Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 801: Tu Shen (condensing fruit)

The idol had reached the edge of shattering, and the few people who were fighting against it stopped.

final hit.

As long as it comes one last time, the idol will be completely broken, but no one will do it.

The field fell into silence.

"Step aside".

In order to fight, everyone squeezed in front of the stone pillars, standing close to nature can grab more. But hearing this voice, the crowd parted automatically, because Guthroan said it.

After Guthroan jumped and cut it down with a sword, the idol shattered. Everyone stepped back and then jumped up excitedly.

After the deity shattered, a fist-sized golden ball of light emerged from the scattered golden light.

The golden ball of light was extremely bright, exuding waves of strange waves, and it felt extraordinary as long as you felt it.

"Godness"... Someone murmured, and then the field was hot, Master Xiao flew directly out of the magic circle, and the elemental body shot out two huge hot rays from the left and right, rushing up without any scruples.

The multi-shield hand roared, and first threw a shield, and then lifted two tower shields on top, and the stabbed figure also appeared on the edge of the golden ball.

At this time, Shaoyu heard a voice: "Danger."

Not everyone rushed out to fight, the strong shooter named Meteor didn't rush out, and the Conjurer, one of the five wizards, did not go out, and his eight followers ran halfway.

It was the Conjurer who made the sound.

Conjurer quickly said: "There is a strong divine fluctuation."

Shaoyu didn't understand, but he quickly opened his eyes and saw the change.

Whether it is a mercenary army, or a mercenary with special abilities, or a strong or a wizard, even the strongest Xiaomage is no exception, all roaring and screaming.

All are being drawn!

A golden ball of light appeared on their heads. This golden ball of light draws power from their bodies. As the golden ball of light gets bigger and bigger, their fighting spirit and magic power become less and less, the weakest. Several people even began to dry up, and their vitality was drawn.

Shaoyu immediately discovered that as long as he had snatched or touched the divine power flowing out of the idol, this happened.

Under the idol, the only ones without a golden ball of light were Guthroan and his two guards. In order to cover Guthroan, one of the three guards was splashed with supernatural power, and a ball of light appeared on his head.

When I first found out, most of them didn't care and attacked people around them frantically to grab the golden ball of light.

When it is found to be wrong, various kinds of disperse, protection, and attack on the ball of light above the head.

Later, the one who had been drawn with vitality was already fleeing.

It's useless...All the dispersal and other things failed, the attack was not reachable at all, as if it was on another plane, and it was completely untouchable. It was useless to escape. Although a few people ran far away, they were still dead.

The corpse quickly dried up and turned into powder, and a golden ball of light flew back and merged into the golden ball of the original idol.

What is this...Help...God...I don't want to die yet...Please help me...

"Attack the idol" Guthroan yelled.

There is no idol now, but everyone can see the golden ball of light flying back. After being drawn out of power, these people were originally away from the ball of light. The same is true for Guthroan, who was about to return here before launching another charge, slashing with a sword.

One sword didn't hit the ball of light, it was the same invisible protective force field that was used when attacking the idol before.

It was very thick, about a yard thick, and Guthroan only cut it in.

It was there at the beginning, but it was not so thick. At that time, the multi-shield hand even knocked the ball of light away with a shield...The ball of light flew back by itself.

"Don't mess up, shoot in turn." There is no idiot here. The reason for staying away before was the instinctive staying away because of the weirdness, but now everyone knows the problem when seeing the protection that appears. Various attacks ensued, almost causing chaos. Guthroan roared again, and the protection was shaken immediately.

But at this time, there was a wave.

Shaoyu only felt a bright and huge voice sounded from the bottom of his heart, my people, believe... With this sound, a sense of comfort and ease spread throughout his body, and he felt that the other party was so kind... It is the judgment of the will of God Kingdom Projection!

Yes, the Master of Law is also going to grab divine power, and the blessing has disappeared!

There were several people swinging knives at their companions on the spot, and there were even some in the mercenary legion... They could have resisted with their will, but after fighting and the power was drawn, they were taken advantage of.

Without being judged, they would be controlled, and the person they killed was instantly sucked up and turned into ashes, and then the golden ball of light flew back.

The protection that the idol was broken immediately stabilized instantly, and it became thicker and thicker.

Most of the people in the field passed the judgment, but they were still stable, then they were attacked by their companions, and the golden ball of light flew back after they died. The one-yard-thick protection had now become two-yards thick, pushing Guthroan who had been attacking desperately back.

There was chaos in the field, and two people died.

The first to escape was the few people trained and hired by the various forces. They were the weakest. At this time, not only were they attacked by their companions, but also a few shooter professions fell, and even one of the mercenary army turned into ashes and turned into a ball of light... When it finally stabilized and began to attack the defense, the voice sounded again.

I am your shelter, the **** of the human race....

It turned out to be a judgment of will.

This time, except for not passing and dying, but not being attacked and dying...with precautions. However, all the professionals fell, and the mercenary army also lost a small team. Also, the Law Master, one of the five masters, also died.

A magic master died like this. The law master was responsible for the blessing of the whole team. He was always under load. Once he was drawn, he would directly draw his life force. If he didn't drink the potion, he would not be able to sustain it.

Can't break it!

Shaoyu saw that the golden ball of light at the statue was getting bigger and bigger, faintly taking on a human form. ‘This is gathering the divine body? ! A kind of enlightenment arose in his heart. Although he did not understand, he felt that it was so great.

Guthroan retired and asked Shaoyu: "What to do?"

Shaoyu replied: "Kill".

"Kill?" Gusluoan was surprised, but he appeared famous, and then asked: "Is there no other way?".

Shaoyu shook his head. He knew that Guthroan understood that since the other party was using these people to gather the divine body, they would destroy it.

It's not that no one tried to intercept or destroy the light **** that flew back, only one who succeeded, the God Treating Mage trapped a small light ball. Although the god-treating mage went to grab the divine power, he was the least affected person because he was the god-treating mage of the earth god. The Divine Treatment Mage stated that he had no way to prevent one true **** from drawing, but he could use the power of another true **** to trap... he didn't know what to call these light balls. Moreover, the ball of light on the head of the god-treated mage did not disperse, but it was very slow, and it was difficult to draw strength from him.

The magician said that only when the ball of light is fully condensed will the illusion become real. The more trapped now, the weaker the condensed in front of them, and the safer they will be.

Guthroan looked at the guard he was drawn and said, "If it is frozen...". Before he could finish speaking, the guard committed suicide with a stab in the back!

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