Generally speaking, the seven emotions refer to happiness, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock, and the six desires refer to the physical needs or desires of people's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

Tiredness, laziness, and laziness are just one of the six desires.

Cut off half to be able to practice the last step.

I didn't say how many swordsmanships would be removed in the end... Maybe it was because he didn't want him to cultivate to that point, Shaoyu didn't ask. If you kill the place, is it still yourself? He didn't realize that he wanted to change the cultivation method, but it is so easy to change the cultivation method. It is impossible to abolish the basic point of cultivation, and there is no method that can be ‘quickly accomplished’.

Let's talk about it then.

After talking about beheading, it is naturally swordsmanship.

The old man transformed by the sword classic started from the beginning, starting from the first repetition of the swordsmanship, and then stood up and acted once.

It is not the law, but the Tao in the magic, the law, and the Tao. .

Shaoyu saw that the figure of the old man transformed by the swordsmanship instantly exploded, constantly getting taller and bigger, becoming a giant standing above the sky.

soul? Originally, the old man's figure is no different from ordinary people, but when he grows bigger, he has a sense of illusion and etherealness. Shaoyu came up with a kind of enlightenment, this is the soul.

As the old man squeezed the sword with both hands and pointed forward, he only felt that invisible fluctuations were enveloped, his mental body was unstable, and part of his body turned into a sword!

Everything can be a sword means that the enemy's body can also be'sworded'?

At this moment, Shaoyu seemed to understand a lot, and he fell into an epiphany without realizing it.

When he finally left the sword canon, Shaoyu didn't learn the sword god, but only gained a little, and one of his magical powers, coming, made a lot of progress. Unfortunately, according to the words of the sword classic, his strength and realm are too far behind, this kind of magical power has not yet shown its power.

In addition to these advancements, the Sword Classic of Imperial Swordsmanship started from the first lecture, which gave him some insights, waiting for the battle to digest.

Soon it was time for the assembly. Shaoyu took out a ring with a complicated pattern and poured his spiritual thoughts into it. After a while, he reached a foggy place.

It's like entering the spiritual world, a cohesive spiritual body. Of course, this spiritual body is not solid, like a cloud of mist, barely able to see a little characteristic. But this was already very powerful, twelve figures appeared one after another in the fog, and everyone was a little surprised when the meeting began.

This is the technology provided by the eleventh block after joining, and the position provided by the twelfth block, refining the circle badge...The role of the badge is to use the spiritual power to create the special magic that the spirit body enters the twelfth block Space, so that you can basically participate in the meeting no matter where you are.

The eleventh is the master of magic who was expelled by the Fadu, studying runes. The reason for expulsion was because runes were carved on human bones, living people...

The twelve are a freak mage, who is the magician step. Because of an accidental exposure to the cursing wind, the magic altar exploded and turned into a gray mist space. This gray fog space loses the active capture and magic power supply characteristics of the magic space, and only draws the magic power of the freak wizard. This freak mage also managed to maintain the supply of magic power without evacuating his vitality after several adventures. In the process, he also discovered the practicality of the gray fog space... it can accommodate many spiritual bodies and ignores barriers.

This barrier has been tested and can be ignored whether it is an enchantment or a plane.

Especially after joining the circle, the eleven have produced a'key', which can be designated to enter.

Shaoyu feels that this is the foundation of the circle. With the twelfth seat, there is no need to worry about losing control when developing the council to another plane. Moreover, the gray fog space still has a certain degree of plasticity. In this meeting, a commission board was born in response to the gray fog space.

It was proposed by Shaoyu, and he thought how could an organization not release some tasks. Not only is it possible for the other party to complete the task for getting up and down, but even the ‘subordinates’ can also release tasks for getting up and down to complete. Of course, there must be corresponding rewards.

Although you cannot carry items in the gray fog space, you can hide them, which is convenient for everyone to post tasks.

This proposal was passed unanimously at the meeting, and the twelfth seat became a Kanban. She was quite satisfied, she didn't want to go out after the mutation, and because of the gray mist space, the circle wouldn't let her take risks.

The eleventh tower is responsible for the protection and production of the keys, and the eleventh and twelfth towers can be regarded as permanent without accidents.

Many things were decided at this meeting, the most important thing is the auction.

The plan has been determined, and only Shaoyu has entered the venue.

There is no way, even if there are hidden means, no one is sure that it will not be seen through. This must be the participation of the entire Northern Continent, and there is also the Pemus guard, if it is discovered on the spot, there will be no more.

Standing in front of Permes City Gate, Shaoyu couldn't help but sigh.

There is no city wall on the outermost periphery, which represents the strength of the human race of this era. However, the ring-shaped building is still in the fortress style as a whole, but the uppermost layer of the upper, middle and lower structure becomes a bridge for communication with each other. There are a lot of paintings on the side.

From landscapes to architecture to stories, everything is available.

Shaoyu opened the curtain of the carriage while admiring it while standing in line. This time he participated in the auction as the son of a nobleman. He is the son of a nobleman whose wealthy family is rising due to changes in the empire. Of course, the identity was obtained by the demon mage, the son of the true nobleman was indulging in desire, and even explained it inside.

The queue on the noble side is very fast, and soon it will be verification of identity, badges, bloodline testing, the process is not complicated, and there is no rigorous rigor when mixing into the warehouse. This is inevitable, because only the outside is settled, and it is not eligible to enter the auction floor.

To be able to enter the auction site directly is either a strong person or a real nobleman. Others must have the ability to conduct auctions or have any items to be auctioned before they can enter.

Getting a directly accessible identity is too conspicuous on the one hand, and on the other hand, these fixed positions cannot be replaced silently.

Under the arrangement of the guards, they lived in a house, but the lower level, the identity of the nobleman was not conspicuous here.

At night, after no longer accepting entering the city, the inside and outside of the city became lively.

There is a tent outside, endless, of course, the nearest one is also two thousand yards away from the city.

The city was also brightly lit. Shaoyu stood on the bridge on the top of the building watching the people coming and going, the professionals doing various transactions, the nobles gathered to talk, the girls in gorgeous costumes, and some Scholars with books formed a crowd of people walking in the circle.

The outer ring is like a bazaar. Shaoyu was originally interested in strolling around, but when he saw this, he had to stand up high and look towards the inner ring.

The inner ring must pass the real Perms guard check tomorrow to be able to enter, and then go to the empire to apply.

He couldn't help thinking of the introduction of the circle, the guard of Pems, an ancient professional, possessing the power of the soul.

To enter the trading floor this time, these real guards must be confirmed.

Most of the people on the outer periphery cannot get in. The Perms guard will not check your financial resources, but will only see if you are a human race, a human race, and will not cause harm. The wizards of Yuanhuan, including Shaoyu, were not too sure...He had come here with bad intentions.

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