao S didn't dare to show it in front of Ze Luo, how could he scan on the spot before defeating the emperor of Ze Luo.

The small S analysis is the upper sky dragon meat specially processed, and it is fresh.

The upper sky dragon meat? Still fresh? No wonder the bone stick is a bit strange, it turned out to be just a stick of meat! But what's the situation with this high-ranking sky dragon? Is it fresh? Did it raise a cut meat?

Shaoyu's doubts were temporarily unanswered.

It didn't matter, he got what happened at the time and got a pass to the dungeon.

Naturally, the prince was imprisoned in the dungeon.

It turned out to be completely true!

It really was that the prince molested Nicole and sent someone to ambush to catch him alive. In fact, Shaoyu's conjecture thought that this incident was caused by someone playing a ghost, or it was directly a conspiracy by Belludan.

So Zelo is the righteous party?

Although this dungeon is a black jail, that is, a death jail, the empire will definitely not be handed over.

Of course, there is one more thing to do before, which is to sacrifice.

The reward Shaoyu received was very simple. In addition to being promoted to the legion, he also got a lot of ore from the promotion of the local legion to the patrol legion. According to the fat king's words, since your **** servant died in battle, the resurrection needs are provided by the empire.

Return to the capital by teleportation, bring out a few carts of special ore from the warehouse of the palace, and then come to the earth altar in the city again.

Sacrifice, pray for resurrection.

The beam of light descended and took away some of the ore in the car, and then Opatifani walked out of another beam of light.

Still the same expression, but her first sentence was: "I want all these minerals."

After pulling five carts, the ore needed for resurrection is less than one cart, which is surprisingly rare. The old man said it’s not enough to mobilize, so these five cars shouldn’t be returned.

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