Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 799: Tushen (stone statue)

At this time, it was time for the strong to take action. One of the five masters, the Law Master Master, carried out a group blessing. His blessing cannot resist damage, but it can protect them from will detection.

Those who can step into this place are not weak, but even those strong-willed and confident in themselves do not want to be tested. In case someone in the team gets caught, or encounters a spiritual spell or an artifact that weakens the will...

The blessing of the Law Master is very important. This blessing alone exhausted the spirit of the Law Master, unable to cast any spells. The third layer will disperse the blessings for special reasons, and it is more serious to step into the projection of the kingdom of God. At this time, Master Law Ling seemed to be burdened with a heavy load, step by step. In terms of the game, the movement speed is halved when maintaining the spell...it means that the law is to be read continuously, not like the magician chanting a spell with a sense of mystery or magnificence, but like always whispering BB.

Another **** of the earth gods used a god-given tool to cast the armor of the earth, and the pale golden armor phantom appeared outside of his body. Shaoyu looked at the data given by Xiao S. The armor of this earth can Resists a blow of 2000 combat power, ignores attacks below 500, and can absorb free earth elements to supplement and repair.

The Armor of the Earth and a friend, a ring of refuge for the profession of the Earth Warrior, helped them resist the continuous damage of the Shadow of the Kingdom.

The ring of refuge is somewhat like the refuge aura of temper, although the range is wider than that of temper, it can also cover a hundred yards when suppressed in the projection of the kingdom of God. But it can only protect against long-range attacks, and has a certain magical protection effect, which is much weaker than the almost full resistance of temper.

There are more than three kinds of blessings that can be carried out, but they are enough at this time.

The elemental wizard who has been performing pathfinding and other mages who have not entered have made careful calculations when adjusting the team. It was as large as formulas and other symbols that wrote and erased several walls, and finally concluded that the scope of the projection of the kingdom of God was at least...the size of a village.

Shaoyu heard it right, because the mage had also calculated the barrier of the maze, and the actual area was not that big.

It's time for everyone to shoot.

After knowing the scope, several mercenaries even drew a map of the size. There is a person who specializes in architecture and design. His original words are: "Although this is a labyrinth, it is built according to certain rules..."

There are many talents.

The elite of the mercenary legion is collocated with professionals, strong, and mages, and again divided into four teams to explore.

Most of the map is right, saving a lot of time.

Surprisingly, there are no magic traps or guards like the original people of the plane.

Everyone changed from being cautious to being more careful, until they came to a garden like walking out of a maze.

The golden light shone from the gaps in the leaves, clusters of flowers in the green grass, roses were hung on the surrounding walls, and the breeze blew from time to time, and the flowers were blown into the sky.

This is not an illusion. The Conjurer, one of the five wizards, has made a decision... To say that the Conjurer is the one that Shaoyu has the least contact with.

In the middle of this beautiful garden, there is a stone statue.

A very vivid stone statue with a ring of flowers on its head and hands slightly holding it up, as if holding up a flower or holding up the wind. Lifted up, Yu Rong looked at the sky intently, with long hair and delicate cloth robes.

However, everyone can see that it is indeed stone, and under the light of circulation, some broken places are also obvious.

‘Is this the idol? Shaoyu couldn't help muttering softly. The face of the stone statue resembled that of Zeluo, and it seemed to have a sense of holiness and inviolability. ‘Is this your foundation...’.

Before he finished sighing, he saw that the stone statues on the left and right of the stone statues, which looked like stone, moved.

"Shenwei? Beware."

At first, everyone didn't notice these two very obvious tall stone statues until the two stone statues carved into heavy guards moved.

As they walked, a burst of black air surged, and their bodies were covered with a whole body of armor. The sword in their hands also turned into a giant sword in the black light, and at the same time, their stone eyes turned red, like It is the thick blood awn that generally pulls directly into a red line as the movement speeds up.

This is the incarnation of God!

That is, the guardian of the gods.

"It's time for you to take action" Shaoyu said lightly.

Several figures also greeted him. The strong one did not shirk, one on the left and the other on the right. A strong man holding a double shield alternately threw the left and right shields. The shields slammed in the air and changed their route to the **** on the left. guard.

Another strong figure was instantly hazy when he ran out, and when he reappeared, he unexpectedly appeared on the front of the stone statue. The same hazy figure, but the two long daggers carried two purple electric lights and hit the guard on the right.

The first contact was the shield on the left. Two loud noises erupted under the impact of the two shields, and the shield radiated light like two small suns ‘sticking’ to the guard. The **** guard seemed unaffected, and even jumped up and slashed. The huge five-yard long black giant sword fell with a strong sound of breaking through the air. The strong man took out a giant shield without hurries, and then the giant shield tilted and half-kneeled on the ground.

The huge sword slid down the shield and cut a deep ditch. At this time, this strong man came out from behind the huge shield, holding a small shield in his hand, and his body burst into a violent light and hit the Shen Wei with a huge noise. The Shen Wei just picked up his sword and was knocked back. He took a few steps and sat down on the ground.

The name of this strong man is a multi-shield hand, who holds a hundred shields...

The strong man on the right who looks like an assassin dodges in the huge black sword. This does not give people a sense of flexibility but a sense of inevitability. The assassin is attacking, and two purple electric daggers are constantly stabbing at the gods. Wei body.

This is a strong man who has just become famous from the front and whose name is the shadow (hard) thorn.

The guards are very strong, and these two powerhouses seem to have the upper hand, but neither the multi-shield hand who attacked with constantly changing shields or the hard stabs that stabbed hundreds of blows did not cause harm to the guards.

This is the guard of the true god, and naturally has a divine shield.

Fortunately, they weren't fighting alone either. The two wizards on the left took action, while the twenty elite mercenary regiments on the right surrounded them.

The five wizards and four of them are all masters of magic. Two of them cast the spells calmly under the defense of the multi-shield. The spells immediately dealt a strong blow to the guards. The armor formed by the incarnation of the gods fell and smashed to the ground. , Even the main body of the stone statue was constantly traumatized under the penetration of magic.

On the other side, it is worthy of the Zhen Guo Corps of the Mercenary Principality. They actually formed a kind of formation, each of them seemed to stand in confusion, but the Dou Qi slashes that they wielded at the same time can always slash and reach together.

Shaoyu closed his eyes at this time, this was Guthroan's dispatch. Guthroan was able to know how much power was needed to defeat these two guards based on the situation, leaving the strength to be changed... These were just two guards, and the statues were still motionless at this time, letting battle destroy the garden. This was something that Shaoyu couldn't do. He was closing his eyes and gaining momentum right now and when he was weak.

The change happened soon.

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