Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 696: Looking for (mausoleum)

Little S means no.

Shaoyu doubted: "She is ten times as powerful as mine, and hasn't reached the cosmic level yet?"

Little S said that the universe level is not calculated like this. Combat power is only one aspect, the important thing is evolution. She further said that Zeluo went farther and farther on the road to be in harmony with the world. In short, she walked on another road and entered the universe level.

Shaoyu barely understood it, because they had discussed before that if you are in harmony with the world, you can have incomparable power, but it is impossible to leave this world. Xiao S has also replaced what he can understand is becoming a **** and ascending a holy. After becoming a **** and canonizing, he is in charge of the laws of heaven and earth and at the same time has become this kind of law.

Zeluo already had a divine body, but she didn't know what kind of priesthood it was.

Little S said that even in terms of combat effectiveness, you are far behind. Think about the descriptions you have seen yourself.

"Um..." Compared to those immortals in the myth, it was indeed far behind.

Coming to this mountain forest while thinking, Shaoyu quickly found the'wreckage' of the mission... It was easy to find, and the Empire must have done a very detailed investigation. He has a detailed scroll in his hand.

Following the traces of the battle, he didn't even open his left eye. No need, the empire's investigation is detailed to every strand...then why can't it be found, it's because they flew!

Flying will leave traces, but the traces dissipate quickly.

When I waited for the investigation, I had long since disappeared in the undulating, low, but abundant mountain forest. The only thing that is certain is that it is still in this hilly area with thousands of hills. Well, this is not only an investigation, but also repeated confirmations such as predictions. Why not use prediction to locate it? That is because as long as the stronger the object of prediction, the harder it is to get detailed...

Naturally, Shaoyu had his own way. He went to the place where the last trace was left and used the range scan.

In fact, I wanted to scan beyond the scope. Unfortunately, after leaving the arena, Xiao S said that the temple had been'upgraded.' Follow the vine...

Can't get the reward of the temple.

Shaoyu always thinks that the mission of the temple is pitted, but he doesn't really care about it.

Invisible fluctuations rushed in all directions. After a while, a dotted map was formed, and no light spots appeared.

Well, how could it be so easy.

So Shaoyu flew directly with his sword and came to the edge of the range scan, wanting to use it again. But with Yujian, he couldn't help but think of the battle that day, and Feijian lost some more.

Po Jun Feijian was taken away on the spot.

The illusion search and killing array also lost 51 handles. I don't know if the next challenger went up quickly, or because she didn't chase people, Zeluo didn't pick up the flying sword. Forty-eight handles were recovered from the cleaning of the battlefield, but a few others were missing on the battlefield. I don't know if they were taken away by Belludan or someone picked them up and hid them.

The empire said it would try to help Shaoyu retrieve it, and exchange it with the Broken Army Flying Sword.

Shaoyu only felt that there was little hope. Fortunately, there were more swords at that time, and the sword formation was not affected, but there was no more loss. Well, the giant flying sword was also completely broken, leaving only one...

After scanning several times, Shaoyu stopped. Although the range scanning can be used several times a day, the range is still five kilometers with him as the center. But this mountain forest is so big that it will take at least months to scan it.

It seems that we really have to wait for the arrival of the army to conduct a carpet search.

Waiting and waiting, Shaoyu flew to another hill and swept accidentally, only to feel a little strange.


The direction of the mountain is a bit strange.

Shaoyu didn't understand Feng Shui, but he saw a lot in his adventures and was a little sensitive to the terrain. Fly to the sky and couldn't see why, but fortunately, he still had one last range scan.

Of course, it is for emergency use.

This time the range scan was adjusted downwards. Once used, the dotted map showed a building under a mountain...the underground palace?

I looked at the formed map carefully, and scanned a small part of it. The mausoleum inside is more appropriate.

In the map formed by dotted lines, a thick line on the outermost periphery is broken. This should be because the outer wall was damaged and someone entered.

Is it hiding in it?

Shaoyu landed and looked around, but didn't find a passage or something, but there were soil layers with different colors! It seemed that it was not buried, but the soil layer was restored with magic similar to terrain change. He thought about taking out the adventure tools in the space and started digging.

After digging for a while, I looked at the sky, lit a fire, set up the tent and ate after a meal and continued to dig.

The mausoleum is a bit deep.

But it should be possible to dig in half a night.

The arrival of the army will take at least three to four days, which is already very fast...Although the teleportation array can be erected, the erection itself takes time, and the assembly of local legions takes a certain amount of time. Teleportation formations can't be arranged everywhere, especially for such a large one. He didn't understand what he needed. Anyway, he knew that in three to four days he would see the army appearing on this woodland.

This is an imperial order, otherwise it will start in half a month.

In the middle of the night, Shaoyu dug into the fracture, and then climbed up to take a rest.

It's not tiring, one is to ventilate the mausoleum, because he found that the break looks very old, not like a newly opened one! Of course, it cannot be ruled out that other people opened it first, and Nicole and the others hid in later. Otherwise, why the soil layer is new; second, it is natural to wait for the ability to recover.

Shaoyu always likes to be well prepared.

At dawn, he entered the mausoleum with a sword in his right hand and a lantern in his left.

The whole body is a stone wall, but at least three meters thick, it looks like a wall that was split with a sword.

Standing at this gap came another range scan.

This mausoleum is small, on the first floor, but there are many rooms and no light spots!

‘Are you making a mistake! Nicole is not hiding here, but they are already here, let's see if there is any gain! Shaoyu thought for a while and went straight to the main tomb.

As soon as I entered a room, under the illumination of lanterns, I saw a standing skeleton frame.

Oh, it's still an armed skeleton, with a set of rotten leather armor! Knife in one hand and shield in the other.

Then the skeleton was under his gaze, and two red and green flames ignited in the hollow eye frame, which clicked and moved.

? ! what's the situation.

When Shaoyu was puzzled, the skeleton stepped up slowly and slashed down.

Shaoyu yelled in his heart, making a noise, and cutting off the skull's head with his sword. He looked at the map again and found countless light spots on the map, as if his entry had awakened it.

This... has never encountered such a situation before, and it is not that the undead and the undead have not been scanned, how can such a hidden situation occur!

Shaoyu broke through several stone chambers and killed several armed skeletons. He had to make sure that there was a problem with the scan or it was unusual here!

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